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Source code for galaxy.tools.test

import logging
import os
import os.path

from six import string_types

import galaxy.tools.parameters.basic
import galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping
from galaxy.util import string_as_bool

    from nose.tools import nottest
except ImportError:
    def nottest(x):
        return x

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_INTERACTOR = "api"  # Default mechanism test code uses for interacting with Galaxy instance.

[docs]@nottest def parse_tests(tool, tests_source): """ Build ToolTestBuilder objects for each "<test>" elements and return default interactor (if any). """ default_interactor = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_DEFAULT_INTERACTOR', DEFAULT_INTERACTOR) tests_dict = tests_source.parse_tests_to_dict() tests_default_interactor = tests_dict.get('interactor', default_interactor) tests = [] for i, test_dict in enumerate(tests_dict.get('tests', [])): test = ToolTestBuilder(tool, test_dict, i, default_interactor=tests_default_interactor) tests.append(test) return tests
[docs]class ToolTestBuilder(object): """ Encapsulates information about a tool test, and allows creation of a dynamic TestCase class (the unittest framework is very class oriented, doing dynamic tests in this way allows better integration) """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, test_dict, i, default_interactor): name = test_dict.get('name', 'Test-%d' % (i + 1)) maxseconds = test_dict.get('maxseconds', DEFAULT_MAX_SECS) if maxseconds is not None: maxseconds = int(maxseconds) self.tool = tool self.name = name self.maxseconds = maxseconds self.required_files = [] self.inputs = {} self.outputs = [] # By default do not making assertions on number of outputs - but to # test filtering allow explicitly state number of outputs. self.num_outputs = None self.error = False self.exception = None self.__handle_test_dict(test_dict, i, default_interactor)
[docs] def test_data(self): """ Iterator over metadata representing the required files for upload. """ return test_data_iter(self.required_files)
def __matching_case_for_value(self, cond, declared_value): test_param = cond.test_param if isinstance(test_param, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.BooleanToolParameter): if declared_value is None: # No explicit value for param in test case, determine from default query_value = test_param.checked else: query_value = _process_bool_param_value(test_param, declared_value) def matches_declared_value(case_value): return _process_bool_param_value(test_param, case_value) == query_value elif isinstance(test_param, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.SelectToolParameter): if declared_value is not None: # Test case supplied explicit value to check against. def matches_declared_value(case_value): return case_value == declared_value elif test_param.static_options: # No explicit value in test case, not much to do if options are dynamic but # if static options are available can find the one specified as default or # fallback on top most option (like GUI). for (name, value, selected) in test_param.static_options: if selected: default_option = name else: first_option = test_param.static_options[0] first_option_value = first_option[1] default_option = first_option_value def matches_declared_value(case_value): return case_value == default_option else: # No explicit value for this param and cannot determine a # default - give up. Previously this would just result in a key # error exception. msg = "Failed to find test parameter value specification required for conditional %s" % cond.name raise Exception(msg) # Check the tool's defined cases against predicate to determine # selected or default. for i, case in enumerate(cond.cases): if matches_declared_value(case.value): return case else: msg_template = "%s - Failed to find case matching value (%s) for test parameter specification for conditional %s. Remainder of test behavior is unspecified." msg = msg_template % (self.tool.id, declared_value, cond.name) log.info(msg) def __split_if_str(self, value): split = isinstance(value, string_types) if split: value = value.split(",") return value def __handle_test_dict(self, test_dict, i, default_interactor): try: # Mechanism test code uses for interacting with Galaxy instance, # until 'api' is the default switch this to API to use its new # features. Once 'api' is the default set to 'twill' to use legacy # features or workarounds. self.interactor = test_dict.get('interactor', default_interactor) self.inputs = self.__process_raw_inputs(self.tool.inputs, test_dict["inputs"]) self.outputs = test_dict["outputs"] self.output_collections = test_dict["output_collections"] num_outputs = test_dict.get('expect_num_outputs', None) if num_outputs: num_outputs = int(num_outputs) self.num_outputs = num_outputs self.command_line = test_dict.get("command", None) self.stdout = test_dict.get("stdout", None) self.stderr = test_dict.get("stderr", None) self.expect_exit_code = test_dict.get("expect_exit_code", None) self.expect_failure = test_dict.get("expect_failure", False) self.md5 = test_dict.get("md5", None) except Exception as e: self.inputs = {} self.error = True self.exception = e def __process_raw_inputs(self, tool_inputs, raw_inputs, parent_context=None): """ Recursively expand flat list of inputs into "tree" form of flat list (| using to nest to new levels) structure and expand dataset information as proceeding to populate self.required_files. """ parent_context = parent_context or RootParamContext() expanded_inputs = {} for key, value in tool_inputs.items(): if isinstance(value, galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping.Conditional): cond_context = ParamContext(name=value.name, parent_context=parent_context) case_context = ParamContext(name=value.test_param.name, parent_context=cond_context) raw_input = case_context.extract_value(raw_inputs) case_value = raw_input[1] if raw_input else None case = self.__matching_case_for_value(value, case_value) if case: for input_name, input_value in case.inputs.items(): case_inputs = self.__process_raw_inputs({input_name: input_value}, raw_inputs, parent_context=cond_context) expanded_inputs.update(case_inputs) if not value.type == "text": expanded_case_value = self.__split_if_str(case.value) if case_value is not None: # A bit tricky here - we are growing inputs with value # that may be implicit (i.e. not defined by user just # a default defined in tool). So we do not want to grow # expanded_inputs and risk repeat block viewing this # as a new instance with value defined and hence enter # an infinite loop - hence the "case_value is not None" # check. processed_value = _process_simple_value(value.test_param, expanded_case_value) expanded_inputs[case_context.for_state()] = processed_value elif isinstance(value, galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping.Section): context = ParamContext(name=value.name, parent_context=parent_context) for r_name, r_value in value.inputs.items(): expanded_input = self.