
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.util.biostar

Support for integration with the Biostar application
from __future__ import absolute_import

import hmac
import logging
import re
from unicodedata import normalize

from six import text_type
from six.moves.urllib.parse import (

from galaxy.tools.errors import ErrorReporter
from galaxy.web.base.controller import url_for
from . import smart_str

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+')


# Default values for new posts to Biostar
    'title': '',
    'tag_val': DEFAULT_GALAXY_TAG,
    'content': '',

    None: {'url': lambda x: '', 'uses_payload': False},
    'new_post': {'url': lambda x: 'p/new/external/post/', 'uses_payload': True, 'hmac_values': {'content': 'digest'}},
    'show_tags': {'url': lambda x: 't/%s/' % ("+".join((x.get('tag_val') or DEFAULT_GALAXY_TAG).split(','))), 'uses_payload': False},
    'log_out': {'url': lambda x: 'site/logout/', 'uses_payload': False}


[docs]def biostar_enabled(app): return bool(app.config.biostar_url)
# Slugifying from Armin Ronacher (http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/5/)
[docs]def slugify(text, delim=u'-'): """Generates an slightly worse ASCII-only slug.""" if not isinstance(text, text_type): text = text_type(text) result = [] for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): word = normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(word) return text_type(delim.join(result))
[docs]def get_biostar_url(app, payload=None, biostar_action=None): # Ensure biostar integration is enabled if not biostar_enabled(app): raise Exception("Biostar integration is not enabled") if biostar_action not in BIOSTAR_ACTIONS: raise Exception("Invalid action specified (%s)." % (biostar_action)) biostar_action = BIOSTAR_ACTIONS[biostar_action] # Start building up the payload payload = payload or {} payload = dict(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD, **payload) payload['name'] = app.config.biostar_key_name for hmac_value_name, hmac_parameter_name in biostar_action.get('hmac_values', {}).items(): # Biostar requires ascii only on HMAC'd things payload[hmac_value_name] = smart_str(payload.get(hmac_value_name, ''), encoding='ascii', errors='replace') payload[hmac_parameter_name] = hmac.new(app.config.biostar_key, payload[hmac_value_name]).hexdigest() # generate url, can parse payload info url = str(urljoin(app.config.biostar_url, biostar_action.get('url')(payload))) if not biostar_action.get('uses_payload'): payload = {} url = url_for(url) return url, payload
[docs]def tag_for_tool(tool): """ Generate a reasonable biostar tag for a tool. """ # Biostar can now handle tags with spaces, do we want to generate tags differently now? return slugify(tool.name, delim='-')
[docs]def populate_tag_payload(payload=None, tool=None): if payload is None: payload = {} if DEFAULT_GALAXY_TAG: tag_val = [DEFAULT_GALAXY_TAG] else: tag_val = [] if tool: tag_val.append(tag_for_tool(tool)) payload['tag_val'] = ','.join(tag_val) return payload
[docs]def populate_tool_payload(payload=None, tool=None): payload = populate_tag_payload(payload=payload, tool=tool) payload['title'] = 'Need help with "%s" tool' % (tool.name) tool_url = None if tool.tool_shed_repository: tool_url = tool.tool_shed_repository.get_sharable_url(tool.app) if tool_url: tool_url = '</br>ToolShed URL: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (tool_url, tool_url) if not tool_url: tool_url = '' payload['content'] = '<br /><hr /><p>Tool name: %s</br>Tool version: %s</br>Tool ID: %s%s</p></br>' % (tool.name, tool.version, tool.id, tool_url) return payload
[docs]def biostar_logged_in(trans): if biostar_enabled(trans.app): if trans.app.config.biostar_key_name in trans.request.cookies: return True return False
[docs]def biostar_logout(trans): if biostar_enabled(trans.app): delete_cookie(trans, trans.app.config.biostar_key_name) return get_biostar_url(trans.app, biostar_action='log_out')[0] return None
[docs]class BiostarErrorReporter(ErrorReporter): def _send_report(self, user, email=None, message=None, **kwd): assert biostar_enabled(self.app), ValueError("Biostar is not configured for this galaxy instance") assert self.app.config.biostar_enable_bug_reports, ValueError("Biostar is not configured to allow bug reporting for this galaxy instance") assert self._can_access_dataset(user), Exception("You are not allowed to access this dataset.") tool_version_select_field, tools, tool = \ self.app.toolbox.get_tool_components(self.tool_id, tool_version=None, get_loaded_tools_by_lineage=False, set_selected=True) # Strip out unwanted HTML characters html_remove = ['<html>', '<body>', '</body>', '</html>', '\n', '\r'] report = self.html_report for tag in html_remove: report = report.replace(tag, '') # Must lstrip spaces or it isn't recognised as HTML report = report.lstrip() payload = { 'title': 'Bug report on "%s" tool' % (tool.name), 'content': report, 'tag_val': slugify('bug report') } # Get footer for email from here payload2 = populate_tool_payload(tool=tool) if 'content' in payload2: payload['content'] = "%s<br />%s" % (payload['content'], payload2['content']) if 'tag_val' in payload2: payload['tag_val'] = ','.join([payload2['tag_val'], payload['tag_val']]) if 'action' not in payload: payload['action'] = 1 # Automatically post bug reports to biostar return payload