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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.dataset_collections

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Optional

from fastapi import Body, Path, Query

from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesHistoryContext
from galaxy.schema.fields import EncodedDatabaseIdField
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from galaxy.web import expose_api
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.dataset_collections import (
from . import (

log = getLogger(__name__)

router = Router(tags=['dataset collections'])

DatasetCollectionIdPathParam: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path(
    description="The encoded identifier of the dataset collection."

InstanceTypeQueryParam: DatasetCollectionInstanceType = Query(
    description="The type of collection instance. Either `history` (default) or `library`."

[docs]@router.cbv class FastAPIDatasetCollections: service: DatasetCollectionsService = depends(DatasetCollectionsService)
[docs] @router.post( '/api/dataset_collections', summary="Create a new dataset collection instance.", ) def create( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, payload: CreateNewCollectionPayload = Body(...), ) -> HDCADetailed: return self.service.create(trans, payload)
[docs] @router.post( '/api/dataset_collections/{id}/copy', summary="Copy the given collection datasets to a new collection using a new `dbkey` attribute.", ) def copy( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path(..., description="The ID of the dataset collection to copy."), payload: UpdateCollectionAttributePayload = Body(...), ): self.service.copy(trans, id, payload)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/dataset_collections/{id}/attributes', summary="Returns `dbkey`/`extension` attributes for all the collection elements.", ) def attributes( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetCollectionIdPathParam, instance_type: DatasetCollectionInstanceType = InstanceTypeQueryParam, ) -> DatasetCollectionAttributesResult: return self.service.attributes(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/dataset_collections/{id}/suitable_converters', summary="Returns a list of applicable converters for all datatypes in the given collection.", ) def suitable_converters( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetCollectionIdPathParam, instance_type: DatasetCollectionInstanceType = InstanceTypeQueryParam, ) -> SuitableConverters: return self.service.suitable_converters(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/dataset_collections/{id}', summary="Returns detailed information about the given collection.", ) def show( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetCollectionIdPathParam, instance_type: DatasetCollectionInstanceType = InstanceTypeQueryParam, ) -> AnyHDCA: return self.service.show(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id}/contents/{parent_id}', name="contents_dataset_collection", summary="Returns direct child contents of indicated dataset collection parent ID.", ) def contents( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, hdca_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetCollectionIdPathParam, parent_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path( ..., description="Parent collection ID describing what collection the contents belongs to.", ), instance_type: DatasetCollectionInstanceType = InstanceTypeQueryParam, limit: Optional[int] = Query( default=None, description="The maximum number of content elements to return.", ), offset: Optional[int] = Query( default=None, description="The number of content elements that will be skipped before returning.", ), ) -> DatasetCollectionContentElements: return self.service.contents(trans, hdca_id, parent_id, instance_type, limit, offset)
[docs]class DatasetCollectionsController(BaseGalaxyAPIController): service: DatasetCollectionsService = depends(DatasetCollectionsService)
[docs] @expose_api def index(self, trans, **kwd): raise exceptions.NotImplemented
[docs] @expose_api def create(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, payload: dict, **kwd): """ * POST /api/dataset_collections: create a new dataset collection instance. :type payload: dict :param payload: (optional) dictionary structure containing: * collection_type: dataset collection type to create. * instance_type: Instance type - 'history' or 'library'. * name: the new dataset collections's name * datasets: object describing datasets for collection :rtype: dict :returns: element view of new dataset collection """ create_payload = CreateNewCollectionPayload(**payload) return self.service.create(trans, create_payload)
[docs] @expose_api def update(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, payload: dict, id): """ Iterate over all datasets of a collection and copy datasets with new attributes to a new collection. e.g attributes = {'dbkey': 'dm3'} * POST /api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id}/copy: create a new dataset collection instance. """ update_payload = UpdateCollectionAttributePayload(**payload) self.service.copy(trans, id, update_payload)
[docs] @expose_api def attributes(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, id, instance_type='history'): """ GET /api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id}/attributes Returns dbkey/extension for collection elements """ return self.service.attributes(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @expose_api def suitable_converters(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, id, instance_type='history', **kwds): """ GET /api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id}/suitable_converters Returns suitable converters for all datatypes in collection """ return self.service.suitable_converters(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @expose_api def show(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, id, instance_type='history', **kwds): """ GET /api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id} GET /api/dataset_collections/{ldca_id}?instance_type=library """ return self.service.show(trans, id, instance_type)
[docs] @expose_api def contents(self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, hdca_id, parent_id, instance_type='history', limit=None, offset=None, **kwds): """ GET /api/dataset_collection/{hdca_id}/contents/{parent_id}?limit=100&offset=0 Shows direct child contents of indicated dataset collection parent id :type string: encoded string id :param id: HDCA.id :type string: encoded string id :param parent_id: parent dataset_collection.id for the dataset contents to be viewed :type integer: int :param limit: pagination limit for returned dataset collection elements :type integer: int :param offset: pagination offset for returned dataset collection elements :rtype: list :returns: list of dataset collection elements and contents """ return self.service.contents(trans, hdca_id, parent_id, instance_type, limit, offset)