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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.datasets

API operations on the contents of a history dataset.
import logging
from io import (
from typing import (

from fastapi import (
from starlette.responses import (

from galaxy.schema import (
from galaxy.schema.fields import DecodedDatabaseIdField
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from galaxy.util.zipstream import ZipstreamWrapper
from galaxy.webapps.base.api import GalaxyFileResponse
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api import (
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.common import (
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.datasets import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

router = Router(tags=["datasets"])

DatasetIDPathParam: DecodedDatabaseIdField = Path(..., description="The encoded database identifier of the dataset.")

HistoryIDPathParam: DecodedDatabaseIdField = Path(..., description="The encoded database identifier of the History.")

DatasetSourceQueryParam: DatasetSourceType = Query(
    description="Whether this dataset belongs to a history (HDA) or a library (LDDA).",

PreviewQueryParam = Query(
        "Whether to get preview contents to be directly displayed on the web. "
        "If preview is False (default) the contents will be downloaded instead."

FilenameQueryParam = Query(
    description="If non-null, get the specified filename from the extra files for this dataset.",

ToExtQueryParam = Query(
        "The file extension when downloading the display data. Use the value `data` to "
        "let the server infer it from the data type."

RawQueryParam = Query(
        "The query parameter 'raw' should be considered experimental and may be dropped at "
        "some point in the future without warning. Generally, data should be processed by its "
        "datatype prior to display."

DisplayOffsetQueryParam = Query(
        "Set this for datatypes that allow chunked display through the display_data method to enable "
        "chunking. This specifies a byte offset into the target dataset's display."

DisplayChunkSizeQueryParam = Query(
        "If offset is set, this recommends 'how large' the next chunk should be. "
        "This is not respected or interpreted uniformly and should be interpreted as a very loose recommendation. "
        "Different datatypes interpret 'largeness' differently - for bam datasets this is a number of lines whereas "
        "for tabular datatypes this is interpreted as a number of bytes. "

