
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.admin

import imp
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from string import punctuation as PUNCTUATION

import six
from sqlalchemy import and_, false, or_

import galaxy.queue_worker
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.actions.admin import AdminActions
from galaxy.exceptions import ActionInputError, MessageException
from galaxy.model import tool_shed_install as install_model
from galaxy.tools import global_tool_errors
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.odict import odict
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.base import controller
from galaxy.web.base.controller import UsesQuotaMixin
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import grids, time_ago
from galaxy.web.params import QuotaParamParser
from tool_shed.util import (
from tool_shed.util.web_util import escape

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UserListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class EmailColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): return escape(user.email)
[docs] class UserNameColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.username: return escape(user.username) return 'not set'
[docs] class StatusColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.purged: return "purged" elif user.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class GroupsColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.groups: return len(user.groups) return 0
[docs] class RolesColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.roles: return len(user.roles) return 0
[docs] class ExternalColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.external: return 'yes' return 'no'
[docs] class LastLoginColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.galaxy_sessions: return self.format(user.galaxy_sessions[0].update_time) return 'never'
[docs] class TimeCreatedColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): return user.create_time.strftime('%x')
[docs] class ActivatedColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, user): if user.active: return 'Y' else: return 'N'
# Grid definition title = "Users" model_class = model.User default_sort_key = "email" columns = [ EmailColumn("Email", key="email", model_class=model.User, link=(lambda item: dict(controller="user", action="information", id=item.id, webapp="galaxy")), attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced", target="top"), UserNameColumn("User Name", key="username", model_class=model.User, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced"), GroupsColumn("Groups", attach_popup=False), RolesColumn("Roles", attach_popup=False), ExternalColumn("External", attach_popup=False), LastLoginColumn("Last Login", format=time_ago), StatusColumn("Status", attach_popup=False), TimeCreatedColumn("Created", attach_popup=False), ActivatedColumn("Activated", attach_popup=False), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn("Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced") ] columns.append(grids.MulticolFilterColumn("Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[0], columns[1]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard")) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction("Create new user", url_args=dict(webapp="galaxy", action="create_new_user")) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation("Manage Information", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(controller="user", action="information", webapp="galaxy")), grids.GridOperation("Manage Roles and Groups", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/manage_roles_and_groups_for_user")), grids.GridOperation("Reset Password", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict(action="form/reset_user_password"), target="top"), grids.GridOperation("Recalculate Disk Usage", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter("Active", args=dict(deleted=False)), grids.GridColumnFilter("Deleted", args=dict(deleted=True, purged=False)), grids.GridColumnFilter("Purged", args=dict(purged=True)), grids.GridColumnFilter("All", args=dict(deleted='All')) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs] def get_current_item(self, trans, **kwargs): return trans.user
[docs]class RoleListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class NameColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): return escape(role.name)
[docs] class DescriptionColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): if role.description: return escape(role.description) return ''
[docs] class TypeColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): return role.type
[docs] class StatusColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): if role.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class GroupsColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): if role.groups: return len(role.groups) return 0
[docs] class UsersColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, role): if role.users: return len(role.users) return 0
# Grid definition title = "Roles" model_class = model.Role default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn("Name", key="name", link=(lambda item: dict(action="form/manage_users_and_groups_for_role", id=item.id, webapp="galaxy")), model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced", target="top"), DescriptionColumn("Description", key='description', model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced"), TypeColumn("Type", key='type', model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced"), GroupsColumn("Groups", attach_popup=False), UsersColumn("Users", attach_popup=False), StatusColumn("Status", attach_popup=False), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn("Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn("Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago) ] columns.append(grids.MulticolFilterColumn("Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[0], columns[1], columns[2]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard")) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction("Add new role", url_args=dict(action="form/create_role")) ] operations = [grids.GridOperation("Edit Name/Description", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/rename_role")), grids.GridOperation("Edit Permissions", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/manage_users_and_groups_for_role", webapp="galaxy")), grids.GridOperation("Delete", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Undelete", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Purge", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True)] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter("Active", args=dict(deleted=False)), grids.GridColumnFilter("Deleted", args=dict(deleted=True)), grids.GridColumnFilter("All", args=dict(deleted='All')) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs] def apply_query_filter(self, trans, query, **kwargs): return query.filter(model.Role.type != model.Role.types.PRIVATE)
[docs]class GroupListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class NameColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, group): return escape(group.name)
[docs] class StatusColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, group): if group.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class RolesColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, group): if group.roles: return len(group.roles) return 0
[docs] class UsersColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, group): if group.members: return len(group.members) return 0
