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Source code for galaxy.util.handlers

"""Utilities for dealing with the Galaxy 'handler' process pattern.

A 'handler' is a named Python process running the Galaxy application responsible
for some activity such as queuing up jobs or scheduling workflows.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os
import random

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConfiguresHandlers: def _init_handlers(self, config_element): # Parse handlers if config_element is not None: for handler in self._findall_with_required(config_element, 'handler'): handler_id = handler.get('id') if handler_id in self.handlers: log.error("Handler '%s' overlaps handler with the same name, ignoring" % handler_id) else: log.debug("Read definition for handler '%s'" % handler_id) self.handlers[handler_id] = (handler_id,) self._parse_handler(handler_id, handler) if handler.get('tags', None) is not None: for tag in [x.strip() for x in handler.get('tags').split(',')]: if tag in self.handlers: self.handlers[tag].append(handler_id) else: self.handlers[tag] = [handler_id] def _parse_handler(self, handler_id, handler_def): pass def _get_default(self, config, parent, names): """ Returns the default attribute set in a parent tag like <handlers> or <destinations>, or return the ID of the child, if there is no explicit default and only one child. :param parent: Object representing a tag that may or may not have a 'default' attribute. :type parent: ``xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`` :param names: The list of destination or handler IDs or tags that were loaded. :type names: list of str :returns: str -- id or tag representing the default. """ rval = parent.get('default') if 'default_from_environ' in parent.attrib: environ_var = parent.attrib['default_from_environ'] rval = os.environ.get(environ_var, rval) elif 'default_from_config' in parent.attrib: config_val = parent.attrib['default_from_config'] rval = config.config_dict.get(config_val, rval) if rval is not None: # If the parent element has a 'default' attribute, use the id or tag in that attribute if rval not in names: raise Exception("<%s> default attribute '%s' does not match a defined id or tag in a child element" % (parent.tag, rval)) log.debug("<%s> default set to child with id or tag '%s'" % (parent.tag, rval)) elif len(names) == 1: log.info("Setting <%s> default to child with id '%s'" % (parent.tag, names[0])) rval = names[0] else: raise Exception("No <%s> default specified, please specify a valid id or tag with the 'default' attribute" % parent.tag) return rval def _findall_with_required(self, parent, match, attribs=None): """Like ``xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.findall()``, except only returns children that have the specified attribs. :param parent: Parent element in which to find. :type parent: ``xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`` :param match: Name of child elements to find. :type match: str :param attribs: List of required attributes in children elements. :type attribs: list of str :returns: list of ``xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`` """ rval = [] if attribs is None: attribs = ('id',) for elem in parent.findall(match): for attrib in attribs: if attrib not in elem.attrib: log.warning("required '%s' attribute is missing from <%s> element" % (attrib, match)) break else: rval.append(elem) return rval @property def is_handler(self): """Indicate whether the current server is a handler. :param server_name: The name to check :type server_name: str :return: bool """ if self._is_handler is not None: return self._is_handler for collection in self.handlers.values(): if self.app.config.server_name in collection: return True return False def _get_single_item(self, collection, index=None): """Given a collection of handlers or destinations, return one item from the collection at random. """ # Done like this to avoid random under the assumption it's faster to avoid it if len(collection) == 1: return collection[0] elif index is None: return random.choice(collection) else: return collection[index % len(collection)] # This is called by Tool.get_job_handler()
[docs] def get_handler(self, id_or_tag, index=None): """Given a handler ID or tag, return a handler matching it. :param id_or_tag: A handler ID or tag. :type id_or_tag: str :param index: Generate "consistent" "random" handlers with this index if specified. :type index: int :returns: str -- A valid job handler ID. """ if id_or_tag is None and self.default_handler_id is None: return None if id_or_tag is None: id_or_tag = self.default_handler_id return self._get_single_item(self.handlers[id_or_tag], index=index)