[docs]@router.cbv class FastAPIDatasets: service: DatasetsService = depends(DatasetsService)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets", summary="Search datasets or collections using a query system.", ) def index( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_id: Optional[DecodedDatabaseIdField] = Query( default=None, description="Optional identifier of a History. Use it to restrict the search within a particular History.", ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), filter_query_params: FilterQueryParams = Depends(get_filter_query_params), ) -> List[AnyHistoryContentItem]: return self.service.index(trans, history_id, serialization_params, filter_query_params)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/storage", summary="Display user-facing storage details related to the objectstore a dataset resides in.", ) def show_storage( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, hda_ldda: DatasetSourceType = DatasetSourceQueryParam, ) -> DatasetStorageDetails: return self.service.show_storage(trans, dataset_id, hda_ldda)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/inheritance_chain", summary="For internal use, this endpoint may change without warning.", include_in_schema=True, # Can be changed to False if we don't really want to expose this ) def show_inheritance_chain( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, hda_ldda: DatasetSourceType = DatasetSourceQueryParam, ) -> DatasetInheritanceChain: return self.service.show_inheritance_chain(trans, dataset_id, hda_ldda)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/get_content_as_text", summary="Returns dataset content as Text.", ) def get_content_as_text( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, ) -> DatasetTextContentDetails: return self.service.get_content_as_text(trans, dataset_id)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/converted/{ext}", summary="Return information about datasets made by converting this dataset to a new format.", ) def converted_ext( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, ext: str = Path( ..., description="File extension of the new format to convert this dataset to.", ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), ) -> AnyHDA: """ Return information about datasets made by converting this dataset to a new format. If there is no existing converted dataset for the format in `ext`, one will be created. **Note**: `view` and `keys` are also available to control the serialization of the dataset. """ return self.service.converted_ext(trans, dataset_id, ext, serialization_params)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/converted", summary=("Return a a map with all the existing converted datasets associated with this instance."), ) def converted( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, ) -> ConvertedDatasetsMap: """ Return a map of `<converted extension> : <converted id>` containing all the *existing* converted datasets. """ return self.service.converted(trans, dataset_id)
[docs] @router.put( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/permissions", summary="Set permissions of the given history dataset to the given role ids.", ) def update_permissions( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, # Using a generic Dict here as an attempt on supporting multiple aliases for the permissions params. payload: Dict[str, Any] = Body( default=..., example=UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload(), ), ) -> DatasetAssociationRoles: """Set permissions of the given history dataset to the given role ids.""" update_payload = get_update_permission_payload(payload) return self.service.update_permissions(trans, dataset_id, update_payload)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{history_content_id}/extra_files", summary="Generate list of extra files.", tags=["histories"], ) def extra_files( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, ): return self.service.extra_files(trans, history_content_id)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{history_content_id}/display", name="history_contents_display", summary="Displays (preview) or downloads dataset content.", tags=["histories"], response_class=StreamingResponse, ) @router.head( "/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{history_content_id}/display", name="history_contents_display", summary="Check if dataset content can be previewed or downloaded.", tags=["histories"], ) def display_history_content( self, request: Request, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_id: Optional[DecodedDatabaseIdField] = Path( description="The encoded database identifier of the History.", ), history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, preview: bool = PreviewQueryParam, filename: Optional[str] = FilenameQueryParam, to_ext: Optional[str] = ToExtQueryParam, raw: bool = RawQueryParam, offset: Optional[int] = DisplayOffsetQueryParam, ck_size: Optional[int] = DisplayChunkSizeQueryParam, ): """Streams the dataset for download or the contents preview to be displayed in a browser.""" return self._display(request, trans, history_content_id, preview, filename, to_ext, raw, offset, ck_size)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{history_content_id}/display", summary="Displays (preview) or downloads dataset content.", response_class=StreamingResponse, ) @router.head( "/api/datasets/{history_content_id}/display", summary="Check if dataset content can be previewed or downloaded.", ) def display( self, request: Request, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, preview: bool = PreviewQueryParam, filename: Optional[str] = FilenameQueryParam, to_ext: Optional[str] = ToExtQueryParam, raw: bool = RawQueryParam, offset: Optional[int] = DisplayOffsetQueryParam, ck_size: Optional[int] = DisplayChunkSizeQueryParam, ): """Streams the dataset for download or the contents preview to be displayed in a browser.""" return self._display(request, trans, history_content_id, preview, filename, to_ext, raw, offset, ck_size)
def _display( self, request: Request, trans, history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField, preview: bool, filename: Optional[str], to_ext: Optional[str], raw: bool, offset: Optional[int] = None, ck_size: Optional[int] = None, ): extra_params = get_query_parameters_from_request_excluding( request, {"preview", "filename", "to_ext", "raw", "dataset", "ck_size", "offset"} ) display_data, headers = self.service.display( trans, history_content_id, preview=preview, filename=filename, to_ext=to_ext, raw=raw, offset=offset, ck_size=ck_size, **extra_params, ) if isinstance(display_data, IOBase): file_name = getattr(display_data, "name", None) if file_name: return GalaxyFileResponse(file_name, headers=headers, method=request.method) elif isinstance(display_data, ZipstreamWrapper): return StreamingResponse(display_data.response(), headers=headers) elif isinstance(display_data, bytes): return StreamingResponse(BytesIO(display_data), headers=headers) elif isinstance(display_data, str): return StreamingResponse(content=StringIO(display_data), headers=headers) return StreamingResponse(display_data, headers=headers)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{history_content_id}/metadata_file", summary="Returns the metadata file associated with this history item.", name="get_metadata_file", tags=["histories"], operation_id="history_contents__get_metadata_file", response_class=GalaxyFileResponse, ) def get_metadata_file_history_content( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = Path( description="The encoded database identifier of the History.", ), history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, metadata_file: str = Query( ..., description="The name of the metadata file to retrieve.", ), ): return self._get_metadata_file(trans, history_content_id, metadata_file)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{history_content_id}/metadata_file", summary="Returns the metadata file associated with this history item.", response_class=GalaxyFileResponse, operation_id="datasets__get_metadata_file", ) @router.head( "/api/datasets/{history_content_id}/metadata_file", summary="Check if metadata file can be downloaded.", ) def get_metadata_file_datasets( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, metadata_file: str = Query( ..., description="The name of the metadata file to retrieve.", ), ): return self._get_metadata_file(trans, history_content_id, metadata_file)
def _get_metadata_file( self, trans, history_content_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField, metadata_file: str, ) -> GalaxyFileResponse: metadata_file_path, headers = self.service.get_metadata_file(trans, history_content_id, metadata_file) return GalaxyFileResponse(path=cast(str, metadata_file_path), headers=headers)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}", summary="Displays information about and/or content of a dataset.", ) def show( self, request: Request, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, hda_ldda: DatasetSourceType = Query( default=DatasetSourceType.hda, description=("The type of information about the dataset to be requested."), ), data_type: Optional[RequestDataType] = Query( default=None, description=( "The type of information about the dataset to be requested. " "Each of these values may require additional parameters in the request and " "may return different responses." ), ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), ): """ **Note**: Due to the multipurpose nature of this endpoint, which can receive a wild variety of parameters and return different kinds of responses, the documentation here will be limited. To get more information please check the source code. """ exclude_params = {"hda_ldda", "data_type"} exclude_params.update(SerializationParams.__fields__.keys()) extra_params = get_query_parameters_from_request_excluding(request, exclude_params) return self.service.show(trans, dataset_id, hda_ldda, serialization_params, data_type, **extra_params)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/content/{content_type}", summary="Retrieve information about the content of a dataset.", ) def get_structured_content( self, request: Request, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, content_type: DatasetContentType = DatasetContentType.data, ): content, headers = self.service.get_structured_content(trans, dataset_id, content_type, **request.query_params) return Response(content=content, headers=headers)
[docs] @router.delete( "/api/datasets", summary="Deletes or purges a batch of datasets.", ) def delete_batch( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, payload: DeleteDatasetBatchPayload = Body(...), ) -> DeleteDatasetBatchResult: """ Deletes or purges a batch of datasets. **Warning**: only the ownership of the datasets (and upload state for HDAs) is checked, no other checks or restrictions are made. """ return self.service.delete_batch(trans, payload)
[docs] @router.put( "/api/datasets/{dataset_id}/hash", summary="Compute dataset hash for dataset and update model", ) def compute_hash( self, trans=DependsOnTrans, dataset_id: DecodedDatabaseIdField = DatasetIDPathParam, hda_ldda: DatasetSourceType = DatasetSourceQueryParam, payload: ComputeDatasetHashPayload = Body(...), ) -> AsyncTaskResultSummary: return self.service.compute_hash(trans, dataset_id, payload, hda_ldda=hda_ldda)