# Grid definition title = "Groups" model_class = model.Group default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn("Name", key="name", link=(lambda item: dict(action="form/manage_users_and_roles_for_group", id=item.id, webapp="galaxy")), model_class=model.Group, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced"), UsersColumn("Users", attach_popup=False), RolesColumn("Roles", attach_popup=False), StatusColumn("Status", attach_popup=False), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn("Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn("Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago) ] columns.append(grids.MulticolFilterColumn("Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[0]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard")) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction("Add new group", url_args=dict(action="form/create_group")) ] operations = [grids.GridOperation("Edit Name", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/rename_group")), grids.GridOperation("Edit Permissions", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/manage_users_and_roles_for_group", webapp="galaxy")), grids.GridOperation("Delete", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Undelete", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Purge", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True)] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter("Active", args=dict(deleted=False)), grids.GridColumnFilter("Deleted", args=dict(deleted=True)), grids.GridColumnFilter("All", args=dict(deleted='All')) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs]class QuotaListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class NameColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): return escape(quota.name)
[docs] class DescriptionColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): if quota.description: return escape(quota.description) return ''
[docs] class AmountColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): return quota.operation + quota.display_amount
[docs] class StatusColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): if quota.deleted: return "deleted" elif quota.default: return "<strong>default for %s users</strong>" % quota.default[0].type return ""
[docs] class UsersColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): if quota.users: return len(quota.users) return 0
[docs] class GroupsColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, quota): if quota.groups: return len(quota.groups) return 0
# Grid definition title = "Quotas" model_class = model.Quota default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn("Name", key="name", link=(lambda item: dict(action="form/edit_quota", id=item.id)), model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced"), DescriptionColumn("Description", key='description', model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced"), AmountColumn("Amount", key='amount', model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=False), UsersColumn("Users", attach_popup=False), GroupsColumn("Groups", attach_popup=False), StatusColumn("Status", attach_popup=False), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn("Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced") ] columns.append(grids.MulticolFilterColumn("Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[0], columns[1]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard")) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction("Add new quota", dict(action="form/create_quota")) ] operations = [grids.GridOperation("Rename", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/rename_quota")), grids.GridOperation("Change amount", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/edit_quota")), grids.GridOperation("Manage users and groups", condition=(lambda item: not item.default and not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/manage_users_and_groups_for_quota")), grids.GridOperation("Set as different type of default", condition=(lambda item: item.default), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/set_quota_default")), grids.GridOperation("Set as default", condition=(lambda item: not item.default and not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict(action="form/set_quota_default")), grids.GridOperation("Unset as default", condition=(lambda item: item.default and not item.deleted), allow_multiple=False), grids.GridOperation("Delete", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted and not item.default), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Undelete", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True), grids.GridOperation("Purge", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted), allow_multiple=True)] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter("Active", args=dict(deleted=False)), grids.GridColumnFilter("Deleted", args=dict(deleted=True)), grids.GridColumnFilter("All", args=dict(deleted='All')) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs]class ToolVersionListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class ToolIdColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, tool_version): toolbox = trans.app.toolbox if toolbox.has_tool(tool_version.tool_id, exact=True): link = url_for(controller='tool_runner', tool_id=tool_version.tool_id) link_str = '<a target="_blank" href="%s">' % link return '<div class="count-box state-color-ok">%s%s</a></div>' % (link_str, tool_version.tool_id) return tool_version.tool_id
[docs] class ToolVersionsColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, tool_version): tool_ids_str = '' toolbox = trans.app.toolbox tool = toolbox._tools_by_id.get(tool_version.tool_id) if tool: for tool_id in tool.lineage.tool_ids: if toolbox.has_tool(tool_id, exact=True): link = url_for(controller='tool_runner', tool_id=tool_id) link_str = '<a target="_blank" href="%s">' % link tool_ids_str += '<div class="count-box state-color-ok">%s%s</a></div><br/>' % (link_str, tool_id) else: tool_ids_str += '%s<br/>' % tool_version.tool_id else: tool_ids_str += '%s<br/>' % tool_version.tool_id return tool_ids_str
# Grid definition title = "Tool versions" model_class = install_model.ToolVersion default_sort_key = "tool_id" columns = [ ToolIdColumn("Tool id", key='tool_id', attach_popup=False), ToolVersionsColumn("Version lineage by tool id (parent/child ordered)") ] columns.append(grids.MulticolFilterColumn("Search tool id", cols_to_filter=[columns[0]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard")) global_actions = [] operations = [] standard_filters = [] default_filter = {} num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs] def build_initial_query(self, trans, **kwd): return trans.install_model.context.query(self.model_class)
[docs]class AdminGalaxy(controller.JSAppLauncher, AdminActions, UsesQuotaMixin, QuotaParamParser): user_list_grid = UserListGrid() role_list_grid = RoleListGrid() group_list_grid = GroupListGrid() quota_list_grid = QuotaListGrid() tool_version_list_grid = ToolVersionListGrid() delete_operation = grids.GridOperation("Delete", condition=(lambda item: not item.deleted), allow_multiple=True) undelete_operation = grids.GridOperation("Undelete", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted and not item.purged), allow_multiple=True) purge_operation = grids.GridOperation("Purge", condition=(lambda item: item.deleted and not item.purged), allow_multiple=True)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def index(self, trans, **kwd): message = escape(kwd.get('message', '')) status = kwd.get('status', 'done') settings = { 'is_repo_installed' : trans.install_model.context.query(trans.install_model.ToolShedRepository).first() is not None, 'installing_repository_ids' : repository_util.get_ids_of_tool_shed_repositories_being_installed(trans.app, as_string=True), 'is_tool_shed_installed' : bool(trans.app.tool_shed_registry and trans.app.tool_shed_registry.tool_sheds) } return self.template(trans, 'admin', settings=settings, message=message, status=status)
[docs] @web.expose @web.json @web.require_admin def data_tables_list(self, trans, **kwd): data = [] message = kwd.get('message', '') status = kwd.get('status', 'done') sorted_data_tables = sorted( trans.app.tool_data_tables.get_tables().items() ) for data_table_elem_name, data_table in sorted_data_tables: for filename, file_dict in data_table.filenames.iteritems(): file_missing = ['file missing'] \ if not file_dict.get('found') else [] data.append({ 'name': data_table.name, 'filename': filename, 'tool_data_path': file_dict.get('tool_data_path'), 'errors': ', '.join(file_missing + [ error for error in file_dict.get('errors', []) ]), }) return {'data': data, 'message': message, 'status': status}
