
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.model.migrate.versions.0106_add_missing_indexes

Migration script to create missing indexes.  Adding new columns to existing tables via SQLAlchemy does not create the index, even if the column definition includes index=True.

import logging

from sqlalchemy import MetaData

from galaxy.model.migrate.versions.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
metadata = MetaData()

indexes = (
    ("ix_metadata_file_lda_id", 'metadata_file', 'lda_id'),                                   # 0003
    ("ix_history_importable", 'history', 'importable'),                                       # 0007
    ("ix_sample_bar_code", 'sample', 'bar_code'),                                             # 0009
    ("ix_request_type_deleted", 'request_type', 'deleted'),                                   # 0012
    ("ix_galaxy_user_username", 'galaxy_user', 'username'),                                   # 0014
    ("ix_form_definition_type", 'form_definition', 'type'),                                   # 0019
    ("ix_form_definition_layout", 'form_definition', 'layout'),                               # 0019
    ("ix_job_library_folder_id", 'job', 'library_folder_id'),                                 # 0020
    ("ix_page_published", 'page', 'published'),                                               # 0023
    ("ix_page_deleted", 'page', 'deleted'),                                                   # 0023
    ("ix_galaxy_user_form_values_id", 'galaxy_user', 'form_values_id'),                       # 0025
    ("ix_lia_deleted", 'library_info_association', 'deleted'),                                # 0036
    ("ix_lfia_deleted", 'library_folder_info_association', 'deleted'),                        # 0036
    ("ix_lddia_deleted", 'library_dataset_dataset_info_association', 'deleted'),              # 0036
    ("ix_sample_library_id", 'sample', 'library_id'),                                         # 0037
    ("ix_sample_folder_id", 'sample', 'folder_id'),                                           # 0037
    ("ix_lia_inheritable", 'library_info_association', 'inheritable'),                        # 0038
    ("ix_lfia_inheritable", 'library_folder_info_association', 'inheritable'),                # 0038
    ("ix_job_imported", 'job', 'imported'),                                                   # 0051
    ("ix_request_notification", 'request', 'notification'),                                   # 0057
    ("ix_sd_external_service_id", 'sample_dataset', 'external_service_id'),                   # 0068
    ("ix_icda_ldda_parent_id", 'implicitly_converted_dataset_association', 'ldda_parent_id'),  # 0073
    ("ix_library_dataset_purged", 'library_dataset', 'purged'),                               # 0074
    ("ix_run_subindex", 'run', 'subindex'),                                                   # 0075
    ("ix_history_dataset_association_purged", 'history_dataset_association', 'purged'),       # 0078
    ("ix_galaxy_user_disk_usage", 'galaxy_user', 'disk_usage'),                               # 0078
    ("ix_galaxy_session_disk_usage", 'galaxy_session', 'disk_usage'),                         # 0078
    ("ix_icda_ldda_id", 'implicitly_converted_dataset_association', 'ldda_id'),               # 0084
    ("ix_tsr_includes_datatypes", 'tool_shed_repository', 'includes_datatypes'),              # 0086
    ("ix_dataset_object_store_id", 'dataset', 'object_store_id'),                             # 0089
    ("ix_job_object_store_id", 'job', 'object_store_id'),                                     # 0089
    ("ix_metadata_file_object_store_id", 'metadata_file', 'object_store_id'),                 # 0089
    ("ix_job_handler", 'job', 'handler'),                                                     # 0094
    ("ix_galaxy_user_email", 'galaxy_user', 'email')                                          # 0106

[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine): print(__doc__) metadata.bind = migrate_engine metadata.reflect() for ix, table, col in indexes: add_index(ix, table, col, metadata)
[docs]def downgrade(migrate_engine): metadata.bind = migrate_engine metadata.reflect() # TODO: Dropping a column used in a foreign key fails in MySQL, need to remove the FK first. for ix, table, col in indexes: drop_index(ix, table, col, metadata)