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Source code for galaxy.util.watcher
# TODO: this is largely copied from galaxy.tools.toolbox.galaxy and generalized, the tool-oriented watchers in that
# module should probably be updated to use this where possible
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os.path
import time
from six.moves import filter
from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.observers.polling import PollingObserver
can_watch = True
except ImportError:
Observer = None
FileSystemEventHandler = object
PollingObserver = None
can_watch = False
from galaxy.util.hash_util import md5_hash_file
from galaxy.web.stack import register_postfork_function
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_observer_class(config_name, config_value, default, monitor_what_str):
config_value = config_value or default
config_value = str(config_value).lower()
if config_value in ("true", "yes", "on", "auto"):
expect_observer = True
observer_class = Observer
elif config_value == "polling":
expect_observer = True
observer_class = PollingObserver
elif config_value in ('false', 'no', 'off'):
expect_observer = False
observer_class = None
message = "Unrecognized value for %s config option: %s" % (config_name, config_value)
raise Exception(message)
if expect_observer and observer_class is None:
message = "Watchdog library unavailable, cannot monitor %s." % monitor_what_str
if config_value == "auto":
raise Exception(message)
return observer_class
[docs]def get_watcher(config, config_name, default="False", monitor_what_str=None, watcher_class=None,
event_handler_class=None, **kwargs):
config_value = getattr(config, config_name, None)
observer_class = get_observer_class(config_name, config_value, default=default, monitor_what_str=monitor_what_str)
if observer_class is not None:
watcher_class = watcher_class or Watcher
event_handler_class = event_handler_class or EventHandler
return watcher_class(observer_class, event_handler_class, **kwargs)
return NullWatcher()
[docs]class Watcher(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, observer_class, event_handler_class, **kwargs):
self.monitored_dirs = {}
self.path_hash = {}
self.file_callbacks = {}
self.dir_callbacks = {}
self.ignore_extensions = {}
self.observer = observer_class()
self.event_handler = event_handler_class(self)
[docs] def monitor(self, dir, recursive=False):
self.observer.schedule(self.event_handler, dir, recursive=recursive)
[docs] def watch_file(self, file_path, callback=None):
file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if dir_path not in self.monitored_dirs:
if callback is not None:
self.file_callbacks[file_path] = callback
self.monitored_dirs[dir_path] = dir_path
log.debug("Watching for changes to file: %s", file_path)
[docs] def watch_directory(self, dir_path, callback=None, recursive=False, ignore_extensions=None):
dir_path = os.path.abspath(dir_path)
if dir_path not in self.monitored_dirs:
if callback is not None:
self.dir_callbacks[dir_path] = callback
if ignore_extensions:
self.ignore_extensions[dir_path] = ignore_extensions
self.monitored_dirs[dir_path] = dir_path
self.monitor(dir_path, recursive=recursive)
log.debug("Watching for changes in directory%s: %s", ' (recursively)' if recursive else '', dir_path)
[docs]class EventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def _extension_check(self, key, path):
return not any(filter(path.endswith, self.watcher.ignore_extensions.get(key, [])))
def _handle(self, event):
# modified events will only have src path, move events will
# have dest_path and src_path but we only care about dest. So
# look at dest if it exists else use src.
path = getattr(event, 'dest_path', None) or event.src_path
path = os.path.abspath(path)
callback = self.watcher.file_callbacks.get(path, None)
if os.path.basename(path).startswith('.'):
if callback:
ext_ok = self._extension_check(path, path)
# reversed sort for getting the most specific dir first
for key in reversed(sorted(self.watcher.dir_callbacks.keys())):
if os.path.commonprefix([path, key]) == key:
callback = self.watcher.dir_callbacks[key]
ext_ok = self._extension_check(key, path)
if not callback or not ext_ok:
cur_hash = md5_hash_file(path)
if cur_hash:
if self.watcher.path_hash.get(path) == cur_hash:
if cur_hash != md5_hash_file(path):
# We're still modifying the file, it'll be picked up later
self.watcher.path_hash[path] = cur_hash