[docs] @web.expose @web.json @web.require_admin def users_list(self, trans, **kwd): message = kwd.get('message', '') status = kwd.get('status', '') if 'operation' in kwd: id = kwd.get('id') if not id: message, status = ('Invalid user id (%s) received.' % str(id), 'error') ids = util.listify(id) operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation == 'delete': message, status = self._delete_user(trans, ids) elif operation == 'undelete': message, status = self._undelete_user(trans, ids) elif operation == 'purge': message, status = self._purge_user(trans, ids) elif operation == 'recalculate disk usage': message, status = self._recalculate_user(trans, id) if trans.app.config.allow_user_deletion: if self.delete_operation not in self.user_list_grid.operations: self.user_list_grid.operations.append(self.delete_operation) if self.undelete_operation not in self.user_list_grid.operations: self.user_list_grid.operations.append(self.undelete_operation) if self.purge_operation not in self.user_list_grid.operations: self.user_list_grid.operations.append(self.purge_operation) if message and status: kwd['message'] = util.sanitize_text(message) kwd['status'] = status return self.user_list_grid(trans, **kwd)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def quotas_list(self, trans, payload=None, **kwargs): message = kwargs.get('message', '') status = kwargs.get('status', '') if 'operation' in kwargs: id = kwargs.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid quota id (%s) received.' % str(id)) quotas = [] for quota_id in util.listify(id): try: quotas.append(get_quota(trans, quota_id)) except MessageException as e: return self.message_exception(trans, str(e)) operation = kwargs.pop('operation').lower() try: if operation == 'delete': message = self._delete_quota(quotas) elif operation == 'undelete': message = self._undelete_quota(quotas) elif operation == 'purge': message = self._purge_quota(quotas) elif operation == 'unset as default': message = self._unset_quota_default(quotas[0]) except ActionInputError as e: message, status = (e.err_msg, 'error') if message: kwargs['message'] = util.sanitize_text(message) kwargs['status'] = status or 'done' return self.quota_list_grid(trans, **kwargs)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def create_quota(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): if trans.request.method == 'GET': all_users = [] all_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for group in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name): all_groups.append((group.name, trans.security.encode_id(group.id))) default_options = [('No', 'no')] for typ in trans.app.model.DefaultQuotaAssociation.types.__dict__.values(): default_options.append(('Yes, ' + typ, typ)) return {'title' : 'Create Quota', 'inputs' : [ { 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name' }, { 'name' : 'description', 'label' : 'Description' }, { 'name' : 'amount', 'label' : 'Amount', 'help' : 'Examples: "10000MB", "99 gb", "0.2T", "unlimited"' }, { 'name' : 'operation', 'label' : 'Assign, increase by amount, or decrease by amount?', 'options' : [('=', '='), ('+', '+'), ('-', '-')] }, { 'name' : 'default', 'label' : 'Is this quota a default for a class of users (if yes, what type)?', 'options' : default_options, 'help' : 'Warning: Any users or groups associated with this quota will be disassociated.' }, build_select_input('in_groups', 'Groups', all_groups, []), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, [])]} else: try: quota, message = self._create_quota(util.Params(payload), decode_id=trans.security.decode_id) return {'message': message} except ActionInputError as e: return self.message_exception(trans, e.err_msg)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def rename_quota(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): id = kwd.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'No quota id received for renaming.') quota = get_quota(trans, id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': return { 'title' : 'Change quota name and description for \'%s\'' % util.sanitize_text(quota.name), 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name', 'value' : quota.name }, { 'name' : 'description', 'label' : 'Description', 'value' : quota.description }] } else: try: return {'message': self._rename_quota(quota, util.Params(payload))} except ActionInputError as e: return self.message_exception(trans, e.err_msg)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def manage_users_and_groups_for_quota(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): quota_id = kwd.get('id') if not quota_id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid quota id (%s) received' % str(quota_id)) quota = get_quota(trans, quota_id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': in_users = [] all_users = [] in_groups = [] all_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): if user in [x.user for x in quota.users]: in_users.append(trans.security.encode_id(user.id)) all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for group in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name): if group in [x.group for x in quota.groups]: in_groups.append(trans.security.encode_id(group.id)) all_groups.append((group.name, trans.security.encode_id(group.id))) return {'title' : 'Quota \'%s\'' % quota.name, 'message': 'Quota \'%s\' is currently associated with %d user(s) and %d group(s).' % (quota.name, len(in_users), len(in_groups)), 'status' : 'info', 'inputs' : [build_select_input('in_groups', 'Groups', all_groups, in_groups), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, in_users)]} else: try: return {'message': self._manage_users_and_groups_for_quota(quota, util.Params(payload), decode_id=trans.security.decode_id)} except ActionInputError as e: return self.message_exception(trans, e.err_msg)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def edit_quota(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): id = kwd.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'No quota id received for renaming.') quota = get_quota(trans, id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': return { 'title' : 'Edit quota size for \'%s\'' % util.sanitize_text(quota.name), 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'amount', 'label' : 'Amount', 'value' : quota.display_amount, 'help' : 'Examples: "10000MB", "99 gb", "0.2T", "unlimited"' }, { 'name' : 'operation', 'label' : 'Assign, increase by amount, or decrease by amount?', 'options' : [('=', '='), ('+', '+'), ('-', '-')], 'value' : quota.operation }] } else: try: return {'message': self._edit_quota(quota, util.Params(payload))} except ActionInputError as e: return self.message_exception(trans, e.err_msg)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def set_quota_default(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): id = kwd.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'No quota id received for renaming.') quota = get_quota(trans, id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': default_value = quota.default[0].type if quota.default else 'no' default_options = [('No', 'no')] for typ in trans.app.model.DefaultQuotaAssociation.types.__dict__.values(): default_options.append(('Yes, ' + typ, typ)) return { 'title' : 'Set quota default for \'%s\'' % util.sanitize_text(quota.name), 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'default', 'label' : 'Assign, increase by amount, or decrease by amount?', 'options' : default_options, 'value' : default_value, 'help' : 'Warning: Any users or groups associated with this quota will be disassociated.' }] } else: try: return {'message': self._set_quota_default(quota, util.Params(payload))} except ActionInputError as e: return self.message_exception(trans, e.err_msg)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def impersonate(self, trans, email=None, **kwd): if not trans.app.config.allow_user_impersonation: return trans.show_error_message("User impersonation is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy.") message = '' status = 'done' emails = None if email is not None: user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).filter_by(email=email).first() if user: trans.handle_user_logout() trans.handle_user_login(user) message = 'You are now logged in as %s, <a target="_top" href="%s">return to the home page</a>' % (email, url_for(controller='root')) emails = [] else: message = 'Invalid user selected' status = 'error' if emails is None: emails = [u.email for u in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).enable_eagerloads(False).all()] return trans.fill_template('admin/impersonate.mako', emails=emails, message=message, status=status)
