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Source code for galaxy.auth.providers.pam_auth

Created on 13/07/2015

Author Peter van Heusden (pvh@sanbi.ac.za)
import logging
import shlex

from galaxy.util import (
from . import AuthProvider

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This module provides an AuthProvider for PAM (pluggable authentication module) authentication.
PAM is the Pluggable Authentication Module system (http://www.linux-pam.org/)
It relies on python-pam (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-pam)

Configuration is via config/auth_conf.xml and the following options are supported:
  - auto-register: True/False: automatically register an account for an unknown user. Default: False
  - maildomain: string: all valid users fall within the specified mail domain. Default: None
  - login-use-email: True/False: Parse the email address to get login details. Default: False
  - login-use-username: True/False: Use the username argument for login details. Default: False
                                    Technical note: when a user is not found in the database,
                                    their username is the user part of a user@host email
                                    address. After user creation, however, the username is
                                    the user's public name.
  - pam-service: string: The service name to use for PAM authentication. Default: galaxy
  - use-external-helper: True/False: Run an external helper script as root with sudo to do
                                     authentication. If False authentication is done
                                     by the module directly. Default: False
                                     Technical note: some PAM modules (e.g. pam_unix.so)
                                     require to be run as root to authenticate users.
  - authentication-helper-script: string: Absolute path to helper script to run for authentication. Default: None
                                          There needs to be a config (in /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d)
                                          that allows the galaxy user to run this as root with no password check
                                          For example:
galaxy	ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/galaxy/scripts/auth/pam_auth_helper.py

Configuration example (for internal authentication, use email for user details):

[docs]class PAM(AuthProvider): plugin_type = "PAM"
[docs] def authenticate(self, email, username, password, options, request): pam_username = None auto_register_username = None auto_register_email = None force_fail = False if not options["redact_username_in_logs"]: log.debug( f"use username: {options.get('login-use-username')} use email {options.get('login-use-email', False)} email {email} username {username}" ) # check email based login first because if email exists in Galaxy DB # we will be given the "public name" as username if string_as_bool(options.get("login-use-email", False)) and email is not None: if "@" in email: (email_user, email_domain) = email.split("@") pam_username = email_user if email_domain == options.get("maildomain", None): auto_register_email = email if username is not None: auto_register_username = username else: auto_register_username = email_user else: log.debug("PAM authenticate: warning: email does not match configured PAM maildomain") # no need to fail: if auto-register is not enabled, this # might still be a valid user else: log.debug("PAM authenticate: email must be used to login, but no valid email found") force_fail = True elif string_as_bool(options.get("login-use-username", False)): # if we get here via authenticate_user then # user will be "public name" and # email address will be as per registered user if username is not None: pam_username = username if email is not None: auto_register_email = email elif options.get("maildomain", None) is not None: # we can register a user with this username and mail domain # if auto registration is enabled auto_register_email = f"{username}@{options['maildomain']}" auto_register_username = username else: log.debug("PAM authenticate: username login selected but no username provided") force_fail = True else: log.debug("PAM authenticate: could not find username for PAM") force_fail = True if force_fail: return None, "", "" pam_service = options.get("pam-service", "galaxy") use_helper = string_as_bool(options.get("use-external-helper", False)) log.debug(f"PAM auth: will use external helper: {use_helper}") authenticated = False if use_helper: authentication_helper = options.get("authentication-helper-script", "/bin/false").strip() log.debug(f"PAM auth: external helper script: {authentication_helper}") if not authentication_helper.startswith("/"): # don't accept relative path authenticated = False else: auth_cmd = shlex.split(f"/usr/bin/sudo -n {authentication_helper}") log.debug(f"PAM auth: external helper cmd: {auth_cmd}") message = f"{pam_service}\n{pam_username}\n{password}\n" try: output = commands.execute(auth_cmd, input=message) except commands.CommandLineException as e: if e.stderr != "": log.debug( f"PAM auth: external authentication script had errors: status {e.returncode} error {e.stderr}" ) output = e.stdout if output.strip() == "True": authenticated = True else: authenticated = False else: try: import pam except ImportError: log.debug("PAM authenticate: could not load pam module, PAM authentication disabled") return None, "", "" p_auth = pam.pam() authenticated = p_auth.authenticate(pam_username, password, service=pam_service) if authenticated: log.debug( f"PAM authentication successful for {'redacted' if options['redact_username_in_logs'] else pam_username}" ) return True, auto_register_email, auto_register_username else: log.debug( f"PAM authentication failed for {'redacted' if options['redact_username_in_logs'] else pam_username}" ) return False, "", ""
[docs] def authenticate_user(self, user, password, options, request): return self.authenticate(user.email, user.username, password, options, request)[0]
__all__ = ("PAM",)