
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tools.cache

import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from threading import Lock

from sqlalchemy.orm import (

from galaxy.util import unicodify
from galaxy.util.hash_util import md5_hash_file

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ToolCache(object): """ Cache tool definitions to allow quickly reloading the whole toolbox. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._lock = Lock() self._hash_by_tool_paths = {} self._tools_by_path = {} self._tool_paths_by_id = {} self._macro_paths_by_id = {} self._mod_time_by_path = {} self._new_tool_ids = set() self._removed_tool_ids = set() self._removed_tools_by_path = {}
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Remove uninstalled tools from tool cache if they are not on disk anymore or if their content has changed. Returns list of tool_ids that have been removed. """ removed_tool_ids = [] try: with self._lock: paths_to_cleanup = {path: tool.all_ids for path, tool in self._tools_by_path.items() if self._should_cleanup(path)} for config_filename, tool_ids in paths_to_cleanup.items(): del self._hash_by_tool_paths[config_filename] if os.path.exists(config_filename): # This tool has probably been broken while editing on disk # We record it here, so that we can recover it self._removed_tools_by_path[config_filename] = self._tools_by_path[config_filename] del self._tools_by_path[config_filename] for tool_id in tool_ids: if tool_id in self._tool_paths_by_id: del self._tool_paths_by_id[tool_id] removed_tool_ids.extend(tool_ids) for tool_id in removed_tool_ids: self._removed_tool_ids.add(tool_id) if tool_id in self._new_tool_ids: self._new_tool_ids.remove(tool_id) except Exception as e: log.debug("Exception while checking tools to remove from cache: %s", unicodify(e)) # If by chance the file is being removed while calculating the hash or modtime # we don't want the thread to die. pass if removed_tool_ids: log.debug("Removed the following tools from cache: %s" % removed_tool_ids) return removed_tool_ids
def _should_cleanup(self, config_filename): """Return True if `config_filename` does not exist or if modtime and hash have changes, else return False.""" if not os.path.exists(config_filename): return True new_mtime = os.path.getmtime(config_filename) if self._mod_time_by_path.get(config_filename) < new_mtime: if md5_hash_file(config_filename) != self._hash_by_tool_paths.get(config_filename): return True tool = self._tools_by_path[config_filename] for macro_path in tool._macro_paths: new_mtime = os.path.getmtime(macro_path) if self._mod_time_by_path.get(macro_path) < new_mtime: return True return False
[docs] def get_tool(self, config_filename): """Get the tool at `config_filename` from the cache if the tool is up to date.""" return self._tools_by_path.get(config_filename, None)
[docs] def get_removed_tool(self, config_filename): return self._removed_tools_by_path.get(config_filename)
[docs] def get_tool_by_id(self, tool_id): """Get the tool with the id `tool_id` from the cache if the tool is up to date. """ return self.get_tool(self._tool_paths_by_id.get(tool_id))
[docs] def expire_tool(self, tool_id): with self._lock: if tool_id in self._tool_paths_by_id: config_filename = self._tool_paths_by_id[tool_id] del self._hash_by_tool_paths[config_filename] del self._tool_paths_by_id[tool_id] del self._tools_by_path[config_filename] del self._mod_time_by_path[config_filename] if tool_id in self._new_tool_ids: self._new_tool_ids.remove(tool_id)
[docs] def cache_tool(self, config_filename, tool): tool_hash = md5_hash_file(config_filename) if tool_hash is None: return tool_id = str(tool.id) with self._lock: self._hash_by_tool_paths[config_filename] = tool_hash self._mod_time_by_path[config_filename] = os.path.getmtime(config_filename) self._tool_paths_by_id[tool_id] = config_filename self._tools_by_path[config_filename] = tool self._new_tool_ids.add(tool_id) for macro_path in tool._macro_paths: self._mod_time_by_path[macro_path] = os.path.getmtime(macro_path) if tool_id not in self._macro_paths_by_id: self._macro_paths_by_id[tool_id] = {macro_path} else: self._macro_paths_by_id[tool_id].add(macro_path)
[docs] def reset_status(self): """ Reset tracking of new and newly disabled tools. """ with self._lock: self._new_tool_ids = set() self._removed_tool_ids = set() self._removed_tools_by_path = {}
[docs]class ToolShedRepositoryCache(object): """ Cache installed ToolShedRepository objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app # Contains ToolConfRepository objects created from shed_tool_conf.xml entries self.local_repositories = [] # Repositories loaded from database self.repositories = [] self.repos_by_tuple = defaultdict(list) self.rebuild()
[docs] def add_local_repository(self, repository): self.local_repositories.append(repository) self.repos_by_tuple[(repository.tool_shed, repository.owner, repository.name)].append(repository)
[docs] def rebuild(self): try: session = self.app.install_model.context.current.session_factory() self.repositories = session.query(self.app.install_model.ToolShedRepository).options( defer(self.app.install_model.ToolShedRepository.metadata), joinedload('tool_dependencies').subqueryload('tool_shed_repository').options( defer(self.app.install_model.ToolShedRepository.metadata) ), ).all() repos_by_tuple = defaultdict(list) for repository in self.repositories + self.local_repositories: repos_by_tuple[(repository.tool_shed, repository.owner, repository.name)].append(repository) self.repos_by_tuple = repos_by_tuple finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_installed_repository(self, tool_shed=None, name=None, owner=None, installed_changeset_revision=None, changeset_revision=None, repository_id=None): if repository_id: repos = [repo for repo in self.repositories if repo.id == repository_id] if repos: return repos[0] else: return None repos = self.repos_by_tuple[(tool_shed, owner, name)] for repo in repos: if installed_changeset_revision and repo.installed_changeset_revision != installed_changeset_revision: continue if changeset_revision and repo.changeset_revision != changeset_revision: continue return repo return None