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Source code for galaxy.jobs.runners.cli
Job control via a command line interface (e.g. qsub/qstat), possibly over a remote connection (e.g. ssh).
import logging
import time
from galaxy import model
from galaxy.jobs import JobDestination
from galaxy.jobs.runners import (
from galaxy.util import asbool
from .util.cli import CliInterface, split_params
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ('ShellJobRunner', )
[docs]class ShellJobRunner(AsynchronousJobRunner):
Job runner backed by a finite pool of worker threads. FIFO scheduling
runner_name = "ShellRunner"
[docs] def __init__(self, app, nworkers):
"""Start the job runner """
super(ShellJobRunner, self).__init__(app, nworkers)
self.cli_interface = CliInterface()
[docs] def get_cli_plugins(self, shell_params, job_params):
return self.cli_interface.get_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
[docs] def url_to_destination(self, url):
params = {}
shell_params, job_params = url.split('/')[2:4]
# split 'foo=bar&baz=quux' into { 'foo' : 'bar', 'baz' : 'quux' }
shell_params = dict([('shell_' + k, v) for k, v in [kv.split('=', 1) for kv in shell_params.split('&')]])
job_params = dict([('job_' + k, v) for k, v in [kv.split('=', 1) for kv in job_params.split('&')]])
log.debug("Converted URL '%s' to destination runner=cli, params=%s" % (url, params))
# Create a dynamic JobDestination
return JobDestination(runner='cli', params=params)
[docs] def queue_job(self, job_wrapper):
"""Create job script and submit it to the DRM"""
# prepare the job
include_metadata = asbool(job_wrapper.job_destination.params.get("embed_metadata_in_job", DEFAULT_EMBED_METADATA_IN_JOB))
if not self.prepare_job(job_wrapper, include_metadata=include_metadata):
# Get shell and job execution interface
job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination
shell_params, job_params = self.parse_destination_params(job_destination.params)
shell, job_interface = self.get_cli_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
# wrapper.get_id_tag() instead of job_id for compatibility with TaskWrappers.
galaxy_id_tag = job_wrapper.get_id_tag()
# define job attributes
ajs = AsynchronousJobState(files_dir=job_wrapper.working_directory, job_wrapper=job_wrapper)
job_file_kwargs = job_interface.job_script_kwargs(ajs.output_file, ajs.error_file, ajs.job_name)
script = self.get_job_file(
self.write_executable_script(ajs.job_file, script)
except Exception:
log.exception("(%s) failure writing job script" % galaxy_id_tag)
job_wrapper.fail("failure preparing job script", exception=True)
# job was deleted while we were preparing it
if job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED:
log.info("(%s) Job deleted by user before it entered the queue" % galaxy_id_tag)
if job_wrapper.cleanup_job in ("always", "onsuccess"):
log.debug("(%s) submitting file: %s" % (galaxy_id_tag, ajs.job_file))
returncode, stdout = self.submit(shell, job_interface, ajs.job_file, galaxy_id_tag, retry=MAX_SUBMIT_RETRY)
if returncode != 0:
job_wrapper.fail("failure submitting job")
# Some job runners return something like 'Submitted batch job XXXX'
# Strip and split to get job ID.
external_job_id = stdout.strip().split()[-1]
if not external_job_id:
log.error('(%s) submission did not return a job identifier, failing job' % galaxy_id_tag)
job_wrapper.fail("failure submitting job")
log.info("(%s) queued with identifier: %s" % (galaxy_id_tag, external_job_id))
# store runner information for tracking if Galaxy restarts
job_wrapper.set_job_destination(job_destination, external_job_id)
# Store state information for job
ajs.job_id = external_job_id
ajs.old_state = 'new'
ajs.job_destination = job_destination
# Add to our 'queue' of jobs to monitor
[docs] def submit(self, shell, job_interface, job_file, galaxy_id_tag, retry=MAX_SUBMIT_RETRY, timeout=10):
Handles actual job script submission.
If submission fails will retry `retry` time with a timeout of `timeout` seconds.
Retuns the returncode of the submission and the stdout, which contains the external job_id.
cmd_out = shell.execute(job_interface.submit(job_file))
if cmd_out.returncode == 0:
return cmd_out.returncode, cmd_out.stdout
stdout = '(%s) submission failed (stdout): %s' % (galaxy_id_tag, cmd_out.stdout)
stderr = '(%s) submission failed (stderr): %s' % (galaxy_id_tag, cmd_out.stderr)
if retry > 0:
log.debug("%s, retrying in %s seconds", stdout, timeout)
log.debug("%s, retrying in %s seconds", stderr, timeout)
return self.submit(shell, job_interface, job_file, galaxy_id_tag, retry=retry - 1, timeout=timeout)
return cmd_out.returncode, cmd_out.stdout
[docs] def check_watched_items(self):
Called by the monitor thread to look at each watched job and deal
with state changes.
