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Source code for tool_shed.webapp.api.users
import logging
import tool_shed.util.shed_util_common as suc
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.security.validate_user_input import (
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseAPIController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class UsersController(BaseAPIController):
"""RESTful controller for interactions with users in the Tool Shed."""
[docs] @web.expose_api
def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
POST /api/users
Returns a dictionary of information about the created user.
: param key: the current Galaxy admin user's API key
The following parameters are included in the payload.
:param email (required): the email address of the user
:param password (required): the password of the user
:param username (required): the public username of the user
# Get the information about the user to be created from the payload.
email = payload.get("email", "")
password = payload.get("password", "")
username = payload.get("username", "")
message = self.__validate(trans, email=email, password=password, confirm=password, username=username)
if message:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(message)
# Create the user.
user = self.__create_user(trans, email, username, password)
user_dict = user.to_dict(view="element", value_mapper=self.__get_value_mapper(trans))
user_dict["message"] = f"User '{str(user.username)}' has been created."
user_dict["url"] = web.url_for(controller="users", action="show", id=trans.security.encode_id(user.id))
return user_dict
def __create_user(self, trans, email, username, password):
user = trans.app.model.User(email=email)
user.username = username
if trans.app.config.user_activation_on:
user.active = False
user.active = True # Activation is off, every new user is active by default.
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
return user
def __get_value_mapper(self, trans):
value_mapper = {"id": trans.security.encode_id}
return value_mapper
[docs] @web.expose_api_anonymous
def index(self, trans, deleted=False, **kwd):
GET /api/users
Returns a list of dictionaries that contain information about each user.
# Example URL: http://localhost:9009/api/users
user_dicts = []
deleted = util.asbool(deleted)
for user in (
.filter(trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted == deleted)
user_dict = user.to_dict(view="collection", value_mapper=self.__get_value_mapper(trans))
user_dict["url"] = web.url_for(controller="users", action="show", id=trans.security.encode_id(user.id))
return user_dicts
[docs] @web.expose_api_anonymous
def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
GET /api/users/{encoded_user_id}
GET /api/users/current
Returns a dictionary of information about a user.
:param id: the encoded id of the User object.
user = None
# user is requesting data about themselves
user = trans.user if id == "current" else suc.get_user(trans.app, id)
if user is None:
user_dict = dict(message=f"Unable to locate user record for id {str(id)}.", status="error")
return user_dict
user_dict = user.to_dict(view="element", value_mapper=self.__get_value_mapper(trans))
user_dict["url"] = web.url_for(controller="users", action="show", id=trans.security.encode_id(user.id))
return user_dict
def __validate(self, trans, email, password, confirm, username):
if username in ["repos"]:
return f"The term '{username}' is a reserved word in the Tool Shed, so it cannot be used as a public user name."
message = "\n".join(
validate_email(trans, email),
validate_password(trans, password, confirm),
validate_publicname(trans, username),
return message