__process_raw_inputs({context.for_state(): r_value}, raw_inputs, parent_context=context) if expanded_input: expanded_inputs.update(expanded_input) elif isinstance(value, galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping.Repeat): repeat_index = 0 while True: context = ParamContext(name=value.name, index=repeat_index, parent_context=parent_context) updated = False for r_name, r_value in value.inputs.items(): expanded_input = self.__process_raw_inputs({context.for_state(): r_value}, raw_inputs, parent_context=context) if expanded_input: expanded_inputs.update(expanded_input) updated = True if not updated: break repeat_index += 1 else: context = ParamContext(name=value.name, parent_context=parent_context) raw_input = context.extract_value(raw_inputs) if raw_input: (name, param_value, param_extra) = raw_input if not value.type == "text": param_value = self.__split_if_str(param_value) if isinstance(value, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.DataToolParameter): if not isinstance(param_value, list): param_value = [param_value] map(lambda v: self.__add_uploaded_dataset(context.for_state(), v, param_extra, value), param_value) processed_value = param_value elif isinstance(value, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.DataCollectionToolParameter): assert 'collection' in param_extra collection_def = param_extra['collection'] for (name, value, extra) in collection_def.collect_inputs(): require_file(name, value, extra, self.required_files) processed_value = collection_def else: processed_value = _process_simple_value(value, param_value) expanded_inputs[context.for_state()] = processed_value return expanded_inputs def __add_uploaded_dataset(self, name, value, extra, input_parameter): if value is None: assert input_parameter.optional, '%s is not optional. You must provide a valid filename.' % name return value return require_file(name, value, extra, self.required_files)
def _process_simple_value(param, param_value): if isinstance(param, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.SelectToolParameter) and hasattr(param, 'static_options'): # Tests may specify values as either raw value or the value # as they appear in the list - the API doesn't and shouldn't # accept the text value - so we need to convert the text # into the form value. def process_param_value(param_value): found_value = False value_for_text = None if param.static_options: for (text, opt_value, selected) in param.static_options: if param_value == opt_value: found_value = True if value_for_text is None and param_value == text: value_for_text = opt_value if not found_value and value_for_text is not None: processed_value = value_for_text else: processed_value = param_value return processed_value # Do replacement described above for lists or singleton # values. if isinstance(param_value, list): processed_value = list(map(process_param_value, param_value)) else: processed_value = process_param_value(param_value) elif isinstance(param, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.BooleanToolParameter): # Like above, tests may use the tool define values of simply # true/false. processed_value = _process_bool_param_value(param, param_value) else: processed_value = param_value return processed_value def _process_bool_param_value(param, param_value): assert isinstance(param, galaxy.tools.parameters.basic.BooleanToolParameter) was_list = False if isinstance(param_value, list): was_list = True param_value = param_value[0] if param.truevalue == param_value: processed_value = True elif param.falsevalue == param_value: processed_value = False else: processed_value = string_as_bool(param_value) return [processed_value] if was_list else processed_value
[docs]@nottest def test_data_iter(required_files): for fname, extra in required_files: data_dict = dict( fname=fname, metadata=extra.get('metadata', []), composite_data=extra.get('composite_data', []), ftype=extra.get('ftype', DEFAULT_FTYPE), dbkey=extra.get('dbkey', DEFAULT_DBKEY), ) edit_attributes = extra.get('edit_attributes', []) # currently only renaming is supported for edit_att in edit_attributes: if edit_att.get('type', None) == 'name': new_name = edit_att.get('value', None) assert new_name, 'You must supply the new dataset name as the value tag of the edit_attributes tag' data_dict['name'] = new_name else: raise Exception('edit_attributes type (%s) is unimplemented' % edit_att.get('type', None)) yield data_dict
[docs]def require_file(name, value, extra, required_files): if (value, extra) not in required_files: required_files.append((value, extra)) # these files will be uploaded name_change = [att for att in extra.get('edit_attributes', []) if att.get('type') == 'name'] if name_change: name_change = name_change[-1].get('value') # only the last name change really matters value = name_change # change value for select to renamed uploaded file for e.g. composite dataset else: for end in ['.zip', '.gz']: if value.endswith(end): value = value[:-len(end)] break value = os.path.basename(value) # if uploading a file in a path other than root of test-data return value
[docs]class ParamContext(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, index=None, parent_context=None): self.parent_context = parent_context self.name = name self.index = None if index is None else int(index)
[docs] def for_state(self): name = self.name if self.index is None else "%s_%d" % (self.name, self.index) parent_for_state = self.parent_context.for_state() if parent_for_state: return "%s|%s" % (parent_for_state, name) else: return name
def __str__(self): return "Context[for_state=%s]" % self.for_state()
[docs] def param_names(self): for parent_context_param in self.parent_context.param_names(): if self.index is not None: yield "%s|%s_%d" % (parent_context_param, self.name, self.index) else: yield "%s|%s" % (parent_context_param, self.name) if self.index is not None: yield "%s_%d" % (self.name, self.index) else: yield self.name
[docs] def extract_value(self, raw_inputs): for param_name in self.param_names(): value = self.__raw_param_found(param_name, raw_inputs) if value: return value return None
def __raw_param_found(self, param_name, raw_inputs): index = None for i, raw_input in enumerate(raw_inputs): if raw_input[0] == param_name: index = i if index is not None: raw_input = raw_inputs[index] del raw_inputs[index] return raw_input else: return None
[docs]class RootParamContext(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def for_state(self): return ""
[docs] def param_names(self): return []
[docs] def get_index(self): return 0