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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.linters.xml_order

"""This module contains a linting functions for tool XML block order.

For more information on the IUC standard for XML block order see -

# https://github.com/galaxy-iuc/standards
# https://github.com/galaxy-iuc/standards/pull/7/files


# Ensure the XML blocks appear in the correct order prescribed
# by the tool author best practices.
[docs]def lint_xml_order(tool_xml, lint_ctx): tool_root = tool_xml.getroot() if tool_root.attrib.get('tool_type', '') == 'data_source': tag_ordering = DATASOURCE_TAG_ORDER else: tag_ordering = TAG_ORDER last_tag = None last_key = None for elem in tool_root: tag = elem.tag if tag in tag_ordering: key = tag_ordering.index(tag) if last_key: if last_key > key: lint_ctx.warn(f"Best practice violation [{tag}] elements should come before [{last_tag}]", node=elem) last_tag = tag last_key = key else: lint_ctx.info(f"Unknown tag [{tag}] encountered, this may result in a warning in the future.", node=elem)