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Source code for galaxy.managers.roles
Manager and Serializer for Roles.
import logging
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc as sqlalchemy_exceptions
import galaxy.exceptions
from galaxy import model
from galaxy.managers import base
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class RoleManager(base.ModelManager):
Business logic for roles.
model_class = model.Role
foreign_key_name = 'role'
user_assoc = model.UserRoleAssociation
group_assoc = model.GroupRoleAssociation
[docs] def get(self, trans, decoded_role_id):
Method loads the role from the DB based on the given role id.
:param decoded_role_id: id of the role to load from the DB
:type decoded_role_id: int
:returns: the loaded Role object
:rtype: galaxy.model.Role
:raises: InconsistentDatabase, RequestParameterInvalidException, InternalServerError
role = (self.session().query(self.model_class)
.filter(self.model_class.id == decoded_role_id).one())
except sqlalchemy_exceptions.MultipleResultsFound:
raise galaxy.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase('Multiple roles found with the same id.')
except sqlalchemy_exceptions.NoResultFound:
raise galaxy.exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('No role found with the id provided.')
except Exception as e:
raise galaxy.exceptions.InternalServerError('Error loading from the database.' + str(e))
return role