
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.recipe.install_environment

import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import threading
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager

# TODO: eliminate the use of fabric here.
from fabric import state
from fabric.operations import _AttributeString
from six.moves import queue

from galaxy.tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.recipe import asynchronous_reader
from galaxy.tool_shed.util.basic_util import (
from galaxy.tool_shed.util.tool_dependency_util import set_tool_dependency_attributes
from galaxy.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InstallEnvironment: """Object describing the environment built up as part of the process of building and installing a package."""
[docs] def __init__(self, app, tool_shed_repository_install_dir, install_dir): """ The value of the received tool_shed_repository_install_dir is the root installation directory of the repository containing the tool dependency, and the value of the received install_dir is the root installation directory of the tool dependency. """ self.app = app self.env_shell_file_paths = [] self.install_dir = install_dir self.tool_shed_repository_install_dir = tool_shed_repository_install_dir self.tmp_work_dir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="tmp-toolshed-mtd"))
[docs] def add_env_shell_file_paths(self, paths): for path in paths: self.env_shell_file_paths.append(str(path))
[docs] def build_command(self, command, action_type='shell_command'): """ Build command line for execution from simple command, but configuring environment described by this object. """ env_cmds = self.environment_commands(action_type) return '\n'.join(env_cmds + [command])
[docs] def close_file_descriptor(self, fd): """Attempt to close a file descriptor.""" start_timer = time.time() error = '' while True: try: fd.close() break except OSError as e: # Undoubtedly close() was called during a concurrent operation on the same file object. log.debug('Error closing file descriptor: %s' % str(e)) time.sleep(.5) current_wait_time = time.time() - start_timer if current_wait_time >= 600: error = 'Error closing file descriptor: %s' % str(e) break return error
[docs] def enqueue_output(self, stdout, stdout_queue, stderr, stderr_queue): """ This method places streamed stdout and stderr into a threaded IPC queue target. Received data is printed and saved to that thread's queue. The calling thread can then retrieve the data using thread.stdout and thread.stderr. """ stdout_logger = logging.getLogger('install_environment.STDOUT') stderr_logger = logging.getLogger('install_environment.STDERR') for line in iter(stdout.readline, b''): output = unicodify(line).rstrip() stdout_logger.debug(output) stdout_queue.put(output) stdout_queue.put(None) for line in iter(stderr.readline, b''): output = unicodify(line).rstrip() stderr_logger.debug(output) stderr_queue.put(output) stderr_queue.put(None)
[docs] def environment_commands(self, action_type): """Build a list of commands used to construct the environment described by this object.""" cmds = [] for env_shell_file_path in self.env_shell_file_paths: if os.path.exists(env_shell_file_path): for env_setting in open(env_shell_file_path): cmds.append(env_setting.strip('\n')) else: log.debug('Invalid file {} specified, ignoring {} action.'.format(str(env_shell_file_path), str(action_type))) return cmds
[docs] def environment_dict(self, action_type='template_command'): env_vars = dict() for env_shell_file_path in self.env_shell_file_paths: if os.path.exists(env_shell_file_path): for env_setting in open(env_shell_file_path): env_string = env_setting.split(';')[0] env_name, env_path = env_string.split('=') env_vars[env_name] = env_path else: log.debug('Invalid file %s specified, ignoring template_command action.' % str(env_shell_file_path)) return env_vars
[docs] def handle_command(self, tool_dependency, cmd, return_output=False, job_name=""): """Handle a command and log the results.""" command = str(cmd) output = self.handle_complex_command(command, job_name=job_name) self.log_results(cmd, output, os.path.join(self.install_dir, INSTALLATION_LOG)) stdout = output.stdout stderr = output.stderr if len(stdout) > DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE: log.warning("Length of stdout > %s, so only a portion will be saved in the database." % str(DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE_PRETTY)) stdout = shrink_string_by_size(stdout, DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE, join_by="\n..\n", left_larger=True, beginning_on_size_error=True) if len(stderr) > DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE: log.warning("Length of stderr > %s, so only a portion will be saved in the database." % str(DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE_PRETTY)) stderr = shrink_string_by_size(stderr, DATABASE_MAX_STRING_SIZE, join_by="\n..\n", left_larger=True, beginning_on_size_error=True) if output.return_code not in [0]: status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR if stderr: error_message = unicodify(stderr) elif stdout: error_message = unicodify(stdout) else: # We have a problem if there was no stdout and no stderr. error_message = "Unknown error occurred executing shell command %s, return_code: %s" % \ (str(cmd), str(output.return_code)) set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=status, error_message=error_message) if return_output: return output return output.return_code
