
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

tool_shed.galaxy_install.metadata package


tool_shed.galaxy_install.metadata.installed_repository_metadata_manager module

class tool_shed.galaxy_install.metadata.installed_repository_metadata_manager.InstalledRepositoryMetadataManager(app, tpm=None, repository=None, changeset_revision=None, repository_clone_url=None, shed_config_dict=None, relative_install_dir=None, repository_files_dir=None, resetting_all_metadata_on_repository=False, updating_installed_repository=False, persist=False, metadata_dict=None)[source]

Bases: tool_shed.metadata.metadata_generator.MetadataGenerator

__init__(app, tpm=None, repository=None, changeset_revision=None, repository_clone_url=None, shed_config_dict=None, relative_install_dir=None, repository_files_dir=None, resetting_all_metadata_on_repository=False, updating_installed_repository=False, persist=False, metadata_dict=None)[source]
build_repository_ids_select_field(name='repository_ids', multiple=True, display='checkboxes')[source]

Generate the current list of repositories for resetting metadata.


Return a query containing repositories for resetting metadata. The order parameter is used for displaying the list of repositories ordered alphabetically for display on a page. When called from the Galaxy API, order is False.


Return a list of tuples of the form (relative_path, guid, tool) for each tool defined in the received tool shed repository metadata.


Reset all metadata on a single tool shed repository installed into a Galaxy instance.

reset_metadata_on_selected_repositories(user, **kwd)[source]

Inspect the repository changelog to reset metadata for all appropriate changeset revisions. This method is called from both Galaxy and the Tool Shed.


Given a repository clone URL, return the tool shed that contains the repository.


A tool shed repository is being updated so change the shed_tool_conf file. Parse the config file to generate the entire list of config_elems instead of using the in-memory list.