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Source code for galaxy.util.json
import copy
import json
import logging
import math
import random
import string
from collections.abc import (
from ..util import unicodify
__all__ = ("safe_dumps", "validate_jsonrpc_request", "validate_jsonrpc_response", "jsonrpc_request", "jsonrpc_response")
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
to_json_string = json.dumps
from_json_string = json.loads
def swap_inf_nan(val):
This takes an arbitrary object and preps it for jsonifying safely, templating Inf/NaN.
if isinstance(val, str):
# basestring first, because it's a sequence and would otherwise get caught below.
return val
elif isinstance(val, Sequence):
return [swap_inf_nan(v) for v in val]
elif isinstance(val, Mapping):
return {swap_inf_nan(k): swap_inf_nan(v) for (k, v) in val.items()}
elif isinstance(val, float):
if math.isnan(val):
return "__NaN__"
elif val == math.inf:
return "__Infinity__"
elif val == -math.inf:
return "__-Infinity__"
return val
return val
def safe_loads(arg):
This is a wrapper around loads that returns the parsed value instead of
raising a value error. It also avoids autoconversion of non-iterables
i.e numeric and boolean values.
loaded = json.loads(arg)
if loaded is not None and not isinstance(loaded, Iterable):
loaded = arg
except (TypeError, ValueError):
loaded = copy.deepcopy(arg)
return loaded
[docs]def safe_dumps(*args, **kwargs):
This is a wrapper around dumps that encodes Infinity and NaN values. It's a
fairly rare case (which will be low in request volume). Basically, we tell
json.dumps to blow up if it encounters Infinity/NaN, and we 'fix' it before
dumped = json.dumps(*args, allow_nan=False, **kwargs)
except ValueError:
obj = swap_inf_nan(args[0])
dumped = json.dumps(obj, allow_nan=False, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('escape_closing_tags', True):
return dumped.replace('</', '<\\/')
return dumped
def safe_dumps_formatted(obj):
"""Attempt to format an object for display.
If serialization fails, the object's string representation will be returned instead.
return safe_dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
except TypeError:
log.warning("JSON serialization failed for object: %s", str(obj))
return str(obj)
# Methods for handling JSON-RPC
[docs]def validate_jsonrpc_request(request, regular_methods, notification_methods):
request = json.loads(request)
except Exception as e:
return False, request, jsonrpc_response(id=None,
message='Parse error',
assert 'jsonrpc' in request, \
'This server requires JSON-RPC 2.0 and no "jsonrpc" member was sent with the Request object as per the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.'
assert request['jsonrpc'] == '2.0', \
f"Requested JSON-RPC version \"{request['jsonrpc']}\" != required version \"2.0\"."
assert 'method' in request, 'No "method" member was sent with the Request object'
except AssertionError as e:
return False, request, jsonrpc_response(request=request,
message='Invalid Request',
assert request['method'] in (regular_methods + notification_methods)
except AssertionError:
return False, request, jsonrpc_response(request=request,
message='Method not found',
data=f"Valid methods are: {', '.join(regular_methods + notification_methods)}"))
if request['method'] in regular_methods:
assert 'id' in request, f"No \"id\" member was sent with the Request object and the requested method \"{request['method']}\" is not a notification method"
except AssertionError as e:
return False, request, jsonrpc_response(request=request,
message='Invalid Request',
return True, request, None
[docs]def validate_jsonrpc_response(response, id=None):
response = json.loads(response)
except Exception as e:
log.error('Response was not valid JSON: %s', unicodify(e))
log.debug('Response was: %s', response)
return False, response
assert 'jsonrpc' in response, \
'This server requires JSON-RPC 2.0 and no "jsonrpc" member was sent with the Response object as per the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.'
assert ('result' in response or 'error' in response), \
'Neither of "result" or "error" members were sent with the Response object.'
if 'error' in response:
assert int(response['error']['code']), \
'The "code" member of the "error" object in the Response is missing or not an integer.'
assert 'message' in response, \
'The "message" member of the "error" object in the Response is missing.'
except Exception:
log.exception('Response was not valid JSON-RPC')
log.debug(f'Response was: {response}')
return False, response
if id is not None:
assert 'id' in response and response['id'] == id
except Exception:
log.error(f"The response id \"{response['id']}\" does not match the request id \"{id}\"")
return False, response
return True, response
[docs]def jsonrpc_request(method, params=None, id=None, jsonrpc='2.0'):
if method is None:
log.error('jsonrpc_request(): "method" parameter cannot be None')
return None
request = dict(jsonrpc=jsonrpc, method=method)
if params:
request['params'] = params
if id is not None and id is True:
request['id'] = ''.join(random.choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(16))
elif id is not None:
request['id'] = id
return request
[docs]def jsonrpc_response(request=None, id=None, result=None, error=None, jsonrpc='2.0'):
if result:
rval = dict(jsonrpc=jsonrpc, result=result)
elif error:
rval = dict(jsonrpc=jsonrpc, error=error)
msg = 'jsonrpc_response() called with out a "result" or "error" parameter'
rval = dict(jsonrpc=jsonrpc, error=msg)
if id is not None:
rval['id'] = id
elif request is not None and 'id' in request:
rval['id'] = request['id']
return rval