[docs] def check_for_tool_dependencies(self, trans, migration_stage): # Get the 000x_tools.xml file associated with migration_stage. tools_xml_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(trans.app.config.root, 'scripts', 'migrate_tools', '%04d_tools.xml' % migration_stage)) tree = util.parse_xml(tools_xml_file_path) root = tree.getroot() tool_shed = root.get('name') shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(trans.app, tool_shed) repo_name_dependency_tups = [] if shed_url: for elem in root: if elem.tag == 'repository': tool_dependencies = [] tool_dependencies_dict = {} repository_name = elem.get('name') changeset_revision = elem.get('changeset_revision') params = dict(name=repository_name, owner='devteam', changeset_revision=changeset_revision) pathspec = ['repository', 'get_tool_dependencies'] text = url_get(shed_url, password_mgr=self.app.tool_shed_registry.url_auth(shed_url), pathspec=pathspec, params=params) if text: tool_dependencies_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode(text) for dependency_key, requirements_dict in tool_dependencies_dict.items(): tool_dependency_name = requirements_dict['name'] tool_dependency_version = requirements_dict['version'] tool_dependency_type = requirements_dict['type'] tool_dependency_readme = requirements_dict.get('readme', '') tool_dependencies.append((tool_dependency_name, tool_dependency_version, tool_dependency_type, tool_dependency_readme)) repo_name_dependency_tups.append((repository_name, tool_dependencies)) return repo_name_dependency_tups
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def review_tool_migration_stages(self, trans, **kwd): message = escape(util.restore_text(kwd.get('message', ''))) status = util.restore_text(kwd.get('status', 'done')) migration_stages_dict = odict() migration_modules = [] migration_scripts_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(trans.app.config.root, 'lib', 'tool_shed', 'galaxy_install', 'migrate', 'versions')) migration_scripts_dir_contents = os.listdir(migration_scripts_dir) for item in migration_scripts_dir_contents: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(migration_scripts_dir, item)) and item.endswith('.py'): module = item.replace('.py', '') migration_modules.append(module) if migration_modules: migration_modules.sort() # Remove the 0001_tools.py script since it is the seed. migration_modules = migration_modules[1:] # Reverse the list so viewing will be newest to oldest. migration_modules.reverse() for migration_module in migration_modules: migration_stage = int(migration_module.replace('_tools', '')) repo_name_dependency_tups = self.check_for_tool_dependencies(trans, migration_stage) open_file_obj, file_name, description = imp.find_module(migration_module, [migration_scripts_dir]) imported_module = imp.load_module('upgrade', open_file_obj, file_name, description) migration_info = imported_module.__doc__ open_file_obj.close() migration_stages_dict[migration_stage] = (migration_info, repo_name_dependency_tups) return trans.fill_template('admin/review_tool_migration_stages.mako', migration_stages_dict=migration_stages_dict, message=message, status=status)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def tool_errors(self, trans, **kwd): return trans.fill_template('admin/tool_errors.mako', tool_errors=global_tool_errors.error_stack)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def view_datatypes_registry(self, trans, **kwd): message = escape(util.restore_text(kwd.get('message', ''))) status = util.restore_text(kwd.get('status', 'done')) return trans.fill_template('admin/view_datatypes_registry.mako', message=message, status=status)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def display_applications(self, trans, **kwd): return trans.fill_template('admin/view_display_applications.mako', display_applications=trans.app.datatypes_registry.display_applications)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def reload_display_application(self, trans, **kwd): galaxy.queue_worker.send_control_task(trans.app, 'reload_display_application', noop_self=True, kwargs={'display_application_ids': kwd.get('id')}) reloaded, failed = trans.app.datatypes_registry.reload_display_applications(kwd.get('id')) if not reloaded and failed: return trans.show_error_message('Unable to reload any of the %i requested display applications ("%s").' % (len(failed), '", "'.join(failed))) if failed: return trans.show_warn_message('Reloaded %i display applications ("%s"), but failed to reload %i display applications ("%s").' % (len(reloaded), '", "'.join(reloaded), len(failed), '", "'.join(failed))) if not reloaded: return trans.show_warn_message('You need to request at least one display application to reload.') return trans.show_ok_message('Reloaded %i requested display applications ("%s").' % (len(reloaded), '", "'.join(reloaded)))
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def center(self, trans, **kwd): message = escape(kwd.get('message', '')) status = kwd.get('status', 'done') is_repo_installed = trans.install_model.context.query(trans.install_model.ToolShedRepository).first() is not None installing_repository_ids = repository_util.get_ids_of_tool_shed_repositories_being_installed(trans.app, as_string=True) return trans.fill_template('/webapps/galaxy/admin/center.mako', is_repo_installed=is_repo_installed, installing_repository_ids=installing_repository_ids, message=message, status=status)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def tool_versions_list(self, trans, **kwd): return self.tool_version_list_grid(trans, **kwd)
[docs] @web.expose @web.json @web.require_admin def roles_list(self, trans, **kwargs): message = kwargs.get('message') status = kwargs.get('status') if 'operation' in kwargs: id = kwargs.get('id', None) if not id: message, status = ('Invalid role id (%s) received.' % str(id), 'error') ids = util.listify(id) operation = kwargs['operation'].lower().replace('+', ' ') if operation == 'delete': message, status = self._delete_role(trans, ids) elif operation == 'undelete': message, status = self._undelete_role(trans, ids) elif operation == 'purge': message, status = self._purge_role(trans, ids) if message and status: kwargs['message'] = util.sanitize_text(message) kwargs['status'] = status return self.role_list_grid(trans, **kwargs)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def create_role(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): if trans.request.method == 'GET': all_users = [] all_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for group in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name): all_groups.append((group.name, trans.security.encode_id(group.id))) return { 'title' : 'Create Role', 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name' }, { 'name' : 'description', 'label' : 'Description' }, build_select_input('in_groups', 'Groups', all_groups, []), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, []), { 'name' : 'auto_create', 'label' : 'Create a new group of the same name for this role:', 'type' : 'boolean' }]} else: name = util.restore_text(payload.get('name', '')) description = util.restore_text(payload.get('description', '')) auto_create_checked = payload.get('auto_create') == 'true' in_users = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_users'))] in_groups = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_groups'))] if not name or not description: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Enter a valid name and a description.') elif trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name == name).first(): return self.message_exception(trans, 'Role names must be unique and a role with that name already exists, so choose another name.') elif None in in_users or None in in_groups: return self.message_exception(trans, 'One or more invalid user/group id has been provided.') else: # Create the role role = trans.app.model.Role(name=name, description=description, type=trans.app.model.Role.types.ADMIN) trans.sa_session.add(role) # Create the UserRoleAssociations for user in in_users: ura = trans.app.model.UserRoleAssociation(user, role) trans.sa_session.add(ura) # Create the GroupRoleAssociations for group in in_groups: gra = trans.app.model.GroupRoleAssociation(group, role) trans.sa_session.add(gra) if auto_create_checked: # Check if role with same name already exists if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name == name).first(): return self.message_exception(trans, 'A group with that name already exists, so choose another name or disable group creation.') # Create the group group = trans.app.model.Group(name=name) trans.sa_session.add(group) # Associate the group with the role gra = trans.model.GroupRoleAssociation(group, role) trans.sa_session.add(gra) num_in_groups = len(in_groups) + 1 else: num_in_groups = len(in_groups) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'Role \'%s\' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups.' % (role.name, len(in_users), num_in_groups) if auto_create_checked: message += 'One of the groups associated with this role is the newly created group with the same name.' return {'message' : message}
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def rename_role(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): id = kwd.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'No role id received for renaming.') role = get_role(trans, id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': return { 'title' : 'Change role name and description for \'%s\'' % util.sanitize_text(role.name), 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name', 'value' : role.name }, { 'name' : 'description', 'label' : 'Description', 'value' : role.description }] } else: old_name = role.name new_name = util.restore_text(payload.get('name')) new_description = util.restore_text(payload.get('description')) if not new_name: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Enter a valid role name.') else: existing_role = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name == new_name).first() if existing_role and existing_role.id != role.id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'A role with that name already exists.') else: if not (role.name == new_name and role.description == new_description): role.name = new_name role.description = new_description trans.sa_session.add(role) trans.sa_session.flush() return {'message': 'Role \'%s\' has been renamed to \'%s\'.' % (old_name, new_name)}
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def manage_users_and_groups_for_role(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): role_id = kwd.get('id') if not role_id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid role id (%s) received' % str(role_id)) role = get_role(trans, role_id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': in_users = [] all_users = [] in_groups = [] all_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): if user in [x.user for x in role.users]: in_users.append(trans.security.encode_id(user.id)) all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for group in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name): if group in [x.group for x in role.groups]: in_groups.append(trans.security.encode_id(group.id)) all_groups.append((group.name, trans.security.encode_id(group.id))) return {'title' : 'Role \'%s\'' % role.name, 'message': 'Role \'%s\' is currently associated with %d user(s) and %d group(s).' % (role.name, len(in_users), len(in_groups)), 'status' : 'info', 'inputs' : [build_select_input('in_groups', 'Groups', all_groups, in_groups), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, in_users)]} else: in_users = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_users'))] in_groups = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_groups'))] if None in in_users or None in in_groups: return self.message_exception(trans, 'One or more invalid user/group id has been provided.') for ura in role.users: user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(ura.user_id) if user not in in_users: # Delete DefaultUserPermissions for previously associated users that have been removed from the role for dup in user.default_permissions: if role == dup.role: trans.sa_session.delete(dup) # Delete DefaultHistoryPermissions for previously associated users that have been removed from the role for history in user.histories: for dhp in history.default_permissions: if role == dhp.role: trans.sa_session.delete(dhp) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.app.security_agent.set_entity_role_associations(roles=[role], users=in_users, groups=in_groups) trans.sa_session.refresh(role) return {'message' : 'Role \'%s\' has been updated with %d associated users and %d associated groups.' % (role.name, len(in_users), len(in_groups))}
def _delete_role(self, trans, ids): message = 'Deleted %d roles: ' % len(ids) for role_id in ids: role = get_role(trans, role_id) role.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(role) trans.sa_session.flush() message += ' %s ' % role.name return (message, 'done') def _undelete_role(self, trans, ids): count = 0 undeleted_roles = "" for role_id in ids: role = get_role(trans, role_id) if not role.deleted: return ("Role '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be undeleted." % role.name, "error") role.deleted = False trans.sa_session.add(role) trans.sa_session.flush() count += 1 undeleted_roles += " %s" % role.name return ("Undeleted %d roles: %s" % (count, undeleted_roles), "done") def _purge_role(self, trans, ids): # This method should only be called for a Role that has previously been deleted. # Purging a deleted Role deletes all of the following from the database: # - UserRoleAssociations where role_id == Role.id # - DefaultUserPermissions where role_id == Role.id # - DefaultHistoryPermissions where role_id == Role.id # - GroupRoleAssociations where role_id == Role.id # - DatasetPermissionss where role_id == Role.id message = "Purged %d roles: " % len(ids) for role_id in ids: role = get_role(trans, role_id) if not role.deleted: return ("Role '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be purged." % role.name, "error") # Delete UserRoleAssociations for ura in role.users: user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(ura.user_id) # Delete DefaultUserPermissions for associated users for dup in user.default_permissions: if role == dup.role: trans.sa_session.delete(dup) # Delete DefaultHistoryPermissions for associated users for history in user.histories: for dhp in history.default_permissions: if role == dhp.role: trans.sa_session.delete(dhp) trans.sa_session.delete(ura) # Delete GroupRoleAssociations for gra in role.groups: trans.sa_session.delete(gra) # Delete DatasetPermissionss for dp in role.dataset_actions: trans.sa_session.delete(dp) trans.sa_session.flush() message += " %s " % role.name return (message, "done")
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def groups_list(self, trans, **kwargs): message = kwargs.get('message') status = kwargs.get('status') if 'operation' in kwargs: id = kwargs.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid group id (%s) received.' % str(id)) ids = util.listify(id) operation = kwargs['operation'].lower().replace('+', ' ') if operation == 'delete': message, status = self._delete_group(trans, ids) elif operation == 'undelete': message, status = self._undelete_group(trans, ids) elif operation == 'purge': message, status = self._purge_group(trans, ids) if message and status: kwargs['message'] = util.sanitize_text(message) kwargs['status'] = status return self.group_list_grid(trans, **kwargs)
