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Source code for galaxy.jobs.manager

Top-level Galaxy job manager, moves jobs to handler(s)

import logging

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import null

from galaxy.jobs import handler, NoopQueue
from galaxy.model import Job
from galaxy.web.stack.message import JobHandlerMessage

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class JobManager(object): """ Highest level interface to job management. TODO: Currently the app accesses "job_queue" and "job_stop_queue" directly. This should be decoupled. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.job_lock = False if self.app.is_job_handler: log.debug("Initializing job handler") self.job_handler = handler.JobHandler(app) self.job_stop_queue = self.job_handler.job_stop_queue elif app.application_stack.has_pool(app.application_stack.pools.JOB_HANDLERS): log.debug("Initializing job handler messaging interface") self.job_handler = MessageJobHandler(app) self.job_stop_queue = NoopQueue() else: self.job_handler = NoopHandler() self.job_stop_queue = NoopQueue() self.job_queue = self.job_handler.job_queue
[docs] def start(self): self.job_handler.start()
[docs] def shutdown(self): self.job_handler.shutdown()
[docs]class NoopHandler(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.job_queue = NoopQueue() self.job_stop_queue = NoopQueue()
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def shutdown(self, *args): pass
[docs]class MessageJobHandler(NoopHandler): """ Implements the JobHandler interface but just to send setup messages on startup TODO: It should be documented that starting two Galaxy uWSGI master processes simultaneously would result in a race condition that *could* cause two handlers to pick up the same job. The recommended config for now will be webless handlers if running more than one uWSGI (master) process """
[docs] def __init__(self, app): # This runs in the web (main) process pre-fork self.app = app self.job_queue = MessageJobQueue(app) self.job_stop_queue = NoopQueue() jobs_at_startup = self.app.model.context.query(Job).enable_eagerloads(False) \ .filter((Job.state == Job.states.NEW) & (Job.handler == null())).all() if jobs_at_startup: log.info('No handler assigned at startup for the following jobs, will dispatch via message: %s', ', '.join([str(j.id) for j in jobs_at_startup])) for job in jobs_at_startup: self.job_queue.put(job.id, job.tool_id)
[docs]class MessageJobQueue(NoopQueue): """ Implements the JobQueue / JobStopQueue interface but only sends messages to the actual job queue """
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app
[docs] def put(self, job_id, tool_id): msg = JobHandlerMessage(task='setup', job_id=job_id) self.app.application_stack.send_message(self.app.application_stack.pools.JOB_HANDLERS, msg)