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Source code for galaxy.workflow.refactor.schema
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from pydantic import (
from typing_extensions import Literal
LABEL_DESCRIPTION = "The unique label of the step being referenced."
INPUT_NAME_DESCRIPTION = "The input name as defined by the workflow module corresponding to the step being referenced. For Galaxy tool steps these inputs should be normalized using '|' (e.g. 'cond|repeat_0|input')."
input_name_field = Field(description=INPUT_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
output_name_field = Field(description="The output name as defined by the workflow module corresponding to the step being referenced. The default is 'output', corresponding to the output defined by input step types.", default="output")
step_target_field = Field(description="The target step for this action.")
[docs]class StepReferenceByOrderIndex(BaseModel):
order_index: int = Field(description="The order_index of the step being referenced. The order indices of a workflow start at 0.")
step_reference_union = Union[StepReferenceByOrderIndex, StepReferenceByLabel]
[docs]class InputReferenceByOrderIndex(StepReferenceByOrderIndex):
input_name: str = input_name_field
input_reference_union = Union[InputReferenceByOrderIndex, InputReferenceByLabel]
[docs]class OutputReferenceByOrderIndex(StepReferenceByOrderIndex):
output_name: Optional[str] = output_name_field
[docs]class OutputReferenceByLabel(StepReferenceByLabel):
output_name: Optional[str] = output_name_field
output_reference_union = Union[OutputReferenceByOrderIndex, OutputReferenceByLabel]
[docs]class Action(BaseAction):
action_type: str
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.return_action
[docs] @classmethod
def return_action(cls, values):
action_type = values["action_type"]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f"Missing required 'action_type' field for refactoring action: {values}"
return ACTION_CLASSES_BY_TYPE[action_type](**values)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown action_type encountered: {action_type}")
[docs]class UpdateStepLabelAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['update_step_label']
label: str = Field(description=LABEL_DESCRIPTION)
step: step_reference_union = step_target_field
[docs]class UpdateStepPositionAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['update_step_position']
step: step_reference_union = step_target_field
position: Position
[docs]class AddStepAction(BaseAction):
"""Add a new action to the workflow.
After the workflow is updated, an order_index will be assigned
and this step may cause other steps to have their output_index
action_type: Literal['add_step']
type: str = Field(description="Module type of the step to add, see galaxy.workflow.modules for available types.")
tool_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
label: Optional[str] = Field(description="A unique label for the step being added, must be distinct from the labels already present in the workflow.")
position: Optional[Position] = Field(description="The location of the step in the Galaxy workflow editor.")
[docs]class ConnectAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['connect']
input: input_reference_union
output: output_reference_union
[docs]class DisconnectAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['disconnect']
input: input_reference_union
output: output_reference_union
[docs]class AddInputAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['add_input']
type: str
label: Optional[str]
position: Optional[Position]
collection_type: Optional[str]
restrictions: Optional[List[str]]
restrict_on_connections: Optional[bool]
suggestions: Optional[List[str]]
optional: Optional[bool] = False
default: Optional[Any] # this probably needs to be revisited when we have more complex field types
[docs]class ExtractInputAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['extract_input']
input: input_reference_union
label: Optional[str]
position: Optional[Position]
[docs]class ExtractUntypedParameter(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['extract_untyped_parameter']
name: str
label: Optional[str] # defaults to name if unset
position: Optional[Position]
[docs]class RemoveUnlabeledWorkflowOutputs(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['remove_unlabeled_workflow_outputs']
[docs]class UpdateAnnotationAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['update_annotation']
annotation: str
[docs]class UpdateOutputLabelAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['update_output_label']
output: output_reference_union # TODO: allow reference by output_label
output_label: str
[docs]class FillStepDefaultsAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['fill_step_defaults']
step: step_reference_union
[docs]class UpgradeSubworkflowAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['upgrade_subworkflow']
step: step_reference_union = step_target_field
# Once we start storing these actions in the database, this needs to be decoded
# before adding it into the database.
content_id: Optional[str]
[docs]class UpgradeToolAction(BaseAction):
action_type: Literal['upgrade_tool']
step: step_reference_union = step_target_field
tool_version: Optional[str]
union_action_classes = Union[
for action_class in union_action_classes.__args__: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
action_type_def = action_class.schema()["properties"]["action_type"]
# pydantic 1.8
action_type = action_type_def["enum"][0]
except KeyError:
# pydantic 1.7
action_type = action_type_def["const"]
ACTION_CLASSES_BY_TYPE[action_type] = action_class
[docs]class RefactorActionExecutionMessageTypeEnum(str, Enum):
tool_version_change = 'tool_version_change'
tool_state_adjustment = 'tool_state_adjustment'
connection_drop_forced = 'connection_drop_forced'
workflow_output_drop_forced = 'workflow_output_drop_forced'
Messages don't have to be bound to a step, but if they are they will
have a step_label and order_index included in the execution message.
These are the label and order_index before applying the refactoring,
the result of applying the action may change one or both of these.
If connections are dropped this step reference will refer to the
step with the previously connected input.
[docs]class RefactorActionExecutionMessage(BaseModel):
message: str
message_type: RefactorActionExecutionMessageTypeEnum
step_label: Optional[str] = Field(description=f"Reference to the step the message refers to. ${INPUT_REFERENCE}")
order_index: Optional[int] = Field(description=f"Reference to the step the message refers to. ${INPUT_REFERENCE}")
input_name: Optional[str] = Field(description=f"""If this message is about an input to a step,
this field describes the target input name. ${INPUT_NAME_DESCRIPTION}""")
output_name: Optional[str] = Field(description="""If this message is about an output to a step,
this field describes the target output name. The output name as defined by the workflow module corresponding to the step being referenced.
from_step_label: Optional[str] = Field(description="""For dropped connections these optional attributes refer to the output
side of the connection that was dropped.""")
from_order_index: Optional[int] = Field(description="""For dropped connections these optional attributes refer to the output
side of the connection that was dropped.""")
output_label: Optional[str] = Field(description="If the message_type is workflow_output_drop_forced, this is the output label dropped.")
[docs]class RefactorActionExecution(BaseModel):
action: Action
messages: List[RefactorActionExecutionMessage]