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Source code for galaxy.tools.deps.mulled.util
"""Utilities for working with mulled abstractions outside the mulled package."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import hashlib
import sys
import threading
import time
import packaging.version
import requests
except ImportError:
requests = None
MULLED_TAG_CACHE = collections.defaultdict(dict)
def create_repository(namespace, repo_name, oauth_token):
assert oauth_token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % oauth_token}
data = {
"repository": repo_name,
"namespace": namespace,
"description": "",
"visibility": "public",
requests.post("https://quay.io/api/v1/repository", json=data, headers=headers)
[docs]def quay_versions(namespace, pkg_name):
"""Get all version tags for a Docker image stored on quay.io for supplied package name."""
data = quay_repository(namespace, pkg_name)
if 'error_type' in data and data['error_type'] == "invalid_token":
return []
if 'tags' not in data:
raise Exception("Unexpected response from quay.io - not tags description found [%s]" % data)
return [tag for tag in data['tags'] if tag != 'latest']
def quay_repository(namespace, pkg_name):
if requests is None:
raise Exception("requets library is unavailable, functionality not available.")
assert namespace is not None
assert pkg_name is not None
url = 'https://quay.io/api/v1/repository/%s/%s' % (namespace, pkg_name)
response = requests.get(url, timeout=None)
data = response.json()
return data
[docs]def mulled_tags_for(namespace, image, tag_prefix=None):
"""Fetch remote tags available for supplied image name.
The result will be sorted so newest tags are first.
tags_cached = False
if namespace in MULLED_TAG_CACHE:
if image in MULLED_TAG_CACHE[namespace]:
tags, last_checked = MULLED_TAG_CACHE[namespace][image]
if not tags and time.time() - last_checked < 300:
# it's possible we haven't seen the tags before, we check every 5 minutes
tags_cached = False
tags_cached = True
if not tags_cached:
tags = quay_versions(namespace, image)
last_checked = time.time()
MULLED_TAG_CACHE[namespace][image] = (tags, last_checked)
if tag_prefix is not None:
tags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith(tag_prefix)]
tags = version_sorted(tags)
return tags
[docs]def split_tag(tag):
"""Split mulled image name into conda version and conda build."""
version = tag.split('--', 1)[0]
build = tag.split('--', 1)[1]
return version, build
[docs]def version_sorted(elements):
"""Sort iterable based on loose description of "version" from newest to oldest."""
return sorted(elements, key=packaging.version.parse, reverse=True)
Target = collections.namedtuple("Target", ["package_name", "version", "build"])
[docs]def build_target(package_name, version=None, build=None, tag=None):
"""Use supplied arguments to build a :class:`Target` object."""
if tag is not None:
assert version is None
assert build is None
version, build = split_tag(tag)
return Target(package_name, version, build)
[docs]def conda_build_target_str(target):
rval = target.package_name
if target.version:
rval += "=%s" % target.version
if target.build:
rval += "=%s" % target.build
return rval
def _simple_image_name(targets, image_build=None):
target = targets[0]
suffix = ""
if target.version is not None:
if image_build is not None:
print("WARNING: Hard-coding image build instead of using Conda build - this is not recommended.")
suffix = image_build
suffix += ":%s" % target.version
build = target.build
if build is not None:
suffix += "--%s" % build
return "%s%s" % (target.package_name, suffix)
[docs]def v1_image_name(targets, image_build=None, name_override=None):
"""Generate mulled hash version 1 container identifier for supplied arguments.
If a single target is specified, simply use the supplied name and version as
the repository name and tag respectively. If multiple targets are supplied,
hash the package names and versions together as the repository name. For mulled
version 1 containers the image build is the repository tag (if supplied).
>>> single_targets = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1")]
>>> v1_image_name(single_targets)
>>> multi_targets = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1"), build_target("bwa", version="0.7.13")]
>>> v1_image_name(multi_targets)
>>> multi_targets_on_versionless = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1"), build_target("bwa")]
>>> v1_image_name(multi_targets_on_versionless)
>>> multi_targets_versionless = [build_target("samtools"), build_target("bwa")]
>>> v1_image_name(multi_targets_versionless)
if name_override is not None:
print("WARNING: Overriding mulled image name, auto-detection of 'mulled' package attributes will fail to detect result.")
return name_override
targets = list(targets)
if len(targets) == 1:
return _simple_image_name(targets, image_build=image_build)
targets_order = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.package_name)
requirements_buffer = "\n".join(map(conda_build_target_str, targets_order))
m = hashlib.sha1()
suffix = "" if not image_build else ":%s" % image_build
return "mulled-v1-%s%s" % (m.hexdigest(), suffix)
[docs]def v2_image_name(targets, image_build=None, name_override=None):
"""Generate mulled hash version 2 container identifier for supplied arguments.
If a single target is specified, simply use the supplied name and version as
the repository name and tag respectively. If multiple targets are supplied,
hash the package names as the repository name and hash the package versions (if set)
as the tag.
>>> single_targets = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1")]
>>> v2_image_name(single_targets)
>>> multi_targets = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1"), build_target("bwa", version="0.7.13")]
>>> v2_image_name(multi_targets)
>>> multi_targets_on_versionless = [build_target("samtools", version="1.3.1"), build_target("bwa")]
>>> v2_image_name(multi_targets_on_versionless)
>>> multi_targets_versionless = [build_target("samtools"), build_target("bwa")]
>>> v2_image_name(multi_targets_versionless)
if name_override is not None:
print("WARNING: Overriding mulled image name, auto-detection of 'mulled' package attributes will fail to detect result.")
return name_override
targets = list(targets)
if len(targets) == 1:
return _simple_image_name(targets, image_build=image_build)
targets_order = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.package_name)
package_name_buffer = "\n".join(map(lambda t: t.package_name, targets_order))
package_hash = hashlib.sha1()
versions = map(lambda t: t.version, targets_order)
if any(versions):
# Only hash versions if at least one package has versions...
version_name_buffer = "\n".join(map(lambda t: t.version or "null", targets_order))
version_hash = hashlib.sha1()
version_hash_str = version_hash.hexdigest()
version_hash_str = ""
if not image_build:
build_suffix = ""
elif version_hash_str:
# tagged verson is <version_hash>-<build>
build_suffix = "-%s" % image_build
# tagged version is simply the build
build_suffix = image_build
suffix = ""
if version_hash_str or build_suffix:
suffix = ":%s%s" % (version_hash_str, build_suffix)
return "mulled-v2-%s%s" % (package_hash.hexdigest(), suffix)
class PrintProgress(object):
def __init__(self):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.progress)
self.stop = False
def progress(self):
while not self.stop:
print(".", end="")
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.stop = True
image_name = v1_image_name # deprecated
__all__ = (