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Source code for galaxy.web.framework.middleware.graphite

Middleware for sending request statistics to graphite
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import graphitesend
except ImportError:
    # This middleware will never be used without graphite. This block allows
    # unit tests pass on systems without it.
    graphitesend = None

[docs]class GraphiteMiddleware(object): """ This middleware will log request durations to the configured graphite instance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, application, graphite_host, graphite_port, graphite_prefix): if not graphitesend: raise ImportError("graphite middleware configured, but no graphite python module found. " "Please install the python graphitesend module to use this functionality.") self.application = application try: self.graphite_client = graphitesend.init(graphite_server=graphite_host, graphite_port=int(graphite_port), prefix=graphite_prefix.rstrip('.')) except graphitesend.graphitesend.GraphiteSendException: self.graphite_client = None log.exception("Could not instantiate graphite metrics logger. It will be disabled until Galaxy restart")
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): start_time = time.time() req = self.application(environ, start_response) # If graphite is disabled, exit early. if not self.graphite_client: return req dt = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000) try: self.graphite_client.send(environ.get('controller_action_key', None) or environ.get('PATH_INFO', "NOPATH").strip('/').replace('/', '.'), dt) self.graphite_client.send('__global__', dt) except graphitesend.GraphiteSendException: log.exception("Graphite Error") return req