new_watched = []
job_states = self.__get_job_states()
for ajs in self.watched:
external_job_id = ajs.job_id
id_tag = ajs.job_wrapper.get_id_tag()
old_state = ajs.old_state
state = job_states.get(external_job_id, None)
if state is None:
if ajs.job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED:
log.debug("(%s/%s) job not found in batch state check" % (id_tag, external_job_id))
shell_params, job_params = self.parse_destination_params(ajs.job_destination.params)
shell, job_interface = self.get_cli_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
cmd_out = shell.execute(job_interface.get_single_status(external_job_id))
state = job_interface.parse_single_status(cmd_out.stdout, external_job_id)
if not state == model.Job.states.OK:
log.warning('(%s/%s) job not found in batch state check, but found in individual state check' % (id_tag, external_job_id))
if state != old_state:
log.debug("(%s/%s) state change: from %s to %s" % (id_tag, external_job_id, old_state, state))
if not state == model.Job.states.OK:
# No need to change_state when the state is OK, this will be handled by `self.finish_job`
if state == model.Job.states.ERROR:
# Try to find out the reason for exiting
self.__handle_out_of_memory(ajs, external_job_id)
self.work_queue.put((self.mark_as_failed, ajs))
# Don't add the job to the watched items once it fails, deals with https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/7820
if state == model.Job.states.RUNNING and not ajs.running:
ajs.running = True
ajs.old_state = state
if state == model.Job.states.OK:
external_metadata = not asbool(ajs.job_wrapper.job_destination.params.get("embed_metadata_in_job", DEFAULT_EMBED_METADATA_IN_JOB))
if external_metadata:
self.work_queue.put((self.handle_metadata_externally, ajs))
log.debug('(%s/%s) job execution finished, running job wrapper finish method' % (id_tag, external_job_id))
self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, ajs))
# Replace the watch list with the updated version
self.watched = new_watched
[docs] def handle_metadata_externally(self, ajs):
self._handle_metadata_externally(ajs.job_wrapper, resolve_requirements=True)
def __handle_out_of_memory(self, ajs, external_job_id):
shell_params, job_params = self.parse_destination_params(ajs.job_destination.params)
shell, job_interface = self.get_cli_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
cmd_out = shell.execute(job_interface.get_failure_reason(external_job_id))
if cmd_out is not None:
if job_interface.parse_failure_reason(cmd_out.stdout, external_job_id) \
== JobState.runner_states.MEMORY_LIMIT_REACHED:
ajs.runner_state = JobState.runner_states.MEMORY_LIMIT_REACHED
ajs.fail_message = "Tool failed due to insufficient memory. Try with more memory."
def __get_job_states(self):
job_destinations = {}
job_states = {}
# unique the list of destinations
for ajs in self.watched:
if ajs.job_destination.id not in job_destinations:
job_destinations[ajs.job_destination.id] = dict(job_destination=ajs.job_destination, job_ids=[ajs.job_id])
# check each destination for the listed job ids
for job_destination_id, v in job_destinations.items():
job_destination = v['job_destination']
job_ids = v['job_ids']
shell_params, job_params = self.parse_destination_params(job_destination.params)
shell, job_interface = self.get_cli_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
cmd_out = shell.execute(job_interface.get_status(job_ids))
assert cmd_out.returncode == 0, cmd_out.stderr
job_states.update(job_interface.parse_status(cmd_out.stdout, job_ids))
return job_states
[docs] def stop_job(self, job_wrapper):
"""Attempts to delete a dispatched job"""
job = job_wrapper.get_job()
shell_params, job_params = self.parse_destination_params(job.destination_params)
shell, job_interface = self.get_cli_plugins(shell_params, job_params)
cmd_out = shell.execute(job_interface.delete(job.job_runner_external_id))
assert cmd_out.returncode == 0, cmd_out.stderr
log.debug("(%s/%s) Terminated at user's request" % (job.id, job.job_runner_external_id))
except Exception as e:
log.debug("(%s/%s) User killed running job, but error encountered during termination: %s" % (job.id, job.job_runner_external_id, e))
[docs] def recover(self, job, job_wrapper):
"""Recovers jobs stuck in the queued/running state when Galaxy started"""
job_id = job.get_job_runner_external_id()
if job_id is None:
ajs = AsynchronousJobState(files_dir=job_wrapper.working_directory, job_wrapper=job_wrapper)
ajs.job_id = str(job_id)
ajs.command_line = job.command_line
ajs.job_wrapper = job_wrapper
ajs.job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination
if job.state == model.Job.states.RUNNING:
log.debug("(%s/%s) is still in running state, adding to the runner monitor queue" % (job.id, job.job_runner_external_id))
ajs.old_state = model.Job.states.RUNNING
ajs.running = True
elif job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED:
log.debug("(%s/%s) is still in queued state, adding to the runner monitor queue" % (job.id, job.job_runner_external_id))
ajs.old_state = model.Job.states.QUEUED
ajs.running = False