[docs] def handle_complex_command(self, command, job_name=""): """ Wrap subprocess.Popen in such a way that the stderr and stdout from running a shell command will be captured and logged in nearly real time. This is similar to fabric.local, but allows us to retain control over the process. This method is named "complex" because it uses queues and threads to execute a command while capturing and displaying the output. """ # We define a "local logger" here such that we can give it a slightly # different name. We use the package name as part of the logger to # allow admins to easily distinguish between which package is currently # being installed. llog_name = __name__ if len(job_name) > 0: llog_name += ':' + job_name llog = logging.getLogger(llog_name) # Print the command we're about to execute, ``set -x`` style. llog.debug('+ ' + str(command)) # Launch the command as subprocess. A bufsize of 1 means line buffered. process_handle = subprocess.Popen(str(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, close_fds=False, shell=True, cwd=state.env['lcwd']) pid = process_handle.pid # Launch the asynchronous readers of the process' stdout and stderr. stdout_queue = queue.Queue() stdout_reader = asynchronous_reader.AsynchronousReader(process_handle.stdout, stdout_queue) stdout_reader.start() stderr_queue = queue.Queue() stderr_reader = asynchronous_reader.AsynchronousReader(process_handle.stderr, stderr_queue) stderr_reader.start() # Place streamed stdout and stderr into a threaded IPC queue target so it can # be printed and stored for later retrieval when generating the INSTALLATION.log. stdio_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.enqueue_output, args=(process_handle.stdout, stdout_queue, process_handle.stderr, stderr_queue)) thread_lock = threading.Lock() thread_lock.acquire() stdio_thread.start() # Check the queues for output until there is nothing more to get. start_timer = time.time() while not stdout_reader.installation_complete() or not stderr_reader.installation_complete(): # Show what we received from standard output. while not stdout_queue.empty(): try: line = stdout_queue.get() except queue.Empty: line = None break if line: llog.debug(line) start_timer = time.time() else: break # Show what we received from standard error. while not stderr_queue.empty(): try: line = stderr_queue.get() except queue.Empty: line = None break if line: llog.debug(line) start_timer = time.time() else: stderr_queue.task_done() break # Sleep a bit before asking the readers again. time.sleep(.1) current_wait_time = time.time() - start_timer if stdout_queue.empty() and stderr_queue.empty() and current_wait_time > NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT: err_msg = "\nShutting down process id %s because it generated no output for the defined timeout period of %.1f seconds.\n" % \ (pid, NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) stderr_reader.lines.append(err_msg) process_handle.kill() break thread_lock.release() # Wait until each of the threads we've started terminate. The following calls will block each thread # until it terminates either normally, through an unhandled exception, or until the timeout occurs. stdio_thread.join(NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) stdout_reader.join(NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) stderr_reader.join(NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) # Close subprocess' file descriptors. self.close_file_descriptor(process_handle.stdout) self.close_file_descriptor(process_handle.stderr) stdout = '\n'.join(stdout_reader.lines) stderr = '\n'.join(stderr_reader.lines) # Handle error condition (deal with stdout being None, too) output = _AttributeString(stdout.strip() if stdout else "") errors = _AttributeString(stderr.strip() if stderr else "") # Make sure the process has finished. process_handle.poll() output.return_code = process_handle.returncode output.stderr = errors return output
[docs] def log_results(self, command, fabric_AttributeString, file_path): """Write attributes of fabric.operations._AttributeString to a specified log file.""" mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(file_path) else 'w' with open(file_path, mode) as logfile: logfile.write("\n#############################################\n") logfile.write(command) logfile.write('\nSTDOUT\n') logfile.write(fabric_AttributeString.stdout) logfile.write("\n#############################################\n") logfile.write("\n#############################################\n") logfile.write(command) logfile.write('\nSTDERR\n') logfile.write(fabric_AttributeString.stderr) logfile.write("\n#############################################\n")
[docs] @contextmanager def use_tmp_dir(self): work_dir = self.tmp_work_dir yield work_dir if os.path.exists(work_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(work_dir) except Exception as e: log.exception(str(e))
def __setup_environment(self): return "&&".join(". %s" % _ for _ in self.__valid_env_shell_file_paths()) def __valid_env_shell_file_paths(self): return [_ for _ in self.env_shell_file_paths if os.path.exists(_)]