
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.recipe.tag_handler

import logging
import os
import tempfile

from galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers import NullDependency
from galaxy.util import listify, url_get
from tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.env_manager import EnvManager
from tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.recipe.env_file_builder import EnvFileBuilder
from tool_shed.galaxy_install.tool_dependencies.recipe.install_environment import InstallEnvironment
from tool_shed.util import basic_util
from tool_shed.util import common_util
from tool_shed.util import metadata_util
from tool_shed.util import repository_util
from tool_shed.util import tool_dependency_util
from tool_shed.util import xml_util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RecipeTag(object): """Abstract class that defines a standard format for handling recipe tags when installing packages."""
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs]class SyncDatabase(object):
[docs] def sync_database_with_file_system(self, app, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency_name, tool_dependency_version, tool_dependency_install_dir, tool_dependency_type='package'): """ The installation directory defined by the received tool_dependency_install_dir exists, so check for the presence of INSTALLATION_LOG. If the files exists, we'll assume the tool dependency is installed, but not necessarily successfully (it could be in an error state on disk. However, we can justifiably assume here that no matter the state, an associated database record will exist. """ # This method should be reached very rarely. It implies that either the Galaxy environment # became corrupted (i.e., the database records for installed tool dependencies is not synchronized # with tool dependencies on disk) or the Tool Shed's install and test framework is running. The Tool # Shed's install and test framework installs repositories in 2 stages, those of type tool_dependency_definition # followed by those containing valid tools and tool functional test components. log.debug("Synchronizing the database with the file system...") try: log.debug("The value of app.config.running_functional_tests is: %s" % str(app.config.running_functional_tests)) except Exception: pass sa_session = app.install_model.context can_install_tool_dependency = False tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_by_name_version_type_repository(app, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency_name, tool_dependency_version, tool_dependency_type) if tool_dependency.status == app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLING: # The tool dependency is in an Installing state, so we don't want to do anything to it. If the tool # dependency is being installed by someone else, we don't want to interfere with that. This assumes # the installation by "someone else" is not hung in an Installing state, which is a weakness if that # "someone else" never repaired it. log.debug('Skipping installation of tool dependency %s version %s because it has a status of %s' % (str(tool_dependency.name), str(tool_dependency.version), str(tool_dependency.status))) else: # We have a pre-existing installation directory on the file system, but our associated database record is # in a state that allowed us to arrive here. At this point, we'll inspect the installation directory to # see if we have a "proper installation" and if so, synchronize the database record rather than reinstalling # the dependency if we're "running_functional_tests". If we're not "running_functional_tests, we'll set # the tool dependency's installation status to ERROR. tool_dependency_installation_directory_contents = os.listdir(tool_dependency_install_dir) if basic_util.INSTALLATION_LOG in tool_dependency_installation_directory_contents: # Since this tool dependency's installation directory contains an installation log, we consider it to be # installed. In some cases the record may be missing from the database due to some activity outside of # the control of the Tool Shed. Since a new record was created for it and we don't know the state of the # files on disk, we will set it to an error state (unless we are running Tool Shed functional tests - see # below). log.debug('Skipping installation of tool dependency %s version %s because it is installed in %s' % (str(tool_dependency.name), str(tool_dependency.version), str(tool_dependency_install_dir))) if app.config.running_functional_tests: # If we are running functional tests, the state will be set to Installed because previously compiled # tool dependencies are not deleted by default, from the "install and test" framework.. tool_dependency.status = app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLED else: error_message = 'The installation directory for this tool dependency had contents but the database had no record. ' error_message += 'The installation log may show this tool dependency to be correctly installed, but due to the ' error_message += 'missing database record it is now being set to Error.' tool_dependency.status = app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR tool_dependency.error_message = error_message