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Source code for galaxy.web.framework.middleware.batch
Batch API middleware
Adds a single route to the installation that:
1. accepts a POST call containing a JSON array of 'http-like' JSON
2. Each dictionary describes a single API call within the batch and is routed
back by the middleware to the application's `handle_request` as if it was
a separate request.
3. Each response generated is combined into a final JSON list that is
returned from the POST call.
In this way, API calls can be kept properly atomic and the endpoint can compose
them into complex tasks using only one request.
..note: This batch system is primarily designed for use by the UI as these
types of batch operations *reduce the number of requests* for a given group of
API tasks. IOW, this ain't about batching jobs.
..warning: this endpoint is experimental is likely to change.
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import routes
import webob.exc
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from galaxy.util import (
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class BatchMiddleware:
Adds a URL endpoint for processing batch API calls formatted as a JSON
array of JSON dictionaries. These dictionaries are in the form:
"url": "/api/histories",
"type": "POST",
"body": "{ \"name\": \"New History Name\" }"
* `url` is the url for the API call to be made including any query string
* `type` is the HTTP method used (e.g. 'POST', 'PUT') - defaults to 'GET'
* `body` is the text body of the request (optional)
* `contentType` content-type request header (defaults to application/json)
'route' : '/api/batch',
'allowed_routes' : [
[docs] def __init__(self, application, galaxy, config=None):
#: the wrapped webapp
self.application = application
#: the original galaxy webapp
self.galaxy = galaxy
self.config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
self.base_url = routes.url_for('/')
self.handle_request = self.galaxy.handle_request
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
if environ['PATH_INFO'] == self.config['route']:
return self.process_batch_requests(environ, start_response)
return self.application(environ, start_response)
[docs] def process_batch_requests(self, batch_environ, start_response):
Loops through any provided JSON formatted 'requests', aggregates their
JSON responses, and wraps them in the batch call response.
payload = self._read_post_payload(batch_environ)
requests = payload.get('batch', [])
responses = []
for request in requests:
if not self._is_allowed_route(request['url']):
request_environ = self._build_request_environ(batch_environ, request)
response = self._process_batch_request(request, request_environ, start_response)
batch_response_body = smart_str(json.dumps(responses))
start_response('200 OK', [
('Content-Length', len(batch_response_body)),
('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
return [batch_response_body]
def _read_post_payload(self, environ):
request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
request_body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size) or '{}'
# TODO: json decode error handling
# log.debug( 'request_body: (%s)\n%s', type( request_body ), request_body )
payload = json.loads(unicodify(request_body))
return payload
def _is_allowed_route(self, route):
if self.config.get('allowed_routes', None):
shortened_route = route.replace(self.base_url, '', 1)
matches = [re.match(allowed, shortened_route) for allowed in self.config['allowed_routes']]
return any(matches)
return True
def _disallowed_route_response(self, route):
return dict(status=403, headers=self._default_headers(), body={
'err_msg' : 'Disallowed route used for batch operation',
'route' : route,
'allowed' : self.config['allowed_routes']
def _build_request_environ(self, original_environ, request):
Given a request and the original environ used to call the batch, return
a new environ parsable/suitable for the individual api call.
# TODO: use a dict of defaults/config
# copy the original environ and reconstruct a fake version for each batched request
request_environ = original_environ.copy()
# TODO: for now, do not overwrite the other headers used in the main api/batch request
request_environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = request.get('contentType', 'application/json')
request_environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = request.get('method', request.get('type', 'GET'))
url = '{}://{}{}'.format(request_environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme'),
parsed = urlparse(url)
request_environ['PATH_INFO'] = parsed.path
request_environ['QUERY_STRING'] = parsed.query
request_body = request.get('body', '')
request_body = request_body.encode('utf8')
request_environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = len(request_body)
request_body = io.BytesIO(request_body)
request_environ['wsgi.input'] = request_body
return request_environ
def _process_batch_request(self, request, environ, start_response):
# We may need to include middleware to record various reponses, but this way of doing that won't work:
# status, headers, body = self.application( environ, start_response, body_renderer=self.body_renderer )
# We have to re-create the handle request method here in order to bypass reusing the 'api/batch' request
# because reuse will cause the paste error:
# File "./eggs/Paste-", line 166, in wsgi_start_response
# assert 0, "Attempt to set headers a second time w/o an exc_info"
response = self.galaxy.handle_request(environ, start_response, body_renderer=self.body_renderer)
# handle errors from galaxy.handle_request (only 404s)
except webob.exc.HTTPNotFound:
response = dict(status=404, headers=self._default_headers(), body={})
return response
[docs] def body_renderer(self, trans, body, environ, start_response):
# this is a dummy renderer that does not call start_response
# See 'We have to re-create the handle request method...' in _process_batch_request above
return dict(
body=json.loads(unicodify(self.galaxy.make_body_iterable(trans, body)[0]))
def _default_headers(self):
return {
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'content-type' : 'application/json',
'cache-control' : 'max-age=0,no-cache,no-store'