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def rename_group(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): id = kwd.get('id') if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'No group id received for renaming.') group = get_group(trans, id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': return { 'title' : 'Change group name for \'%s\'' % util.sanitize_text(group.name), 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name', 'value' : group.name }] } else: old_name = group.name new_name = util.restore_text(payload.get('name')) if not new_name: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Enter a valid group name.') else: existing_group = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name == new_name).first() if existing_group and existing_group.id != group.id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'A group with that name already exists.') else: if not (group.name == new_name): group.name = new_name trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.flush() return {'message': 'Group \'%s\' has been renamed to \'%s\'.' % (old_name, new_name)}
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def manage_users_and_roles_for_group(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): group_id = kwd.get('id') if not group_id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid group id (%s) received' % str(group_id)) group = get_group(trans, group_id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': in_users = [] all_users = [] in_roles = [] all_roles = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): if user in [x.user for x in group.users]: in_users.append(trans.security.encode_id(user.id)) all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for role in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name): if role in [x.role for x in group.roles]: in_roles.append(trans.security.encode_id(role.id)) all_roles.append((role.name, trans.security.encode_id(role.id))) return {'title' : 'Group \'%s\'' % group.name, 'message': 'Group \'%s\' is currently associated with %d user(s) and %d role(s).' % (group.name, len(in_users), len(in_roles)), 'status' : 'info', 'inputs' : [build_select_input('in_roles', 'Roles', all_roles, in_roles), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, in_users)]} else: in_users = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_users'))] in_roles = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_roles'))] if None in in_users or None in in_roles: return self.message_exception(trans, 'One or more invalid user/role id has been provided.') trans.app.security_agent.set_entity_group_associations(groups=[group], users=in_users, roles=in_roles) trans.sa_session.refresh(group) return {'message' : 'Group \'%s\' has been updated with %d associated users and %d associated roles.' % (group.name, len(in_users), len(in_roles))}
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def create_group(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): if trans.request.method == 'GET': all_users = [] all_roles = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User) \ .filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email): all_users.append((user.email, trans.security.encode_id(user.id))) for role in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role) \ .filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name): all_roles.append((role.name, trans.security.encode_id(role.id))) return { 'title' : 'Create Group', 'inputs' : [{ 'name' : 'name', 'label' : 'Name' }, build_select_input('in_roles', 'Roles', all_roles, []), build_select_input('in_users', 'Users', all_users, []), { 'name' : 'auto_create', 'label' : 'Create a new role of the same name for this group:', 'type' : 'boolean' }] } else: name = util.restore_text(payload.get('name', '')) auto_create_checked = payload.get('auto_create') == 'true' in_users = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_users'))] in_roles = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_roles'))] if not name: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Enter a valid name.') elif trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name == name).first(): return self.message_exception(trans, 'Group names must be unique and a group with that name already exists, so choose another name.') elif None in in_users or None in in_roles: return self.message_exception(trans, 'One or more invalid user/role id has been provided.') else: # Create the role group = trans.app.model.Group(name=name) trans.sa_session.add(group) # Create the UserRoleAssociations for user in in_users: uga = trans.app.model.UserGroupAssociation(user, group) trans.sa_session.add(uga) # Create the GroupRoleAssociations for role in in_roles: gra = trans.app.model.GroupRoleAssociation(group, role) trans.sa_session.add(gra) if auto_create_checked: # Check if role with same name already exists if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name == name).first(): return self.message_exception(trans, 'A role with that name already exists, so choose another name or disable role creation.') # Create the role role = trans.app.model.Role(name=name, description='Role for group %s' % name) trans.sa_session.add(role) # Associate the group with the role gra = trans.model.GroupRoleAssociation(group, role) trans.sa_session.add(gra) num_in_roles = len(in_roles) + 1 else: num_in_roles = len(in_roles) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'Group \'%s\' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated roles.' % (group.name, len(in_users), num_in_roles) if auto_create_checked: message += 'One of the roles associated with this group is the newly created role with the same name.' return {'message' : message}
def _delete_group(self, trans, ids): message = 'Deleted %d groups: ' % len(ids) for group_id in ids: group = get_group(trans, group_id) group.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.flush() message += ' %s ' % group.name return (message, 'done') def _undelete_group(self, trans, ids): count = 0 undeleted_groups = "" for group_id in ids: group = get_group(trans, group_id) if not group.deleted: return ("Group '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be undeleted." % group.name, "error") group.deleted = False trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.flush() count += 1 undeleted_groups += " %s" % group.name return ("Undeleted %d groups: %s" % (count, undeleted_groups), "done") def _purge_group(self, trans, ids): message = "Purged %d groups: " % len(ids) for group_id in ids: group = get_group(trans, group_id) if not group.deleted: return ("Group '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be purged." % group.name, "error") # Delete UserGroupAssociations for uga in group.users: trans.sa_session.delete(uga) # Delete GroupRoleAssociations for gra in group.roles: trans.sa_session.delete(gra) trans.sa_session.flush() message += " %s " % group.name return (message, "done")
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def create_new_user(self, trans, **kwd): return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller='user', action='create', cntrller='admin'))
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def reset_user_password(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): users = {user_id: get_user(trans, user_id) for user_id in util.listify(kwd.get('id'))} if users: if trans.request.method == 'GET': return { 'message': 'Changes password(s) for: %s.' % ', '.join(user.email for user in users.values()), 'status' : 'info', 'inputs' : [{'name' : 'password', 'label' : 'New password', 'type' : 'password'}, {'name' : 'confirm', 'label' : 'Confirm password', 'type' : 'password'}] } else: password = payload.get('password') confirm = payload.get('confirm') if len(password) < 6: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Use a password of at least 6 characters.') elif password != confirm: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Passwords do not match.') for user in users.values(): user.set_password_cleartext(password) trans.sa_session.add(user) trans.sa_session.flush() return {'message': 'Passwords reset for %d user(s).' % len(users)} else: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Please specify user ids.')
