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tool_shed.dependencies package


tool_shed.dependencies.attribute_handlers module

class tool_shed.dependencies.attribute_handlers.RepositoryDependencyAttributeHandler(app, unpopulate)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(app, unpopulate)[source]
handle_complex_dependency_elem(parent_elem, elem_index, elem)[source]

Populate or unpopulate the toolshed and changeset_revision attributes of a <repository> tag that defines a complex repository dependency.


Populate or unpopulate the changeset_revision and toolshed attributes of repository tags.

handle_sub_elem(parent_elem, elem_index, elem)[source]

Populate or unpopulate the toolshed and changeset_revision attributes for each of the following tag sets. <action type=”set_environment_for_install”> <action type=”setup_r_environment”> <action type=”setup_ruby_environment”>


Populate or unpopulate the toolshed and changeset_revision attributes of a <repository> tag. Populating will occur when a dependency definition file is being uploaded to the repository, while unpopulating will occur when the repository is being exported.

class tool_shed.dependencies.attribute_handlers.ToolDependencyAttributeHandler(app, unpopulate)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(app, unpopulate)[source]

Populate or unpopulate the tooshed and changeset_revision attributes of each <repository> tag defined within a tool_dependencies.xml file.