else: error_message = '\nInstallation path %s for tool dependency %s version %s exists, but the expected file %s' % \ (str(tool_dependency_install_dir), str(tool_dependency_name), str(tool_dependency_version), str(basic_util.INSTALLATION_LOG)) error_message += ' is missing. This indicates an installation error so the tool dependency is being' error_message += ' prepared for re-installation.' log.error(error_message) tool_dependency.status = app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.NEVER_INSTALLED basic_util.remove_dir(tool_dependency_install_dir) can_install_tool_dependency = True sa_session.add(tool_dependency) sa_session.flush() try: log.debug("Returning from sync_database_with_file_system with tool_dependency %s, can_install_tool_dependency %s." % (str(tool_dependency.name), str(can_install_tool_dependency))) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) return tool_dependency, can_install_tool_dependency
[docs]class Install(RecipeTag, SyncDatabase):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.tag = 'install'
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): # <install version="1.0"> # Get the installation directory for tool dependencies that will be installed for the received tool_shed_repository. actions_elem_tuples = [] proceed_with_install = False install_dir = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_install_dir(app=self.app, repository_name=tool_shed_repository.name, repository_owner=tool_shed_repository.owner, repository_changeset_revision=tool_shed_repository.installed_changeset_revision, tool_dependency_type='package', tool_dependency_name=package_name, tool_dependency_version=package_version) if os.path.exists(install_dir): # The tool_migration_manager handles tool migration stages and the sync_database_with_file_system() # method handles two scenarios: (1) where a Galaxy file system environment related to installed # Tool Shed repositories and tool dependencies has somehow gotten out of sync with the Galaxy # database tables associated with these installed items, and (2) the Tool Shed's install and test # framework which installs repositories in 2 stages, those of type tool_dependency_definition # followed by those containing valid tools and tool functional test components. Neither of these # scenarios apply when the install manager is running. if from_tool_migration_manager: proceed_with_install = True else: # Notice that we'll throw away the following tool_dependency if it can be installed. tool_dependency, proceed_with_install = self.sync_database_with_file_system(self.app, tool_shed_repository, package_name, package_version, install_dir, tool_dependency_type='package') if not proceed_with_install: log.debug("Tool dependency %s version %s cannot be installed (it was probably previously installed), so returning it." % (str(tool_dependency.name), str(tool_dependency.version))) return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, actions_elem_tuples else: proceed_with_install = True if proceed_with_install: package_install_version = package_elem.get('version', '1.0') status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLING tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.create_or_update_tool_dependency(app=self.app, tool_shed_repository=tool_shed_repository, name=package_name, version=package_version, type='package', status=status, set_status=True) # Get the information about the current platform in case the tool dependency definition includes tag sets # for installing compiled binaries. platform_info_dict = tool_dependency_util.get_platform_info_dict() if package_install_version == '1.0': # Handle tool dependency installation using a fabric method included in the Galaxy framework. actions_elem_tuples = tool_dependency_util.parse_package_elem(package_elem, platform_info_dict=platform_info_dict, include_after_install_actions=True) if not actions_elem_tuples: proceed_with_install = False error_message = 'Version %s of the %s package cannot be installed because ' % (str(package_version), str(package_name)) error_message += 'the recipe for installing the package is missing either an &lt;actions&gt; tag set or an &lt;actions_group&gt; ' error_message += 'tag set.' # Since there was an installation error, update the tool dependency status to Error. # The remove_installation_path option must be left False here. tool_dependency = tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR, error_message=error_message) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only install version 1.0 is currently supported (i.e., change your tag to be <install version="1.0">).') return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, actions_elem_tuples
[docs]class Package(RecipeTag):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.tag = 'package'
