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Source code for galaxy.tools.cwl.representation

""" This module is responsible for converting between Galaxy's tool
input description and the CWL description for a job json. """

import json
import logging
import os

from six import string_types

from galaxy.exceptions import RequestParameterInvalidException
from galaxy.util import safe_makedirs, string_as_bool

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NOT_PRESENT = object()

    'integer': 'integer',
    'float': 'float',
    'data': 'File',
    'boolean': 'boolean',
    'text': 'text'

[docs]def to_cwl_job(tool, param_dict, local_working_directory): """ tool is Galaxy's representation of the tool and param_dict is the parameter dictionary with wrapped values. """ inputs = tool.inputs input_json = {} inputs_dir = os.path.join(local_working_directory, "_inputs") def simple_value(input, param_dict_value, cwl_type=None): # Hmm... cwl_type isn't really the cwl type in every case, # like in the case of json for instance. if cwl_type is None: input_type = input.type cwl_type = GALAXY_TO_CWL_TYPES[input_type] if cwl_type == "null": assert param_dict_value is None return None if cwl_type == "File": dataset_wrapper = param_dict_value extra_files_path = dataset_wrapper.extra_files_path secondary_files_path = os.path.join(extra_files_path, "__secondary_files__") path = str(dataset_wrapper) if os.path.exists(secondary_files_path): safe_makedirs(inputs_dir) name = os.path.basename(path) new_input_path = os.path.join(inputs_dir, name) os.symlink(path, new_input_path) for secondary_file_name in os.listdir(secondary_files_path): secondary_file_path = os.path.join(secondary_files_path, secondary_file_name) os.symlink(secondary_file_path, new_input_path + secondary_file_name) path = new_input_path return {"location": path, "class": "File"} elif cwl_type == "integer": return int(str(param_dict_value)) elif cwl_type == "long": return int(str(param_dict_value)) elif cwl_type == "float": return float(str(param_dict_value)) elif cwl_type == "double": return float(str(param_dict_value)) elif cwl_type == "boolean": return string_as_bool(param_dict_value) elif cwl_type == "text": return str(param_dict_value) elif cwl_type == "json": raw_value = param_dict_value.value log.info("raw_value is %s (%s)" % (raw_value, type(raw_value))) return json.loads(raw_value) else: return str(param_dict_value) for input_name, input in inputs.items(): if input.type == "repeat": only_input = next(iter(input.inputs.values())) array_value = [] for instance in param_dict[input_name]: array_value.append(simple_value(only_input, instance[input_name[:-len("_repeat")]])) input_json[input_name[:-len("_repeat")]] = array_value elif input.type == "conditional": assert input_name in param_dict, "No value for %s in %s" % (input_name, param_dict) current_case = param_dict[input_name]["_cwl__type_"] if str(current_case) != "null": # str because it is a wrapped... case_index = input.get_current_case(current_case) case_input = input.cases[case_index].inputs["_cwl__value_"] case_value = param_dict[input_name]["_cwl__value_"] input_json[input_name] = simple_value(case_input, case_value, cwl_type=current_case) else: input_json[input_name] = simple_value(input, param_dict[input_name]) return input_json
[docs]def to_galaxy_parameters(tool, as_dict): """ Tool is Galaxy's representation of the tool and as_dict is a Galaxified representation of the input json (no paths, HDA references for instance). """ inputs = tool.inputs galaxy_request = {} def from_simple_value(input, param_dict_value, cwl_type=None): if cwl_type == "json": return json.dumps(param_dict_value) else: return param_dict_value for input_name, input in inputs.items(): as_dict_value = as_dict.get(input_name, NOT_PRESENT) galaxy_input_type = input.type if galaxy_input_type == "repeat": if input_name not in as_dict: continue only_input = next(iter(input.inputs.values())) for index, value in enumerate(as_dict_value): key = "%s_repeat_0|%s" % (input_name, only_input.name) galaxy_value = from_simple_value(only_input, value) galaxy_request[key] = galaxy_value elif galaxy_input_type == "conditional": case_strings = input.case_strings # TODO: less crazy handling of defaults... if (as_dict_value is NOT_PRESENT or as_dict_value is None) and "null" in case_strings: cwl_type = "null" elif (as_dict_value is NOT_PRESENT or as_dict_value is None): raise RequestParameterInvalidException( "Cannot translate CWL datatype - value [%s] of type [%s] with case_strings [%s]. Non-null property must be set." % ( as_dict_value, type(as_dict_value), case_strings ) ) elif isinstance(as_dict_value, bool) and "boolean" in case_strings: cwl_type = "boolean" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, int) and "integer" in case_strings: cwl_type = "integer" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, int) and "long" in case_strings: cwl_type = "long" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, (int, float)) and "float" in case_strings: cwl_type = "float" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, (int, float)) and "double" in case_strings: cwl_type = "double" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, string_types) and "string" in case_strings: cwl_type = "string" elif isinstance(as_dict_value, dict) and "src" in as_dict_value and "id" in as_dict_value: # Bit problematic... cwl_type = "File" elif "json" in case_strings and as_dict_value is not None: cwl_type = "json" else: raise RequestParameterInvalidException( "Cannot translate CWL datatype - value [%s] of type [%s] with case_strings [%s]." % ( as_dict_value, type(as_dict_value), case_strings ) ) galaxy_request["%s|_cwl__type_" % input_name] = cwl_type if cwl_type != "null": current_case_index = input.get_current_case(cwl_type) current_case_inputs = input.cases[current_case_index].inputs current_case_input = current_case_inputs["_cwl__value_"] galaxy_value = from_simple_value(current_case_input, as_dict_value, cwl_type) galaxy_request["%s|_cwl__value_" % input_name] = galaxy_value elif as_dict_value is NOT_PRESENT: continue else: galaxy_value = from_simple_value(input, as_dict_value) galaxy_request[input_name] = galaxy_value log.info("Converted galaxy_request is %s" % galaxy_request) return galaxy_request