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Source code for galaxy.containers

Interfaces to containerization software

import errno
import inspect
import logging
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
from abc import (
from typing import Any, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Type

import yaml

from galaxy.exceptions import ContainerCLIError
from galaxy.util.submodules import import_submodules

DEFAULT_CONF = {'_default_': {'type': DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TYPE}}

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ContainerPort(NamedTuple): """Named tuple representing ports published by a container, with attributes""" port: int # Port number (inside the container) protocol: str # Port protocol, either ``tcp`` or ``udp`` hostaddr: str # Address or hostname where the published port can be accessed hostport: int # Published port number on which the container can be accessed
[docs]class ContainerVolume(metaclass=ABCMeta): valid_modes = frozenset({"ro", "rw"})
[docs] def __init__(self, path, host_path=None, mode=None): self.path = path self.host_path = host_path self.mode = mode if mode and not self.mode_is_valid: raise ValueError(f"Invalid container volume mode: {mode}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def from_str(cls, as_str): """Classmethod to convert from this container type's string representation. :param as_str: string representation of volume :type as_str: str """
@abstractmethod def __str__(self): """Return this container type's string representation of the volume. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_native(self): """Return this container type's native representation of the volume. """
@property def mode_is_valid(self): return self.mode in self.valid_modes
[docs]class Container(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self, interface, id, name=None, **kwargs): """ :param interface: Container interface for the given container type :type interface: :class:`ContainerInterface` subclass instance :param id: Container identifier :type id: str :param name: Container name :type name: str """ self._interface = interface self._id = id self._name = name
@property def id(self): """The container's id""" return self._id @property def name(self): """The container's name""" return self._name
[docs] @abstractmethod def from_id(cls, interface, id): """Classmethod to create an instance of Container from the container system's id for the given container type. :param interface: Container insterface for the given id :type interface: :class:`ContainerInterface` subclass instance :param id: Container identifier :type id: str :returns: Container object :rtype: :class:`Container` subclass instance """
@abstractproperty def ports(self): """Attribute for accessing details of ports published by the container. :returns: Port details :rtype: list of :class:`ContainerPort` s """ @abstractproperty def address(self): """Attribute for accessing the address or hostname where published ports can be accessed. :returns: Hostname or IP address :rtype: str """
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_ready(self): """Indicate whether or not the container is "ready" (up, available, running). :returns: True if ready, else False :rtpe: bool """
[docs] def map_port(self, port): """Map a given container port to a host address/port. For legacy reasons, if port is ``None``, the first port (if any) will be returned :param port: Container port to map :type port: int :returns: Mapping to host address/port for given container port :rtype: :class:`ContainerPort` instance """ mapping = None ports = self.ports or [] for mapping in ports: if port == mapping.port: return mapping if port is None: log.warning("Container %s (%s): Don't know how to map ports to containers with multiple exposed ports " "when a specific port is not requested. Arbitrarily choosing first: %s", self.name, self.id, mapping) return mapping else: if port is None: log.warning("Container %s (%s): No exposed ports found!", self.name, self.id) else: log.warning("Container %s (%s): No mapping found for port: %s", self.name, self.id, port) return None
[docs]class ContainerInterface(metaclass=ABCMeta): container_type: Optional[str] = None container_class: Optional[Type[Container]] = None volume_class = Optional[Type[ContainerVolume]] conf_defaults: Dict[str, Optional[Any]] = { 'name_prefix': 'galaxy_', } option_map: Dict[str, Dict] = {} publish_port_list_required = False supports_volumes = True
[docs] def __init__(self, conf, key, containers_config_file): self._key = key self._containers_config_file = containers_config_file mro = reversed(self.__class__.__mro__) next(mro) self._conf = ContainerInterfaceConfig() for c in mro: self._conf.update(c.conf_defaults) self._conf.update(conf) self.validate_config()