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): action_elem_tuples = [] proceed_with_install = False # Only install the tool_dependency if it is not already installed and it is associated with a database # record in the received tool_dependencies. if package_name and package_version: dependencies_ignored = not self.app.toolbox.dependency_manager.uses_tool_shed_dependencies() if dependencies_ignored: log.debug("Skipping installation of tool dependency package %s because tool shed dependency resolver not enabled." % str(package_name)) # Tool dependency resolves have been configured and they do not include the tool shed. Do not install package. dep = self.app.toolbox.dependency_manager.find_dep(package_name, package_version, type='package') if not isinstance(dep, NullDependency): # TODO: Do something here such as marking it installed or configured externally. pass tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR) else: proceed_with_install = True return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, action_elem_tuples
[docs]class ReadMe(RecipeTag):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.tag = 'readme'
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): # Nothing to be done. action_elem_tuples = [] proceed_with_install = False return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, action_elem_tuples
[docs]class Repository(RecipeTag, SyncDatabase):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.tag = 'repository'
[docs] def create_temporary_tool_dependencies_config(self, tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision): """Make a call to the tool shed to get the required repository's tool_dependencies.xml file.""" tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(self.app, tool_shed_url) if tool_shed_url is None or name is None or owner is None or changeset_revision is None: message = "Unable to retrieve required tool_dependencies.xml file from the Tool Shed because one or more of the " message += "following required parameters is None: tool_shed_url: %s, name: %s, owner: %s, changeset_revision: %s " % \ (str(tool_shed_url), str(name), str(owner), str(changeset_revision)) raise Exception(message) params = dict(name=name, owner=owner, changeset_revision=changeset_revision) pathspec = ['repository', 'get_tool_dependencies_config_contents'] text = url_get(tool_shed_url, password_mgr=self.app.tool_shed_registry.url_auth(tool_shed_url), pathspec=pathspec, params=params) if text: # Write the contents to a temporary file on disk so it can be reloaded and parsed. fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', prefix="tmp-toolshed-cttdc") tmp_filename = fh.name fh.close() fh = open(tmp_filename, 'wb') fh.write(text) fh.close() return tmp_filename else: message = "Unable to retrieve required tool_dependencies.xml file from the Tool Shed for revision " message += "%s of installed repository %s owned by %s." % (str(changeset_revision), str(name), str(owner)) raise Exception(message)
[docs] def create_tool_dependency_with_initialized_env_sh_file(self, dependent_install_dir, tool_shed_repository, required_repository, package_name, package_version, tool_dependencies_config): """ Create or get a tool_dependency record that is defined by the received package_name and package_version. An env.sh file will be created for the tool_dependency in the received dependent_install_dir. """ # The received required_repository refers to a tool_shed_repository record that is defined as a complex # repository dependency for this tool_dependency. The required_repository may or may not be currently # installed (it doesn't matter). If it is installed, it is associated with a tool_dependency that has # an env.sh file that this new tool_dependency must be able to locate and "source". If it is not installed, # we can still determine where that env.sh file will be, so we'll initialize this new tool_dependency's env.sh # file in either case. If the required repository ends up with an installation error, this new tool # dependency will still be fine because its containing repository will be defined as missing dependencies. tool_dependencies = [] if not os.path.exists(dependent_install_dir): os.makedirs(dependent_install_dir) required_tool_dependency_env_file_path = None if tool_dependencies_config: required_td_tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml(tool_dependencies_config) if required_td_tree: required_td_root = required_td_tree.getroot() for required_td_elem in required_td_root: # Find the appropriate package name and version. if required_td_elem.tag == 'package': # <package name="bwa" version="0.5.9"> required_td_package_name = required_td_elem.get('name', None) required_td_package_version = required_td_elem.get('version', None) # Check the database to see if we have a record for the required tool dependency (we may not which is ok). If we # find a record, we need to see if it is in an error state and if so handle it appropriately. required_tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_by_name_version_type_repository(self.app, required_repository, required_td_package_name, required_td_package_version, 'package') if required_td_package_name == package_name and required_td_package_version == package_version: # Get or create a database tool_dependency record with which the installed package on disk will be associated. tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.create_or_update_tool_dependency(app=self.app, tool_shed_repository=tool_shed_repository, name=package_name, version=package_version, type='package', status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.NEVER_INSTALLED, set_status=True) # Create