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Source code for galaxy.model.migrate.triggers.update_audit_table

from galaxy.model.migrate.versions.util import execute_statements

# function name prefix
fn_prefix = "fn_audit_history_by"

# map between source table and associated incoming id field
trigger_config = {
    'history_dataset_association': "history_id",
    'history_dataset_collection_association': "history_id",
    'history': "id",

[docs]def install(engine): """Install history audit table triggers""" sql = _postgres_install(engine) if 'postgres' in engine.name else _sqlite_install() execute_statements(engine, sql)
[docs]def remove(engine): """Uninstall history audit table triggers""" sql = _postgres_remove() if 'postgres' in engine.name else _sqlite_remove() execute_statements(engine, sql)
# Postgres trigger installation def _postgres_remove(): """postgres trigger removal sql""" sql = [] sql.append(f"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS {fn_prefix}_history_id() CASCADE;") sql.append(f"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS {fn_prefix}_id() CASCADE;") return sql def _postgres_install(engine): """postgres trigger installation sql""" sql = [] # postgres trigger function template # need to make separate functions purely because the incoming history_id field name will be # different for different source tables. There may be a fancier way to dynamically choose # between incoming fields, but having 2 triggers fns seems straightforward def statement_trigger_fn(id_field): fn = f"{fn_prefix}_{id_field}" return f""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {fn}() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO history_audit (history_id, update_time) SELECT DISTINCT {id_field}, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' FROM new_table WHERE {id_field} IS NOT NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $BODY$ """ def row_trigger_fn(id_field): fn = f"{fn_prefix}_{id_field}" return f""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {fn}() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO history_audit (history_id, update_time) VALUES (NEW.{id_field}, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $BODY$ """ def statement_trigger_def(source_table, id_field, operation, when="AFTER", function_keyword="FUNCTION"): fn = f"{fn_prefix}_{id_field}" # Postgres supports many triggers per operation/table so the label can # be indicative of what's happening label = f"history_audit_by_{id_field}" trigger_name = get_trigger_name(label, operation, when, statement=True) return f""" CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} {when} {operation} ON {source_table} REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_table FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE {function_keyword} {fn}(); """ def row_trigger_def(source_table, id_field, operation, when="AFTER", function_keyword="FUNCTION"): fn = f"{fn_prefix}_{id_field}" label = f"history_audit_by_{id_field}" trigger_name = get_trigger_name(label, operation, when, statement=True) return f""" CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} {when} {operation} ON {source_table} FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.{id_field} IS NOT NULL) EXECUTE {function_keyword} {fn}(); """ # pick row or statement triggers depending on postgres version version = engine.dialect.server_version_info[0] trigger_fn = statement_trigger_fn if version > 10 else row_trigger_fn trigger_def = statement_trigger_def if version > 10 else row_trigger_def # In the syntax of CREATE TRIGGER, the keywords FUNCTION and PROCEDURE are equivalent, # but the referenced function must in any case be a function, not a procedure. # The use of the keyword PROCEDURE here is historical and deprecated (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/sql-createtrigger.html). function_keyword = "FUNCTION" if version > 10 else "PROCEDURE" for id_field in ["history_id", "id"]: sql.append(trigger_fn(id_field)) for source_table, id_field in trigger_config.items(): for operation in ["UPDATE", "INSERT"]: sql.append(trigger_def(source_table, id_field, operation, function_keyword=function_keyword)) return sql def _sqlite_remove(): sql = [] for source_table in trigger_config: for operation in ["UPDATE", "INSERT"]: trigger_name = get_trigger_name(source_table, operation, "AFTER") sql.append(f"DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {trigger_name};") return sql def _sqlite_install(): # delete old stuff first sql = _sqlite_remove() def trigger_def(source_table, id_field, operation, when="AFTER"): # only one trigger per operation/table in simple databases, so # trigger name is less descriptive trigger_name = get_trigger_name(source_table, operation, when) return f""" CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} {when} {operation} ON {source_table} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO history_audit (history_id, update_time) SELECT NEW.{id_field}, strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%f', 'now') WHERE NEW.{id_field} IS NOT NULL; END; """ for source_table, id_field in trigger_config.items(): for operation in ["UPDATE", "INSERT"]: sql.append(trigger_def(source_table, id_field, operation)) return sql
[docs]def get_trigger_name(label, operation, when, statement=False): op_initial = operation.lower()[0] when_initial = when.lower()[0] rs = "s" if statement else "r" return f"trigger_{label}_{when_initial}{op_initial}{rs}"