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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.tag
Tags Controller: handles tagging/untagging of entities
and provides autocomplete support.
import logging
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_, func
from galaxy import web
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseUIController, UsesTagsMixin
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class TagsController(BaseUIController, UsesTagsMixin):
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("edit item tags")
def get_tagging_elt_async(self, trans, item_id, item_class, elt_context=""):
Returns HTML for editing an item's tags.
item = self._get_item(trans, item_class, trans.security.decode_id(item_id))
if not item:
return trans.show_error_message("No item of class {} with id {} ".format(item_class, item_id))
return trans.fill_template("/tagging_common.mako",
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("add tag to an item")
def add_tag_async(self, trans, item_id=None, item_class=None, new_tag=None, context=None):
Add tag to an item.
# Apply tag.
item = self._get_item(trans, item_class, trans.security.decode_id(item_id))
user = trans.user
self.get_tag_handler(trans).apply_item_tags(user, item, new_tag)
# Log.
params = dict(item_id=item.id, item_class=item_class, tag=new_tag)
trans.log_action(user, "tag", context, params)
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("remove tag from an item")
def remove_tag_async(self, trans, item_id=None, item_class=None, tag_name=None, context=None):
Remove tag from an item.
# Remove tag.
item = self._get_item(trans, item_class, trans.security.decode_id(item_id))
user = trans.user
self.get_tag_handler(trans).remove_item_tag(user, item, tag_name)
# Log.
params = dict(item_id=item.id, item_class=item_class, tag=tag_name)
trans.log_action(user, "untag", context, params)
# Retag an item. All previous tags are deleted and new tags are applied.
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("Apply a new set of tags to an item; previous tags are deleted.")
def retag_async(self, trans, item_id=None, item_class=None, new_tags=None):
Apply a new set of tags to an item; previous tags are deleted.
# Apply tags.
item = self._get_item(trans, item_class, trans.security.decode_id(item_id))
user = trans.user
self.get_tag_handler(trans).delete_item_tags(user, item)
self.get_tag_handler(trans).apply_item_tags(user, item, new_tags)
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("get autocomplete data for an item's tags")
def tag_autocomplete_data(self, trans, q=None, limit=None, timestamp=None, item_id=None, item_class=None):
Get autocomplete data for an item's tags.
# Get item, do security check, and get autocomplete data.
item = None
if item_id is not None:
item = self._get_item(trans, item_class, trans.security.decode_id(item_id))
user = trans.user
item_class = self.get_class(item_class)
q = '' if q is None else q
if q.find(":") == -1:
return self._get_tag_autocomplete_names(trans, q, limit, timestamp, user, item, item_class)
return self._get_tag_autocomplete_values(trans, q, limit, timestamp, user, item, item_class)
def _get_tag_autocomplete_names(self, trans, q, limit, timestamp, user=None, item=None, item_class=None):
Returns autocomplete data for tag names ordered from most frequently used to
least frequently used.
# Get user's item tags and usage counts.
# Get item's class object and item-tag association class.
if item is None and item_class is None:
raise RuntimeError("Both item and item_class cannot be None")
elif item is not None:
item_class = item.__class__
item_tag_assoc_class = self.get_tag_handler(trans).get_tag_assoc_class(item_class)
# Build select statement.
cols_to_select = [item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.tag_id, func.count('*')]
from_obj = item_tag_assoc_class.table.join(item_class.table).join(trans.app.model.Tag.table)
where_clause = and_(trans.app.model.Tag.table.c.name.like(q + "%"),
item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.user_id == user.id)
order_by = [func.count("*").desc()]
group_by = item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.tag_id
# Do query and get result set.
query = select(columns=cols_to_select,
result_set = trans.sa_session.execute(query)
# Create and return autocomplete data.
ac_data = "#Header|Your Tags\n"
for row in result_set:
tag = self.get_tag_handler(trans).get_tag_by_id(row[0])
# Exclude tags that are already applied to the item.
if (item is not None) and (self.get_tag_handler(trans).item_has_tag(trans.user, item, tag)):
# Add tag to autocomplete data. Use the most frequent name that user
# has employed for the tag.
tag_names = self._get_usernames_for_tag(trans, trans.user, tag, item_class, item_tag_assoc_class)
ac_data += tag_names[0] + "|" + tag_names[0] + "\n"
return ac_data
def _get_tag_autocomplete_values(self, trans, q, limit, timestamp, user=None, item=None, item_class=None):
Returns autocomplete data for tag values ordered from most frequently used to
least frequently used.
tag_name_and_value = q.split(":")
tag_name = tag_name_and_value[0]
tag_value = tag_name_and_value[1]
tag = self.get_tag_handler(trans).get_tag_by_name(tag_name)
# Don't autocomplete if tag doesn't exist.
if tag is None:
return ""
# Get item's class object and item-tag association class.
if item is None and item_class is None:
raise RuntimeError("Both item and item_class cannot be None")
elif item is not None:
item_class = item.__class__
item_tag_assoc_class = self.get_tag_handler(trans).get_tag_assoc_class(item_class)
# Build select statement.
cols_to_select = [item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.value, func.count('*')]
from_obj = item_tag_assoc_class.table.join(item_class.table).join(trans.app.model.Tag.table)
where_clause = and_(item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.user_id == user.id,
trans.app.model.Tag.table.c.id == tag.id,
item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.value.like(tag_value + "%"))
order_by = [func.count("*").desc(), item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.value]
group_by = item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.value
# Do query and get result set.
query = select(columns=cols_to_select,
result_set = trans.sa_session.execute(query)
# Create and return autocomplete data.
ac_data = "#Header|Your Values for '%s'\n" % (tag_name)
tag_uname = self._get_usernames_for_tag(trans, trans.user, tag, item_class, item_tag_assoc_class)[0]
for row in result_set:
ac_data += tag_uname + ":" + row[0] + "|" + row[0] + "\n"
return ac_data
def _get_usernames_for_tag(self, trans, user, tag, item_class, item_tag_assoc_class):
Returns an ordered list of the user names for a tag; list is ordered from
most popular to least popular name.
# Build select stmt.
cols_to_select = [item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.user_tname, func.count('*')]
where_clause = and_(item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.user_id == user.id,
item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.tag_id == tag.id)
group_by = item_tag_assoc_class.table.c.user_tname
order_by = [func.count("*").desc()]
# Do query and get result set.
query = select(columns=cols_to_select,
result_set = trans.sa_session.execute(query)
user_tag_names = list()
for row in result_set:
return user_tag_names
def _get_item(self, trans, item_class_name, id):
Get an item based on type and id.
item_class = self.get_tag_handler(trans).item_tag_assoc_info[item_class_name].item_class
item = trans.sa_session.query(item_class).filter(item_class.id == id)[0]
return item