an env.sh file for the tool_dependency whose first line will source the env.sh file located in # the path defined by required_tool_dependency_env_file_path. It doesn't matter if the required env.sh # file currently exists.. required_tool_dependency_env_file_path = \ self.get_required_repository_package_env_sh_path(package_name, package_version, required_repository) env_file_builder = EnvFileBuilder(tool_dependency.installation_directory(self.app)) env_file_builder.append_line(action="source", value=required_tool_dependency_env_file_path) return_code = env_file_builder.return_code if return_code: error_message = 'Error defining env.sh file for package %s, return_code: %s' % \ (str(package_name), str(return_code)) tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR, error_message=error_message) elif required_tool_dependency is not None and required_tool_dependency.in_error_state: error_message = "This tool dependency's required tool dependency %s version %s has status %s." % \ (str(required_tool_dependency.name), str(required_tool_dependency.version), str(required_tool_dependency.status)) tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR, error_message=error_message) else: tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLED) tool_dependencies.append(tool_dependency) return tool_dependencies
[docs] def get_required_repository_package_env_sh_path(self, package_name, package_version, required_repository): """Return path to env.sh file in required repository if the required repository has been installed.""" env_sh_file_dir = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_install_dir(app=self.app, repository_name=required_repository.name, repository_owner=required_repository.owner, repository_changeset_revision=required_repository.installed_changeset_revision, tool_dependency_type='package', tool_dependency_name=package_name, tool_dependency_version=package_version) env_sh_file_path = os.path.join(env_sh_file_dir, 'env.sh') return env_sh_file_path
[docs] def handle_complex_repository_dependency_for_package(self, elem, package_name, package_version, tool_shed_repository, from_tool_migration_manager=False): """ Inspect the repository defined by a complex repository dependency definition and take certain steps to enable installation of the received package name and version to proceed. The received elem is the <repository> tag set which defines the complex repository dependency. The received tool_shed_repository is the installed tool shed repository for which the tool dependency defined by the received package_name and package_version is being installed. """ handled_tool_dependencies = [] tool_shed_url = elem.attrib['toolshed'] required_repository_name = elem.attrib['name'] required_repository_owner = elem.attrib['owner'] default_required_repository_changeset_revision = elem.attrib['changeset_revision'] required_repository = repository_util.get_repository_for_dependency_relationship(self.app, tool_shed_url, required_repository_name, required_repository_owner, default_required_repository_changeset_revision) tool_shed = common_util.remove_protocol_from_tool_shed_url(tool_shed_url) tmp_filename = None if required_repository: required_repository_changeset_revision = required_repository.installed_changeset_revision # Define the installation directory for the required tool dependency package in the required repository. required_repository_package_install_dir = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_install_dir(app=self.app, repository_name=required_repository_name, repository_owner=required_repository_owner, repository_changeset_revision=required_repository_changeset_revision, tool_dependency_type='package', tool_dependency_name=package_name, tool_dependency_version=package_version) # Define this dependent repository's tool dependency installation directory that will contain # the env.sh file with a path to the required repository's installed tool dependency package. dependent_install_dir = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_install_dir(app=self.app, repository_name=tool_shed_repository.name, repository_owner=tool_shed_repository.owner, repository_changeset_revision=tool_shed_repository.installed_changeset_revision, tool_dependency_type='package', tool_dependency_name=package_name, tool_dependency_version=package_version) if os.path.exists(dependent_install_dir): # The install manager handles tool migration stages and the sync_database_with_file_system() # method handles two scenarios: (1) where a Galaxy file system environment related to installed # Tool Shed repositories and tool dependencies has somehow gotten out of sync with the Galaxy # database tables associated with these installed items, and (2) the Tool Shed's install and test # framework which installs repositories in 2 stages, those of type tool_dependency_definition # followed by those containing valid tools and tool functional test components. Neither of these # scenarios apply when the install manager is running. if from_tool_migration_manager: can_install_tool_dependency = True else: # Notice that we'll throw away the following tool_dependency if it can be installed. tool_dependency, can_install_tool_dependency = self.sync_database_with_file_system(self.app, tool_shed_repository, package_name, package_version, dependent_install_dir, tool_dependency_type='package') if not can_install_tool_dependency: log.debug("Tool dependency %s version %s cannot be installed (it was probably previously installed), " "so appending it to the list of handled tool dependencies.", str(tool_dependency.name), str(tool_dependency.version)) handled_tool_dependencies.append(tool_dependency) else: can_install_tool_dependency = True if can_install_tool_dependency: # Set this dependent repository's tool dependency env.sh file with a path to the required repository's # installed tool dependency package. We can get everything we need from the discovered installed # required_repository. if required_repository.is_deactivated_or_installed: if not os.path.exists(required_repository_package_install_dir): log.error('Missing required tool dependency directory %s' % str(required_repository_package_install_dir)) repo_files_dir = required_repository.repo_files_directory(self.app) if not repo_files_dir: message = "Unable to locate the repository directory for revision %s of installed repository %s owned by %s." % \ (str(required_repository.changeset_revision), str(required_repository.name), str(required_repository.owner)) raise Exception(message) tool_dependencies_config = repository_util.get_absolute_path_to_file_in_repository(repo_files_dir, 'tool_dependencies.xml') if tool_dependencies_config: config_to_use = tool_dependencies_config else: message = "Unable to locate required tool_dependencies.xml file for revision %s of installed repository %s owned by %s." % \ (str(required_repository.changeset_revision), str(required_repository.name), str(required_repository.owner)) raise Exception(message) else: # Make a call to the tool shed to get the changeset revision to which the current value of required_repository_changeset_revision # should be updated if it's not current. text = metadata_util.get_updated_changeset_revisions_from_tool_shed(app=self.app, tool_shed_url=tool_shed, name=required_repository_name, owner=required_repository_owner, changeset_revision=required_repository_changeset_revision) if text: updated_changeset_revisions = listify(text) # The list of changeset revisions is in reverse order, so the newest will be first. required_repository_changeset_revision = updated_changeset_revisions[0] # Make a call to the tool shed to get the required repository's tool_dependencies.xml file. tmp_filename = self.create_temporary_tool_dependencies_config(tool_shed, required_repository_name, required_repository_owner, required_repository_changeset_revision) config_to_use = tmp_filename handled_tool_dependencies = \ self.create_tool_dependency_with_initialized_env_sh_file(dependent_install_dir=dependent_install_dir, tool_shed_repository=tool_shed_repository, required_repository=required_repository, package_name=package_name, package_version=package_version, tool_dependencies_config=config_to_use) self.remove_file(tmp_filename) else: message = "Unable to locate required tool shed repository named %s owned by %s with revision %s." % \ (str(required_repository_name), str(required_repository_owner), str(default_required_repository_changeset_revision)) raise Exception(message) return handled_tool_dependencies
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): # We have a complex repository dependency definition. action_elem_tuples = [] proceed_with_install = False rd_tool_dependencies = self.handle_complex_repository_dependency_for_package(package_elem, package_name, package_version, tool_shed_repository, from_tool_migration_manager=from_tool_migration_manager) for rd_tool_dependency in rd_tool_dependencies: if rd_tool_dependency.status == self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR: # We'll log the error here, but continue installing packages since some may not require this dependency. log.error("Error installing tool dependency for required repository: %s" % str(rd_tool_dependency.error_message)) return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, action_elem_tuples
[docs] def remove_file(self, file_name): """Attempt to remove a file from disk.""" if file_name: if os.path.exists(file_name): try: os.remove(file_name) except Exception: pass
[docs]class SetEnvironment(RecipeTag):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.tag = 'set_environment'
[docs] def process_tag_set(self, tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, package_elem, package_name, package_version, from_tool_migration_manager=False, tool_dependency_db_records=None): # We need to handle two tag sets for package_elem here, this: # <set_environment version="1.0"> # <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH"action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> # </set_environment> # or this: # <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH"action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> action_elem_tuples = [] proceed_with_install = False if tool_dependency_db_records is None: attr_tups_of_dependencies_for_install = [] else: attr_tups_of_dependencies_for_install = [(td.name, td.version, td.type) for td in tool_dependency_db_records] try: self.set_environment(package_elem, tool_shed_repository, attr_tups_of_dependencies_for_install) except Exception as e: error_message = "Error setting environment for tool dependency: %s" % str(e) log.debug(error_message) return tool_dependency, proceed_with_install, action_elem_tuples
