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Source code for galaxy.tool_shed.util.tool_util

import logging
import os
import shutil

import galaxy.tools
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import is_column_based
from galaxy.tool_shed.util import basic_util
from galaxy.util import checkers
from galaxy.util.expressions import ExpressionContext
from galaxy.web.form_builder import SelectField

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def build_shed_tool_conf_select_field(app): """Build a SelectField whose options are the keys in app.toolbox.shed_tool_confs.""" options = [] for dynamic_tool_conf_filename in app.toolbox.dynamic_conf_filenames(): if dynamic_tool_conf_filename.startswith('./'): option_label = dynamic_tool_conf_filename.replace('./', '', 1) else: option_label = dynamic_tool_conf_filename options.append((option_label, dynamic_tool_conf_filename)) select_field = SelectField(name='shed_tool_conf') for option_tup in options: select_field.add_option(option_tup[0], option_tup[1]) return select_field
[docs]def build_tool_panel_section_select_field(app): """Build a SelectField whose options are the sections of the current in-memory toolbox.""" options = [] for section_id, section_name in app.toolbox.get_sections(): options.append((section_name, section_id)) select_field = SelectField(name='tool_panel_section_id', field_id='tool_panel_section_select') for option_tup in options: select_field.add_option(option_tup[0], option_tup[1]) return select_field
[docs]def copy_sample_file(app, filename, dest_path=None): """ Copies a sample file at `filename` to `the dest_path` directory and strips the '.sample' extensions from `filename`. Returns the path to the copied file (with the .sample extension). """ if dest_path is None: dest_path = os.path.abspath(app.config.tool_data_path) sample_file_name = basic_util.strip_path(filename) copied_file = sample_file_name.rsplit('.sample', 1)[0] full_source_path = os.path.abspath(filename) full_destination_path = os.path.join(dest_path, sample_file_name) # Don't copy a file to itself - not sure how this happens, but sometimes it does... if full_source_path != full_destination_path: # It's ok to overwrite the .sample version of the file. shutil.copy(full_source_path, full_destination_path) # Only create the .loc file if it does not yet exist. We don't overwrite it in case it # contains stuff proprietary to the local instance. non_sample_path = os.path.join(dest_path, copied_file) if not os.path.lexists(non_sample_path): shutil.copy(full_source_path, os.path.join(dest_path, copied_file)) return non_sample_path
[docs]def copy_sample_files(app, sample_files, tool_path=None, sample_files_copied=None, dest_path=None): """ Copy all appropriate files to dest_path in the local Galaxy environment that have not already been copied. Those that have been copied are contained in sample_files_copied. The default value for dest_path is ~/tool-data. We need to be careful to copy only appropriate files here because tool shed repositories can contain files ending in .sample that should not be copied to the ~/tool-data directory. """ filenames_not_to_copy = ['tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample'] sample_files_copied = util.listify(sample_files_copied) for filename in sample_files: filename_sans_path = os.path.split(filename)[1] if filename_sans_path not in filenames_not_to_copy and filename not in sample_files_copied: if tool_path: filename = os.path.join(tool_path, filename) # Attempt to ensure we're copying an appropriate file. if is_data_index_sample_file(filename): copy_sample_file(app, filename, dest_path=dest_path)
[docs]def generate_message_for_invalid_tools(app, invalid_file_tups, repository, metadata_dict, as_html=True, displaying_invalid_tool=False): if as_html: new_line = '<br/>' bold_start = '<b>' bold_end = '</b>' else: new_line = '\n' bold_start = '' bold_end = '' message = '' if app.name == 'galaxy': tip_rev = str(repository.changeset_revision) else: tip_rev = str(repository.tip()) if not displaying_invalid_tool: if metadata_dict: message += "Metadata may have been defined for some items in revision '%s'. " % tip_rev message += "Correct the following problems if necessary and reset metadata.%s" % new_line else: message += "Metadata cannot be defined for revision '%s' so this revision cannot be automatically " % tip_rev message += "installed into a local Galaxy instance. Correct the following problems and reset metadata.%s" % new_line for itc_tup in invalid_file_tups: tool_file, exception_msg = itc_tup if exception_msg.find('No such file or directory') >= 0: exception_items = exception_msg.split() missing_file_items = exception_items[7].split('/') missing_file = missing_file_items[-1].rstrip('\'') if missing_file.endswith('.loc'): sample_ext = '%s.sample' % missing_file else: sample_ext = missing_file correction_msg = "This file refers to a missing file %s%s%s. " % \ (bold_start, str(missing_file), bold_end) correction_msg += "Upload a file named %s%s%s to the repository to correct this error." % \ (bold_start, sample_ext, bold_end) else: if as_html: correction_msg = exception_msg else: correction_msg = exception_msg.replace('<br/>', new_line).replace('<b>', bold_start).replace('</b>', bold_end) message += "{}{}{} - {}{}".format(bold_start, tool_file, bold_end, correction_msg, new_line) return message
