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Source code for galaxy.visualization.data_providers.phyloviz.newickparser
import re
from .baseparser import Base_Parser, PhyloTree
[docs]class Newick_Parser(Base_Parser):
"""For parsing trees stored in the newick format (.nhx)
It is necessarily more complex because this parser is later extended by Nexus for parsing newick as well.."""
[docs] def parseFile(self, filePath):
"""Parses a newick file to obtain the string inside. Returns: jsonableDict"""
with open(filePath, "r") as newickFile:
newickString = newickFile.read()
newickString = newickString.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
return [self.parseData(newickString)], "Success"
[docs] def parseData(self, newickString):
"""To be called on a newickString directly to parse it. Returns: jsonableDict"""
return self._parseNewickToJson(newickString)
def _parseNewickToJson(self, newickString, treeName=None, nameMap=None):
"""parses a newick representation of a tree into a PhyloTree data structure,
which can be easily converted to json"""
self.phyloTree = PhyloTree()
newickString = self.cleanNewickString(newickString)
if nameMap:
newickString = self._mapName(newickString, nameMap)
self.phyloTree.root = self.parseNode(newickString, 0)
if nameMap:
self.phyloTree.addAttributesToRoot({"treeName": treeName})
return self.phyloTree.generateJsonableDict()
[docs] def cleanNewickString(self, rawNewick):
r"""removing semi colon, and illegal json characters (\,',") and white spaces"""
return re.sub(r'\s|;|\"|\'|\\', r'', rawNewick)
def _makeNodesFromString(self, string, depth):
"""elements separated by comma could be empty"""
if string.find("(") != -1:
raise Exception("Tree is not well form, location: " + string)
childrenString = string.split(",")
childrenNodes = []
for childString in childrenString:
if len(childString) == 0:
nodeInfo = childString.split(":")
name, length, bootstrap = "", None, -1
if len(nodeInfo) == 2: # has length info
length = nodeInfo[1]
# checking for bootstap values
name = nodeInfo[0]
try: # Nexus may bootstrap in names position
name = float(name)
if 0 <= name <= 1:
bootstrap = name
elif 1 <= name <= 100:
bootstrap = name / 100
name = ""
except ValueError:
name = nodeInfo[0]
name = nodeInfo[0] # string only contains name
node = self.phyloTree.makeNode(name, length=length, depth=depth, bootstrap=bootstrap)
childrenNodes += [node]
return childrenNodes
def _mapName(self, newickString, nameMap):
Necessary to replace names of terms inside nexus representation
Also, it's here because Mailaud's doesnt deal with id_strings outside of quotes(" ")
newString = ""
start = 0
end = 0
for i in range(len(newickString)):
if newickString[i] == "(" or newickString[i] == ",":
if re.match(r"[,(]", newickString[i + 1:]):
end = i + 1
# i now refers to the starting position of the term to be replaced,
# we will next find j which is the ending pos of the term
for j in range(i + 1, len(newickString)):
enclosingSymbol = newickString[j] # the immediate symbol after a common or left bracket which denotes the end of a term
if enclosingSymbol == ")" or enclosingSymbol == ":" or enclosingSymbol == ",":
termToReplace = newickString[end:j]
newString += newickString[start : end] + nameMap[termToReplace] # + "'" "'" +
start = j
newString += newickString[start:]
return newString
[docs] def parseNode(self, string, depth):
Recursive method for parsing newick string, works by stripping down the string into substring
of newick contained with brackers, which is used to call itself.
Eg ... ( A, B, (D, E)C, F, G ) ...
We will make the preceeding nodes first A, B, then the internal node C, its children D, E,
and finally the succeeding nodes F, G
# Base case where there is only an empty string
if string == "":
# Base case there it's only an internal claude
if string.find("(") == -1:
return self._makeNodesFromString(string, depth)
nodes = [] # nodes refer to the nodes on this level
start = 0
lenOfPreceedingInternalNodeString = 0
bracketStack = []
for j in range(len(string)):
if string[j] == "(": # finding the positions of all the open brackets
if string[j] == ")": # finding the positions of all the closed brackets to extract claude
i = bracketStack.pop()
if len(bracketStack) == 0: # is child of current node
InternalNode = None
# First flat call to make nodes of the same depth but from the preceeding string.
startSubstring = string[start + lenOfPreceedingInternalNodeString: i]
preceedingNodes = self._makeNodesFromString(startSubstring, depth)
nodes += preceedingNodes
# Then We will try to see if the substring has any internal nodes first, make it then make nodes preceeding it and succeeding it.
if j + 1 < len(string):
stringRightOfBracket = string[j + 1:] # Eg. '(b:0.4,a:0.3)c:0.3, stringRightOfBracket = c:0.3
match = re.search(r"[\)\,\(]", stringRightOfBracket)
if match:
indexOfNextSymbol = match.start()
stringRepOfInternalNode = stringRightOfBracket[:indexOfNextSymbol]
internalNodes = self._makeNodesFromString(stringRepOfInternalNode, depth)
if len(internalNodes) > 0:
InternalNode = internalNodes[0]
lenOfPreceedingInternalNodeString = len(stringRepOfInternalNode)
else: # sometimes the node can be the last element of a string
InternalNode = self._makeNodesFromString(string[j + 1:], depth)[0]
lenOfPreceedingInternalNodeString = len(string) - j
if InternalNode is None: # creating a generic node if it is unnamed
InternalNode = self.phyloTree.makeNode("", depth=depth, isInternal=True) # "internal-" + str(depth)
lenOfPreceedingInternalNodeString = 0
# recussive call to make the internal claude
childSubString = string[i + 1 : j]
InternalNode.addChildNode(self.parseNode(childSubString, depth + 1))
nodes.append(InternalNode) # we append the internal node later to preserve order
start = j + 1
if depth == 0: # if it's the root node, we do nothing about it and return
return nodes[0]
# Adding last most set of children
endString = string[start:]
if string[start - 1] == ")": # if the symbol belongs to an internal node which is created previously, then we remove it from the string left to parse
match = re.search(r"[\)\,\(]", endString)
if match:
endOfNodeName = start + match.start() + 1
endString = string[endOfNodeName:]
nodes += self._makeNodesFromString(endString, depth)
return nodes