[docs] def set_environment(self, elem, tool_shed_repository, attr_tups_of_dependencies_for_install): """ Create a ToolDependency to set an environment variable. This is different from the process used to set an environment variable that is associated with a package. An example entry in a tool_dependencies.xml file is:: <set_environment version="1.0"> <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> </set_environment> This method must also handle the sub-element tag:: <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> """ # TODO: Add support for a repository dependency definition within this tool dependency type's tag set. This should look something like # the following. See the implementation of support for this in the tool dependency package type's method above. # This function is only called for set environment actions as defined below, not within an <install version="1.0"> tool # dependency type. Here is an example of the tag set this function does handle: # <action type="set_environment"> # <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> # </action> # Here is an example of the tag set this function does not handle: # <set_environment version="1.0"> # <repository toolshed="<tool shed>" name="<repository name>" owner="<repository owner>" changeset_revision="<changeset revision>" /> # </set_environment> env_manager = EnvManager(self.app) tool_dependencies = [] env_var_version = elem.get('version', '1.0') tool_shed_repository_install_dir = os.path.abspath(tool_shed_repository.repo_files_directory(self.app)) if elem.tag == 'environment_variable': # <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> elems = [elem] else: # <set_environment version="1.0"> # <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPT_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable> # </set_environment> elems = [env_var_elem for env_var_elem in elem] for env_var_elem in elems: env_var_name = env_var_elem.get('name') if not env_var_name: raise Exception('The <environment_variable> tag must have a name attribute') # The value of env_var_name must match the text value of at least 1 <requirement> tag in the # tool config's <requirements> tag set whose "type" attribute is "set_environment" (e.g., # <requirement type="set_environment">R_SCRIPT_PATH</requirement>). env_var_action = env_var_elem.get('action') if not env_var_action: raise Exception('The <environment_variable> tag must have an action attribute') # Tool dependencies of type "set_environment" always have the version attribute set to None. attr_tup = (env_var_name, None, 'set_environment') if attr_tup in attr_tups_of_dependencies_for_install: install_dir = \ tool_dependency_util.get_tool_dependency_install_dir(app=self.app, repository_name=tool_shed_repository.name, repository_owner=tool_shed_repository.owner, repository_changeset_revision=tool_shed_repository.installed_changeset_revision, tool_dependency_type='set_environment', tool_dependency_name=env_var_name, tool_dependency_version=None) install_environment = InstallEnvironment(app=self.app, tool_shed_repository_install_dir=tool_shed_repository_install_dir, install_dir=install_dir) env_var_dict = env_manager.create_env_var_dict(elem=env_var_elem, install_environment=install_environment) if not os.path.exists(install_dir): os.makedirs(install_dir) status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLING tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.create_or_update_tool_dependency(app=self.app, tool_shed_repository=tool_shed_repository, name=env_var_name, version=None, type='set_environment', status=status, set_status=True) if env_var_version == '1.0': # Create this tool dependency's env.sh file. env_file_builder = EnvFileBuilder(install_dir) return_code = env_file_builder.append_line(make_executable=True, **env_var_dict) if return_code: error_message = 'Error creating env.sh file for tool dependency %s, return_code: %s' % \ (str(tool_dependency.name), str(return_code)) log.debug(error_message) status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=status, error_message=error_message) else: if tool_dependency.status not in [self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR, self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLED]: status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.INSTALLED tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=status) log.debug('Environment variable %s set in %s for tool dependency %s.' % (str(env_var_name), str(install_dir), str(tool_dependency.name))) else: error_message = 'Only set_environment version 1.0 is currently supported (i.e., change your tag to be <set_environment version="1.0">).' status = self.app.install_model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR tool_dependency = \ tool_dependency_util.set_tool_dependency_attributes(self.app, tool_dependency=tool_dependency, status=status, error_message=error_message) tool_dependencies.append(tool_dependency) return tool_dependencies