This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.web.framework.middleware.sentry
:copyright: (c) 2010-2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import time
from raven import Client
from raven.utils.wsgi import get_current_url, get_headers, get_environ
except ImportError:
Client = None
from galaxy.web_stack import register_postfork_function
RAVEN_IMPORT_MESSAGE = ('The Python raven package is required to use this '
'feature, please install it')
[docs]class Sentry:
A WSGI middleware which will attempt to capture any
uncaught exceptions and send them to Sentry.
[docs] def __init__(self, application, dsn, sloreq=0):
assert Client is not None, RAVEN_IMPORT_MESSAGE
self.application = application
self.client = None
self.sloreq_threshold = sloreq
def postfork_sentry_client():
self.client = Client(dsn)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
start_time = time.time()
iterable = self.application(environ, start_response)
dt = (time.time() - start_time)
if self.sloreq_threshold and dt > self.sloreq_threshold:
self.handle_slow_request(environ, dt)
except Exception:
yield from iterable
except Exception:
# wsgi spec requires iterable to call close if it exists
# see http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2012/10/obligations-for-calling-close-on.html
if iterable and hasattr(iterable, 'close') and callable(iterable.close):
except Exception:
[docs] def handle_slow_request(self, environ, dt):
headers = dict(get_headers(environ))
if 'Authorization' in headers:
headers['Authorization'] = 'redacted'
if 'Cookie' in headers:
headers['Cookie'] = 'redacted'
cak = environ.get('controller_action_key', None) or environ.get('PATH_INFO', "NOPATH").strip('/').replace('/', '.')
event_id = self.client.captureMessage(
"SLOREQ: %s" % cak,
'sentry.interfaces.Http': {
'method': environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD'),
'url': get_current_url(environ, strip_querystring=True),
'query_string': environ.get('QUERY_STRING'),
'headers': headers,
'env': dict(get_environ(environ)),
'request_id': environ.get('request_id', 'Unknown'),
'request_duration_millis': dt * 1000
'type': 'sloreq',
'action_key': cak
# Galaxy: store event_id in environment so we can show it to the user
environ['sentry_event_id'] = event_id
return event_id
[docs] def handle_exception(self, environ):
headers = dict(get_headers(environ))
# Authorization header for REMOTE_USER sites consists of a base64() of
# their plaintext password. It is a security issue for this password to
# be exposed to a third party system which may or may not be under
# control of the same administrators as the local Authentication
# system. E.g. university LDAP systems.
if 'Authorization' in headers:
# Redact so the administrator knows that a value is indeed present.
headers['Authorization'] = 'redacted'
# Passing cookies allows for impersonation of users (depending on
# remote service) and can be considered a security risk as well. For
# multiple services running alongside Galaxy on the same host, this
# could allow a sentry user with access to logs to impersonate a user
# on another service. In the case of services like Jupyter, this can be
# a serious concern as that would allow for terminal access. Furthermore,
# very little debugging information can be gained as a result of having
# access to all of the users cookies (including Galaxy cookies)
if 'Cookie' in headers:
headers['Cookie'] = 'redacted'
event_id = self.client.captureException(
'sentry.interfaces.Http': {
'method': environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD'),
'url': get_current_url(environ, strip_querystring=True),
'query_string': environ.get('QUERY_STRING'),
# 'data': environ.get('wsgi.input'),
'headers': headers,
'env': dict(get_environ(environ)),
# Galaxy: add request id from environment if available
'request_id': environ.get('request_id', 'Unknown')
# Galaxy: store event_id in environment so we can show it to the user
environ['sentry_event_id'] = event_id
return event_id