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Source code for galaxy.util.dbkeys

Functionality for dealing with dbkeys.
# dbkeys read from disk using builds.txt

import os.path
from json import loads

from galaxy.util import read_dbnames
from galaxy.util.object_wrapper import sanitize_lists_to_string

[docs]class GenomeBuilds: default_value = "?" default_name = "unspecified (?)"
[docs] def __init__(self, app, data_table_name="__dbkeys__", load_old_style=True): self._app = app self._data_table_name = data_table_name self._static_chrom_info_path = app.config.len_file_path # A dbkey can be listed multiple times, but with different names, so we can't use dictionaries for lookups if load_old_style: self._static_dbkeys = list(read_dbnames(app.config.builds_file_path)) else: self._static_dbkeys = []
[docs] def get_genome_build_names(self, trans=None): # FIXME: how to deal with key duplicates? rval = [] # load user custom genome builds if trans is not None: if trans.history: # This is a little bit Odd. We are adding every .len file in the current history to dbkey list, # but this is previous behavior from trans.db_names, so we'll continue to do it. # It does allow one-off, history specific dbkeys to be created by a user. But we are not filtering, # so a len file will be listed twice (as the build name and again as dataset name), # if custom dbkey creation/conversion occurred within the current history. datasets = trans.sa_session.query(self._app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) \ .filter_by(deleted=False, history_id=trans.history.id, extension="len") for dataset in datasets: rval.append((dataset.dbkey, "{} ({}) [History]".format(dataset.name, dataset.dbkey))) user = trans.user if user and hasattr(user, 'preferences') and 'dbkeys' in user.preferences: user_keys = loads(user.preferences['dbkeys']) for key, chrom_dict in user_keys.items(): rval.append((key, "{} ({}) [Custom]".format(chrom_dict['name'], key))) # Load old builds.txt static keys rval.extend(self._static_dbkeys) # load dbkeys from dbkey data table dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get(self._data_table_name, None) if dbkey_table is not None: for field_dict in dbkey_table.get_named_fields_list(): rval.append((field_dict['value'], field_dict['name'])) return rval
[docs] def get_chrom_info(self, dbkey, trans=None, custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion=True): # FIXME: flag to turn off custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion should not be required chrom_info = None db_dataset = None # Collect chromInfo from custom builds if trans: db_dataset = trans.db_dataset_for(dbkey) if db_dataset: chrom_info = db_dataset.file_name else: # Do Custom Build handling if trans.user and ('dbkeys' in trans.user.preferences) and (dbkey in loads(trans.user.preferences['dbkeys'])): custom_build_dict = loads(trans.user.preferences['dbkeys'])[dbkey] # HACK: the attempt to get chrom_info below will trigger the # fasta-to-len converter if the dataset is not available or, # which will in turn create a recursive loop when # running the fasta-to-len tool. So, use a hack in the second # condition below to avoid getting chrom_info when running the # fasta-to-len converter. if 'fasta' in custom_build_dict and custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion: # Build is defined by fasta; get len file, which is obtained from converting fasta. build_fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(custom_build_dict['fasta']) chrom_info = build_fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset(trans, 'len').file_name elif 'len' in custom_build_dict: # Build is defined by len file, so use it. chrom_info = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(custom_build_dict['len']).file_name # Check Data table if not chrom_info: dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get(self._data_table_name, None) if dbkey_table is not None: chrom_info = dbkey_table.get_entry('value', dbkey, 'len_path', default=None) # use configured server len path if not chrom_info: # Default to built-in build. # Since we are using an unverified dbkey, we will sanitize the dbkey before use chrom_info = os.path.join(self._static_chrom_info_path, "%s.len" % sanitize_lists_to_string(dbkey)) chrom_info = os.path.abspath(chrom_info) return (chrom_info, db_dataset)