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Source code for galaxy.util.create_history_template

Methods to create template for history details recursively.
Used in dataset and history controllers

from galaxy.util import listify
from galaxy.web import url_for

[docs]def render_item(trans, entity, children): """ Form HTML template for each item in the history """ template = '' entity_name = entity.__class__.__name__ if entity_name == "HistoryDatasetAssociation": template = render_item_hda(trans, entity, children) elif entity_name == "Job": template = render_item_job(trans, entity, children) elif entity_name == "WorkflowInvocation": template = render_item_wf(trans, entity, children) return template
[docs]def render_item_hda(trans, hda, children): """ Render hdas as a id'd stub for js to fill later """ template = '' if hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association: template = render_hda_copied_from_history(trans, hda, children) elif hda.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association: template = render_hda_copied_from_library(trans, hda, children) else: template = '<div id="hda-' + trans.security.encode_id(hda.id) + '" class="dataset hda state-' + hda.state + '"></div>' return template
[docs]def render_hda_copied_from_history(trans, hda, children): """ Wrap an hda in info about the history from where it was copied """ template = '' id = trans.security.encode_id(hda.id) history_id = trans.security.encode_id(hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association.history_id) url = url_for('/histories/view?id=' + history_id) template = '<div class="copied-from"><div class="header"><div>' template += '<span class="light"> Copied from history dataset: </span>' template += '<span class="bold">' + hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association.name + '</span>' template += '</div><div class="copied-from-source">' template += '<span class="light">History: </span>' template += '<span class="bold">' template += '<a href="' + url + '">' + hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association.history.name + '</a>' template += '</span></div></div>' template += '<div id="hda-' + id + '" class="dataset hda state-' + hda.state + '"></div></div>' return template
[docs]def render_hda_copied_from_library(trans, hda, children): """ Wrap an hda in info about the library from where it was copied """ template = '' id = trans.security.encode_id(hda.id) folder = hda.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association.library_dataset.folder folder_id = 'F' + trans.security.encode_id(folder.id) url = url_for('/library/list#folders/' + folder_id) template = '<div class="copied-from">' template += '<div class="header">' template += '<div>' template += '<span class="light">Copied from library dataset:</span>' template += '<span class="bold">' + hda.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association.name + '</span>' template += '</div>' template += '<div class="copied-from-source">' template += '<span class="light">Library: </span>' template += '<span class="bold">' template += '<a href="' + url + '">' + folder.name + '</a></span></div></div>' template += '<div id="hda-' + id + '" class="dataset hda state-' + hda.state + '"></div></div>' return template
[docs]def render_item_job(trans, job, children): """ Render a job and its children (hdas) """ template = '' template = '<div class="tool">' tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(job.tool_id, tool_version=job.tool_version) if tool: tool_name = tool.name tool_desc = tool.description else: tool_name = "Unknown tool with id: %s" % job.tool_id tool_desc = '' params_object = None try: params_object = job.get_param_values(trans.app, ignore_errors=True) except Exception: pass template += '<div class="header"><div><span class="bold">' + tool_name + '</span>' template += '<span class="light"> - ' + tool_desc + '</span></div>' if tool and params_object: template += '<table class="job-inputs">' template += inputs_recursive(trans, tool.inputs, params_object, depth=1) template += '</table>' else: template += '<em>No parameter data available</em>' template += '</div>' template += '<div class="body">' child_template = '' for e, c in reversed(children): child_template += render_item(trans, e, c) template += child_template template += '</div></div>' return template
[docs]def render_item_wf(trans, wf, children): """ Render a workflow and its children (jobs) """ template = '<div class="workflow"><div class="header"><span class="bold">' + wf.workflow.name + '</span>' template += '<span class="light">- Workflow</span></div><div class="body">' for e, c in reversed(children): template += render_item(trans, e, c) template += '</div></div>' return template
[docs]def inputs_recursive_indent(text, depth): """ Add an indentation depending on the depth in a <tr> """ return '<td style="padding-left:' + str((depth - 1) * 10) + 'px">' + text + '</td>'
[docs]def inputs_recursive(trans, input_params, param_values, depth=1, upgrade_messages=None): """ Recursive method for tool parameter section """ tool_parameter_template = '' if upgrade_messages is None: upgrade_messages = {} for input_index, input in enumerate(input_params.values()): if input.name in param_values: if input.type == "repeat": for i in range(len(param_values[input.name])): inputs_recursive(trans, input.inputs, param_values[input.name][i], depth=depth + 1) elif input.type == "section": tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=input.name, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td></td></tr>' inputs_recursive(trans, input.inputs, param_values[input.name], depth=depth + 1, upgrade_messages=upgrade_messages.get(input.name)) elif input.type == "conditional": try: current_case = param_values[input.name]['__current_case__'] is_valid = True except Exception: current_case = None is_valid = False if is_valid: tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=input.test_param.label, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td>' + input.cases[current_case].value + '</td><td></td></tr>' inputs_recursive(trans, input.cases[current_case].inputs, param_values[input.name], depth=depth + 1, upgrade_messages=upgrade_messages.get(input.name)) else: tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=input.name, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td><em> The previously used value is no longer valid </em></td><td></td></tr>' elif input.type == "upload_dataset": tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=input.group_title(param_values), depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td>' + str(len(param_values[input.name])) + ' uploaded datasets</td><td></td></tr>' elif input.type == "data": tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=input.label, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td>' for i, element in enumerate(listify(param_values[input.name])): if i > 0: tool_parameter_template += ',' if element.history_content_type == "dataset": hda = element encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(hda.id) dataset_info_url = url_for(controller="dataset", action="show_params", dataset_id=encoded_id) tool_parameter_template += '<a target="galaxy_main" data-hda-id="' + encoded_id + '"' tool_parameter_template += 'href="' + dataset_info_url + '">' + str(hda.hid) + ':' + hda.name + '</a>' else: tool_parameter_template += str(element.hid) + ':' + element.name tool_parameter_template += '</td><td></td></tr>' elif input.visible: label = input.label if (hasattr(input, "label") and input.label) else input.name tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=label, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td>' + input.value_to_display_text(param_values[input.name]) + '</td>' tool_parameter_template += '<td>' + upgrade_messages.get(input.name, '') + '</td></tr>' else: tool_parameter_template += '<tr>' if input.type == "conditional": label = input.test_param.label elif input.type == "repeat": label = input.label() else: label = input.label or input.name tool_parameter_template += inputs_recursive_indent(text=label, depth=depth) tool_parameter_template += '<td><em> not used (parameter was added after this job was run)</em></td><td></td></tr>' return tool_parameter_template