def _delete_user(self, trans, ids): message = 'Deleted %d users: ' % len(ids) for user_id in ids: user = get_user(trans, user_id) user.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(user) trans.sa_session.flush() message += ' %s ' % user.email return (message, 'done') def _undelete_user(self, trans, ids): count = 0 undeleted_users = "" for user_id in ids: user = get_user(trans, user_id) if not user.deleted: message = 'User \'%s\' has not been deleted, so it cannot be undeleted.' % user.email return (message, 'error') user.deleted = False trans.sa_session.add(user) trans.sa_session.flush() count += 1 undeleted_users += ' %s' % user.email message = 'Undeleted %d users: %s' % (count, undeleted_users) return (message, 'done') def _purge_user(self, trans, ids): # This method should only be called for a User that has previously been deleted. # We keep the User in the database ( marked as purged ), and stuff associated # with the user's private role in case we want the ability to unpurge the user # some time in the future. # Purging a deleted User deletes all of the following: # - History where user_id = User.id # - HistoryDatasetAssociation where history_id = History.id # - Dataset where HistoryDatasetAssociation.dataset_id = Dataset.id # - UserGroupAssociation where user_id == User.id # - UserRoleAssociation where user_id == User.id EXCEPT FOR THE PRIVATE ROLE # - UserAddress where user_id == User.id # Purging Histories and Datasets must be handled via the cleanup_datasets.py script message = 'Purged %d users: ' % len(ids) for user_id in ids: user = get_user(trans, user_id) if not user.deleted: return ('User \'%s\' has not been deleted, so it cannot be purged.' % user.email, 'error') private_role = trans.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(user) # Delete History for h in user.active_histories: trans.sa_session.refresh(h) for hda in h.active_datasets: # Delete HistoryDatasetAssociation d = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Dataset).get(hda.dataset_id) # Delete Dataset if not d.deleted: d.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(d) hda.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(hda) h.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(h) # Delete UserGroupAssociations for uga in user.groups: trans.sa_session.delete(uga) # Delete UserRoleAssociations EXCEPT FOR THE PRIVATE ROLE for ura in user.roles: if ura.role_id != private_role.id: trans.sa_session.delete(ura) # Delete UserAddresses for address in user.addresses: trans.sa_session.delete(address) # Purge the user user.purged = True trans.sa_session.add(user) trans.sa_session.flush() message += '%s ' % user.email return (message, 'done') def _recalculate_user(self, trans, user_id): user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(user_id)) if not user: return ('User not found for id (%s)' % sanitize_text(str(user_id)), 'error') current = user.get_disk_usage() user.calculate_and_set_disk_usage() new = user.get_disk_usage() if new in (current, None): message = 'Usage is unchanged at %s.' % nice_size(current) else: message = 'Usage has changed by %s to %s.' % (nice_size(new - current), nice_size(new)) return (message, 'done')
[docs] @web.expose_api @web.require_admin def manage_roles_and_groups_for_user(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): user_id = kwd.get('id') if not user_id: return self.message_exception(trans, 'Invalid user id (%s) received' % str(user_id)) user = get_user(trans, user_id) if trans.request.method == 'GET': in_roles = [] all_roles = [] in_groups = [] all_groups = [] for role in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).filter(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Role.table.c.name): if role in [x.role for x in user.roles]: in_roles.append(trans.security.encode_id(role.id)) if role.type != trans.app.model.Role.types.PRIVATE: # There is a 1 to 1 mapping between a user and a PRIVATE role, so private roles should # not be listed in the roles form fields, except for the currently selected user's private # role, which should always be in in_roles. The check above is added as an additional # precaution, since for a period of time we were including private roles in the form fields. all_roles.append((role.name, trans.security.encode_id(role.id))) for group in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).filter(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.deleted == false()) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Group.table.c.name): if group in [x.group for x in user.groups]: in_groups.append(trans.security.encode_id(group.id)) all_groups.append((group.name, trans.security.encode_id(group.id))) return {'title' : 'Roles and groups for \'%s\'' % user.email, 'message': 'User \'%s\' is currently associated with %d role(s) and is a member of %d group(s).' % (user.email, len(in_roles) - 1, len(in_groups)), 'status' : 'info', 'inputs' : [build_select_input('in_roles', 'Roles', all_roles, in_roles), build_select_input('in_groups', 'Groups', all_groups, in_groups)]} else: in_roles = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Role).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_roles'))] in_groups = [trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Group).get(trans.security.decode_id(x)) for x in util.listify(payload.get('in_groups'))] if None in in_groups or None in in_roles: return self.message_exception(trans, 'One or more invalid role/group id has been provided.') # make sure the user is not dis-associating himself from his private role private_role = trans.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(user) if private_role not in in_roles: in_roles.append(private_role) trans.app.security_agent.set_entity_user_associations(users=[user], roles=in_roles, groups=in_groups) trans.sa_session.refresh(user) return {'message' : 'User \'%s\' has been updated with %d associated roles and %d associated groups (private roles are not displayed).' % (user.email, len(in_roles) - 1, len(in_groups))}
