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Source code for galaxy.managers.remote_files

import hashlib
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import (

from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy.app import MinimalManagerApp
from galaxy.files import (
from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesUserContext
from galaxy.schema.remote_files import (
from galaxy.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RemoteFilesManager: """ Interface/service object for interacting with remote files. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp): self._app = app
[docs] def index( self, user_ctx: ProvidesUserContext, target: str, format: Optional[RemoteFilesFormat], recursive: Optional[bool], disable: Optional[RemoteFilesDisableMode], ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns a list of remote files available to the user.""" user_file_source_context = ProvidesUserFileSourcesUserContext(user_ctx) default_recursive = False default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.uri if "://" in target: uri = target elif target == RemoteFilesTarget.userdir: uri = "gxuserimport://" default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat default_recursive = True elif target == RemoteFilesTarget.importdir: uri = 'gximport://' default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat default_recursive = True elif target in [RemoteFilesTarget.ftpdir, 'ftp']: # legacy, allow both uri = 'gxftp://' default_format = RemoteFilesFormat.flat default_recursive = True else: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(f"Invalid target parameter supplied [{target}]") if format is None: format = default_format if recursive is None: recursive = default_recursive self._file_sources.validate_uri_root(uri, user_context=user_file_source_context) file_source_path = self._file_sources.get_file_source_path(uri) file_source = file_source_path.file_source try: index = file_source.list(file_source_path.path, recursive=recursive, user_context=user_file_source_context) except exceptions.MessageException: log.warning(f"Problem listing file source path {file_source_path}", exc_info=True) raise except Exception: message = f"Problem listing file source path {file_source_path}" log.warning(message, exc_info=True) raise exceptions.InternalServerError(message) if format == RemoteFilesFormat.flat: # rip out directories, ensure sorted by path index = [i for i in index if i["class"] == "File"] index = sorted(index, key=itemgetter("path")) if format == RemoteFilesFormat.jstree: if disable is None: disable = RemoteFilesDisableMode.folders jstree_paths = [] for ent in index: path = ent["path"] path_hash = hashlib.sha1(smart_str(path)).hexdigest() if ent["class"] == "Directory": path_type = 'folder' disabled = True if disable == RemoteFilesDisableMode.folders else False else: path_type = 'file' disabled = True if disable == RemoteFilesDisableMode.files else False jstree_paths.append(jstree.Path(path, path_hash, {'type': path_type, 'state': {'disabled': disabled}, 'li_attr': {'full_path': path}})) userdir_jstree = jstree.JSTree(jstree_paths) index = userdir_jstree.jsonData() return index
[docs] def get_files_source_plugins(self, user_context: ProvidesUserContext) -> FilesSourcePluginList: """Display plugin information for each of the gxfiles:// URI targets available.""" user_file_source_context = ProvidesUserFileSourcesUserContext(user_context) plugins = self._file_sources.plugins_to_dict(user_context=user_file_source_context) return FilesSourcePluginList.parse_obj(plugins)
@property def _file_sources(self) -> ConfiguredFileSources: return self._app.file_sources