[docs]def get_tool_path_install_dir(partial_install_dir, shed_tool_conf_dict, tool_dict, config_elems): for elem in config_elems: if elem.tag == 'tool': if elem.get('guid') == tool_dict['guid']: tool_path = shed_tool_conf_dict['tool_path'] relative_install_dir = os.path.join(tool_path, partial_install_dir) return tool_path, relative_install_dir elif elem.tag == 'section': for section_elem in elem: if section_elem.tag == 'tool': if section_elem.get('guid') == tool_dict['guid']: tool_path = shed_tool_conf_dict['tool_path'] relative_install_dir = os.path.join(tool_path, partial_install_dir) return tool_path, relative_install_dir return None, None
[docs]def handle_missing_index_file(app, tool_path, sample_files, repository_tools_tups, sample_files_copied): """ Inspect each tool to see if it has any input parameters that are dynamically generated select lists that depend on a .loc file. This method is not called from the tool shed, but from Galaxy when a repository is being installed. """ for index, repository_tools_tup in enumerate(repository_tools_tups): tup_path, guid, repository_tool = repository_tools_tup params_with_missing_index_file = repository_tool.params_with_missing_index_file for param in params_with_missing_index_file: options = param.options missing_file_name = basic_util.strip_path(options.missing_index_file) if missing_file_name not in sample_files_copied: # The repository must contain the required xxx.loc.sample file. for sample_file in sample_files: sample_file_name = basic_util.strip_path(sample_file) if sample_file_name == '%s.sample' % missing_file_name: target_path = copy_sample_file(app, os.path.join(tool_path, sample_file)) if options.tool_data_table and options.tool_data_table.missing_index_file: options.tool_data_table.handle_found_index_file(target_path) sample_files_copied.append(target_path) break return repository_tools_tups, sample_files_copied
[docs]def is_data_index_sample_file(file_path): """ Attempt to determine if a .sample file is appropriate for copying to ~/tool-data when a tool shed repository is being installed into a Galaxy instance. """ # Currently most data index files are tabular, so check that first. We'll assume that # if the file is tabular, it's ok to copy. if is_column_based(file_path): return True # If the file is any of the following, don't copy it. if checkers.check_html(file_path): return False if checkers.check_image(file_path): return False if checkers.check_binary(name=file_path): return False if checkers.is_bz2(file_path): return False if checkers.is_gzip(file_path): return False if checkers.is_zip(file_path): return False # Default to copying the file if none of the above are true. return True
[docs]def new_state(trans, tool, invalid=False): """Create a new `DefaultToolState` for the received tool. Only inputs on the first page will be initialized.""" state = galaxy.tools.DefaultToolState() state.inputs = {} if invalid: # We're attempting to display a tool in the tool shed that has been determined to have errors, so is invalid. return state try: # Attempt to generate the tool state using the standard Galaxy-side code return tool.new_state(trans) except Exception as e: # Fall back to building tool state as below log.debug('Failed to build tool state for tool "%s" using standard method, will try to fall back on custom method: %s', tool.id, e) inputs = tool.inputs_by_page[0] context = ExpressionContext(state.inputs, parent=None) for input in inputs.values(): try: state.inputs[input.name] = input.get_initial_value(trans, context) except Exception: # FIXME: not all values should be an empty list state.inputs[input.name] = [] return state
[docs]def panel_entry_per_tool(tool_section_dict): # Return True if tool_section_dict looks like this. # {<Tool guid> : # [{ tool_config : <tool_config_file>, # id: <ToolSection id>, # version : <ToolSection version>, # name : <TooSection name>}]} # But not like this. # { id: <ToolSection id>, version : <ToolSection version>, name : <TooSection name>} if not tool_section_dict: return False if len(tool_section_dict) != 3: return True for k, v in tool_section_dict: if k not in ['id', 'version', 'name']: return True return False