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def jobs(self, trans, stop=[], stop_msg=None, cutoff=180, job_lock=None, ajl_submit=None, **kwd): deleted = [] msg = None status = None job_ids = util.listify(stop) if job_ids and stop_msg in [None, '']: msg = 'Please enter an error message to display to the user describing why the job was terminated' status = 'error' elif job_ids: if stop_msg[-1] not in PUNCTUATION: stop_msg += '.' for job_id in job_ids: error_msg = "This job was stopped by an administrator: %s <a href='%s' target='_blank'>Contact support</a> for additional help." \ % (stop_msg, self.app.config.get("support_url", "https://galaxyproject.org/support/")) if trans.app.config.track_jobs_in_database: job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).get(job_id) job.stderr = error_msg job.set_state(trans.app.model.Job.states.DELETED_NEW) trans.sa_session.add(job) else: trans.app.job_manager.job_stop_queue.put(job_id, error_msg=error_msg) deleted.append(str(job_id)) if deleted: msg = 'Queued job' if len(deleted) > 1: msg += 's' msg += ' for deletion: ' msg += ', '.join(deleted) status = 'done' trans.sa_session.flush() if ajl_submit: if job_lock == 'on': galaxy.queue_worker.send_control_task(trans.app, 'admin_job_lock', kwargs={'job_lock': True}) job_lock = True else: galaxy.queue_worker.send_control_task(trans.app, 'admin_job_lock', kwargs={'job_lock': False}) job_lock = False else: job_lock = trans.app.job_manager.job_lock cutoff_time = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=int(cutoff)) jobs = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job) \ .filter(and_(trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time < cutoff_time, or_(trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.NEW, trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.QUEUED, trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.RUNNING, trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.UPLOAD))) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time.desc()).all() recent_jobs = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job) \ .filter(and_(trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time > cutoff_time, or_(trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.ERROR, trans.app.model.Job.state == trans.app.model.Job.states.OK))) \ .order_by(trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time.desc()).all() last_updated = {} for job in jobs: delta = datetime.utcnow() - job.update_time if delta.days > 0: last_updated[job.id] = '%s hours' % (delta.days * 24 + int(delta.seconds / 60 / 60)) elif delta > timedelta(minutes=59): last_updated[job.id] = '%s hours' % int(delta.seconds / 60 / 60) else: last_updated[job.id] = '%s minutes' % int(delta.seconds / 60) finished = {} for job in recent_jobs: delta = datetime.utcnow() - job.update_time if delta.days > 0: finished[job.id] = '%s hours' % (delta.days * 24 + int(delta.seconds / 60 / 60)) elif delta > timedelta(minutes=59): finished[job.id] = '%s hours' % int(delta.seconds / 60 / 60) else: finished[job.id] = '%s minutes' % int(delta.seconds / 60) return trans.fill_template('/admin/jobs.mako', jobs=jobs, recent_jobs=recent_jobs, last_updated=last_updated, finished=finished, cutoff=cutoff, msg=msg, status=status, job_lock=job_lock)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def job_info(self, trans, jobid=None): job = None if jobid is not None: job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).get(jobid) return trans.fill_template('/webapps/reports/job_info.mako', job=job, message="<a href='jobs'>Back</a>")
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def manage_tool_dependencies(self, trans, install_dependencies=False, uninstall_dependencies=False, remove_unused_dependencies=False, selected_tool_ids=None, selected_environments_to_uninstall=None, viewkey='View tool-centric dependencies'): if not selected_tool_ids: selected_tool_ids = [] if not selected_environments_to_uninstall: selected_environments_to_uninstall = [] tools_by_id = trans.app.toolbox.tools_by_id view = six.next(six.itervalues(trans.app.toolbox.tools_by_id))._view if selected_tool_ids: # install the dependencies for the tools in the selected_tool_ids list if not isinstance(selected_tool_ids, list): selected_tool_ids = [selected_tool_ids] requirements = set([tools_by_id[tid].tool_requirements for tid in selected_tool_ids]) if install_dependencies: [view.install_dependencies(r) for r in requirements] elif uninstall_dependencies: [view.uninstall_dependencies(index=None, requirements=r) for r in requirements] if selected_environments_to_uninstall and remove_unused_dependencies: if not isinstance(selected_environments_to_uninstall, list): selected_environments_to_uninstall = [selected_environments_to_uninstall] view.remove_unused_dependency_paths(selected_environments_to_uninstall) return trans.fill_template('/webapps/galaxy/admin/manage_dependencies.mako', tools=tools_by_id, requirements_status=view.toolbox_requirements_status, tool_ids_by_requirements=view.tool_ids_by_requirements, unused_environments=view.unused_dependency_paths, viewkey=viewkey)
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_admin def sanitize_whitelist(self, trans, submit_whitelist=False, tools_to_whitelist=[]): if submit_whitelist: # write the configured sanitize_whitelist_file with new whitelist # and update in-memory list. with open(trans.app.config.sanitize_whitelist_file, 'wt') as f: if isinstance(tools_to_whitelist, six.string_types): tools_to_whitelist = [tools_to_whitelist] new_whitelist = sorted([tid for tid in tools_to_whitelist if tid in trans.app.toolbox.tools_by_id]) f.write("\n".join(new_whitelist)) trans.app.config.sanitize_whitelist = new_whitelist galaxy.queue_worker.send_control_task(trans.app, 'reload_sanitize_whitelist', noop_self=True) # dispatch a message to reload list for other processes return trans.fill_template('/webapps/galaxy/admin/sanitize_whitelist.mako', sanitize_all=trans.app.config.sanitize_all_html, tools=trans.app.toolbox.tools_by_id)
# ---- Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def build_select_input(name, label, options, value): return {'type' : 'select', 'multiple' : True, 'optional' : True, 'individual': True, 'name' : name, 'label' : label, 'options' : options, 'value' : value}
[docs]def get_user(trans, user_id): """Get a User from the database by id.""" user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.model.User).get(trans.security.decode_id(user_id)) if not user: return trans.show_error_message("User not found for id (%s)" % str(user_id)) return user
[docs]def get_role(trans, id): """Get a Role from the database by id.""" # Load user from database id = trans.security.decode_id(id) role = trans.sa_session.query(trans.model.Role).get(id) if not role: return trans.show_error_message("Role not found for id (%s)" % str(id)) return role
[docs]def get_group(trans, id): """Get a Group from the database by id.""" # Load user from database id = trans.security.decode_id(id) group = trans.sa_session.query(trans.model.Group).get(id) if not group: return trans.show_error_message("Group not found for id (%s)" % str(id)) return group
[docs]def get_quota(trans, id): """Get a Quota from the database by id.""" # Load user from database id = trans.security.decode_id(id) quota = trans.sa_session.query(trans.model.Quota).get(id) return quota