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galaxy.tools.actions package¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.ToolExecutionCache(trans)[source]¶
An object mean to cache calculation caused by repeatedly evaluting the same tool by the same user with slightly different parameters.
- class galaxy.tools.actions.ToolAction[source]¶
The actions to be taken when a tool is run (after parameters have been converted and validated).
- class galaxy.tools.actions.DefaultToolAction[source]¶
Default tool action is to run an external command
- produces_real_jobs = True¶
- execute(tool, trans, incoming=None, return_job=False, set_output_hid=True, history=None, job_params=None, rerun_remap_job_id=None, execution_cache=None, dataset_collection_elements=None, completed_job=None, collection_info=None, job_callback=None, flush_job=True)[source]¶
Executes a tool, creating job and tool outputs, associating them, and submitting the job to the job queue. If history is not specified, use trans.history as destination for tool’s output datasets.
- get_output_name(output, dataset=None, tool=None, on_text=None, trans=None, incoming=None, history=None, params=None, job_params=None)[source]¶
- set_metadata_defaults(output, dataset, tool, on_text, trans, incoming, history, params, job_params)[source]¶
This allows to map names of input files to metadata default values. Example:
<data format="tabular" name="output" label="Tabular output, aggregates data from individual_inputs" > <actions> <action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="${','.join(input.name for input in $individual_inputs)}" /> </actions> </data>
- class galaxy.tools.actions.OutputCollections(trans, history, tool, tool_action, input_collections, dataset_collection_elements, on_text, incoming, params, job_params, tags, hdca_tags)[source]¶
Keeps track of collections (DC or HDCA) created by actions.
Actions do fairly different things depending on whether we are creating just part of an collection or a whole output collection (mapping_over_collection parameter).
- galaxy.tools.actions.determine_output_format(output, parameter_context, input_datasets, input_dataset_collections, random_input_ext, python_template_version='3', execution_cache=None)[source]¶
Determines the output format for a dataset based on an abstract description of the output (galaxy.tool_util.parser.ToolOutput), the parameter wrappers, a map of the input datasets (name => HDA), and the last input extensions in the tool form.
TODO: Don’t deal with XML here - move this logic into ToolOutput. TODO: Make the input extension used deterministic instead of random.
galaxy.tools.actions.data_manager module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.data_manager.DataManagerToolAction[source]¶
Tool action used for Data Manager Tools
galaxy.tools.actions.data_source module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.data_source.DataSourceToolAction[source]¶
Tool action used for Data Source Tools
galaxy.tools.actions.history_imp_exp module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.history_imp_exp.ImportHistoryToolAction[source]¶
Tool action used for importing a history to an archive.
- produces_real_jobs = True¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.history_imp_exp.ExportHistoryToolAction[source]¶
Tool action used for exporting a history to an archive.
- produces_real_jobs = True¶
galaxy.tools.actions.metadata module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.metadata.SetMetadataToolAction[source]¶
Tool action used for setting external metadata on an existing dataset
- produces_real_jobs = False¶
galaxy.tools.actions.model_operations module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.model_operations.ModelOperationToolAction[source]¶
- produces_real_jobs = False¶
- check_inputs_ready(tool, trans, incoming, history, execution_cache=None, collection_info=None)[source]¶
- execute(tool, trans, incoming=None, set_output_hid=False, overwrite=True, history=None, job_params=None, execution_cache=None, collection_info=None, job_callback=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Executes a tool, creating job and tool outputs, associating them, and submitting the job to the job queue. If history is not specified, use trans.history as destination for tool’s output datasets.
galaxy.tools.actions.upload module¶
- class galaxy.tools.actions.upload.BaseUploadToolAction[source]¶
- produces_real_jobs = True¶
galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common module¶
- galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.persist_uploads(params, trans)[source]¶
Turn any uploads in the submitted form to persisted files.
- class galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.LibraryParams(roles: List[galaxy.model.Role], tags: Union[List[str], NoneType], template: Union[galaxy.model.FormDefinition, NoneType], template_field_contents: Dict[str, str], folder: galaxy.model.LibraryFolder, message: str, replace_dataset: Union[galaxy.model.LibraryDataset, NoneType])[source]¶
- roles: List[galaxy.model.Role]¶
- template: Optional[galaxy.model.FormDefinition]¶
- folder: galaxy.model.LibraryFolder¶
- replace_dataset: Optional[galaxy.model.LibraryDataset]¶
- __init__(roles: List[galaxy.model.Role], tags: Optional[List[str]], template: Optional[galaxy.model.FormDefinition], template_field_contents: Dict[str, str], folder: galaxy.model.LibraryFolder, message: str, replace_dataset: Optional[galaxy.model.LibraryDataset]) None ¶
- galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.handle_library_params(trans, params, folder_id: str, replace_dataset: Optional[galaxy.model.LibraryDataset] = None) galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.LibraryParams [source]¶
- galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.new_upload(trans, cntrller, uploaded_dataset, library_bunch=None, history=None, state=None, tag_list=None)[source]¶
- galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.get_uploaded_datasets(trans, cntrller, params, dataset_upload_inputs, library_bunch=None, history=None)[source]¶
- galaxy.tools.actions.upload_common.create_paramfile(trans, uploaded_datasets)[source]¶
Create the upload tool’s JSON “param” file.