def _normalize_command(self, command): if isinstance(command, str): command = shlex.split(command) return command def _guess_kwopt_type(self, val): opttype = 'string' if isinstance(val, bool): opttype = 'boolean' elif isinstance(val, list): opttype = 'list' try: if isinstance(val[0], tuple) and len(val[0]) == 3: opttype = 'list_of_kovtrips' except IndexError: pass elif isinstance(val, dict): opttype = 'list_of_kvpairs' return opttype def _guess_kwopt_flag(self, opt): return f"--{opt.replace('_', '-')}" def _stringify_kwopts(self, kwopts): opts = [] for opt, val in kwopts.items(): try: optdef = self.option_map[opt] except KeyError: optdef = { 'flag': self._guess_kwopt_flag(opt), 'type': self._guess_kwopt_type(val), } log.warning("option '%s' not in %s.option_map, guessing flag '%s' type '%s'", opt, self.__class__.__name__, optdef['flag'], optdef['type']) opts.append(getattr(self, f"_stringify_kwopt_{optdef['type']}")(optdef['flag'], val)) return ' '.join(opts) def _stringify_kwopt_boolean(self, flag, val): """ """ return f'{flag}={str(val).lower()}' def _stringify_kwopt_string(self, flag, val): """ """ return f'{flag} {shlex.quote(str(val))}' def _stringify_kwopt_list(self, flag, val): """ """ if isinstance(val, str): return self._stringify_kwopt_string(flag, val) return ' '.join(f'{flag} {shlex.quote(str(v))}' for v in val) def _stringify_kwopt_list_of_kvpairs(self, flag, val): """ """ kwopt_list = [] if isinstance(val, list): # ['foo=bar', 'baz=quux'] kwopt_list = val else: # {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'} for k, v in dict(val).items(): kwopt_list.append(f'{k}={v}') return self._stringify_kwopt_list(flag, kwopt_list) def _stringify_kwopt_list_of_kovtrips(self, flag, val): """ """ if isinstance(val, str): return self._stringify_kwopt_string(flag, val) kwopt_list = [] for k, o, v in val: kwopt_list.append(f'{k}{o}{v}') return self._stringify_kwopt_list(flag, kwopt_list) def _run_command(self, command, verbose=False): if verbose: log.debug('running command: [%s]', command) command_list = self._normalize_command(command) p = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: return stdout.strip() else: msg = f"Command '{command}' returned non-zero exit status {p.returncode}" log.error(f"{msg}: {stderr.strip()}") raise ContainerCLIError( msg, stdout=stdout.strip(), stderr=stderr.strip(), returncode=p.returncode, command=command, subprocess_command=command_list) @property def key(self): return self._key @property def containers_config_file(self): return self._containers_config_file
[docs] def get_container(self, container_id): return self.container_class.from_id(self, container_id)
[docs] def set_kwopts_name(self, kwopts): if self._name_prefix is not None: name = '{prefix}{name}'.format( prefix=self._name_prefix, name=kwopts.get('name', uuid.uuid4().hex) ) kwopts['name'] = name
[docs] def validate_config(self): """ """ self._name_prefix = self._conf.name_prefix
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_in_container(self, command, image=None, **kwopts): """ """
[docs]class ContainerInterfaceConfig(dict): def __setattr__(self, name, value): self[name] = value def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'")
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): try: return self[name] except KeyError: return default
[docs]def build_container_interfaces(containers_config_file, containers_conf=None): """Build :class:`ContainerInterface`s. Pass ``containers_conf`` to avoid rereading the config file. :param containers_config_file: Filename of containers_conf.yml :type containers_config_file: str :param containers_conf: Optional containers conf (as read from containers_conf.yml), will be used in place of containers_config_file :type containers_conf: dict :returns: Instantiated container interfaces with keys corresponding to ``containers`` keys :rtype: dict of :class:`ContainerInterface` subclass instances """ if not containers_conf: containers_conf = parse_containers_config(containers_config_file) interface_classes = _get_interface_modules() interfaces = {} for k, conf in containers_conf.items(): container_type = conf.get('type', DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TYPE) assert container_type in interface_classes, f"unknown container interface type: {container_type}" interfaces[k] = interface_classes[container_type](conf, k, containers_config_file) return interfaces
[docs]def parse_containers_config(containers_config_file): """Parse a ``containers_conf.yml`` and return the contents of its ``containers`` dictionary. :param containers_config_file: Filename of containers_conf.yml :type containers_config_file: str :returns: Contents of the dictionary under the ``containers`` key :rtype: dict """ conf = DEFAULT_CONF.copy() try: with open(containers_config_file) as fh: c = yaml.safe_load(fh) conf.update(c.get('containers', {})) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: log.debug("config file '%s' does not exist, running with default config", containers_config_file) else: raise return conf
def _get_interface_modules(): interfaces = [] modules = import_submodules(sys.modules[__name__]) for module in modules: module_names = [getattr(module, _) for _ in dir(module)] classes = [_ for _ in module_names if inspect.isclass(_) and not _ == ContainerInterface and issubclass(_, ContainerInterface)] interfaces.extend(classes) return {x.container_type: x for x in interfaces}