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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.linters.inputs

"""This module contains a linting functions for tool inputs."""
from galaxy.util import string_as_bool
from ._util import is_datasource, is_valid_cheetah_placeholder
from ..parser.util import _parse_name

[docs]def lint_inputs(tool_xml, lint_ctx): """Lint parameters in a tool's inputs block.""" datasource = is_datasource(tool_xml) inputs = tool_xml.findall("./inputs//param") num_inputs = 0 for param in inputs: num_inputs += 1 param_attrib = param.attrib has_errors = False if "type" not in param_attrib: lint_ctx.error("Found param input with no type specified.") has_errors = True if "name" not in param_attrib and "argument" not in param_attrib: lint_ctx.error("Found param input with no name specified.") has_errors = True if has_errors: continue param_type = param_attrib["type"] param_name = _parse_name(param_attrib.get("name"), param_attrib.get("argument")) if not is_valid_cheetah_placeholder(param_name): lint_ctx.warn("Param input [%s] is not a valid Cheetah placeholder.", param_name) if param_type == "data": if "format" not in param_attrib: lint_ctx.warn("Param input [%s] with no format specified - 'data' format will be assumed.", param_name) elif param_type == "select": dynamic_options = param.get("dynamic_options", None) if dynamic_options is None: dynamic_options = param.find("options") select_options = param.findall('./option') if any(['value' not in option.attrib for option in select_options]): lint_ctx.error("Select [%s] has option without value", param_name) if dynamic_options is None and len(select_options) == 0: message = "No options defined for select [%s]" % param_name lint_ctx.warn(message) # TODO: Validate type, much more... conditional_selects = tool_xml.findall("./inputs//conditional") for conditional in conditional_selects: conditional_name = conditional.get('name') if not conditional_name: lint_ctx.error("Conditional without a name") if conditional.get("value_from"): # Probably only the upload tool use this, no children elements continue first_param = conditional.find("param") if first_param is None: lint_ctx.error("Conditional '%s' has no child <param>" % conditional_name) continue first_param_type = first_param.get('type') if first_param_type not in ['select', 'boolean']: lint_ctx.warn("Conditional '%s' first param should have type=\"select\" /> or type=\"boolean\"" % conditional_name) continue if first_param_type == 'select': select_options = _find_with_attribute(first_param, 'option', 'value') option_ids = [option.get('value') for option in select_options] else: # boolean option_ids = [ first_param.get('truevalue', 'true'), first_param.get('falsevalue', 'false') ] if string_as_bool(first_param.get('optional', False)): lint_ctx.warn("Conditional test parameter cannot be optional") whens = conditional.findall('./when') if any('value' not in when.attrib for when in whens): lint_ctx.error("When without value") when_ids = [w.get('value') for w in whens] for option_id in option_ids: if option_id not in when_ids: lint_ctx.warn("No <when /> block found for {} option '{}' inside conditional '{}'".format(first_param_type, option_id, conditional_name)) for when_id in when_ids: if when_id not in option_ids: if first_param_type == 'select': lint_ctx.warn("No <option /> found for when block '{}' inside conditional '{}'".format(when_id, conditional_name)) else: lint_ctx.warn("No truevalue/falsevalue found for when block '{}' inside conditional '{}'".format(when_id, conditional_name)) if datasource: for datasource_tag in ('display', 'uihints'): if not any([param.tag == datasource_tag for param in inputs]): lint_ctx.info("%s tag usually present in data sources" % datasource_tag) if num_inputs: lint_ctx.info("Found %d input parameters.", num_inputs) else: if datasource: lint_ctx.info("No input parameters, OK for data sources") else: lint_ctx.warn("Found no input parameters.")
[docs]def lint_repeats(tool_xml, lint_ctx): """Lint repeat blocks in tool inputs.""" repeats = tool_xml.findall("./inputs//repeat") for repeat in repeats: if "name" not in repeat.attrib: lint_ctx.error("Repeat does not specify name attribute.") if "title" not in repeat.attrib: lint_ctx.error("Repeat does not specify title attribute.")
def _find_with_attribute(element, tag, attribute, test_value=None): rval = [] for el in (element.findall('./%s' % tag) or []): if attribute not in el.attrib: continue value = el.attrib[attribute] if test_value is not None: if value == test_value: rval.append(el) else: rval.append(el) return rval