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Source code for galaxy.datatypes.converters.pileup_to_interval_index_converter
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert from pileup file to interval index file.
usage: %prog <options> in_file out_file
from __future__ import division
import optparse
from bx.interval_index_file import Indexes
[docs]def main():
# Read options, args.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
input_fname, output_fname = args
# Do conversion.
index = Indexes()
offset = 0
for line in open(input_fname, "r"):
chrom, start = line.split()[0:2]
# Pileup format is 1-based.
start = int(start) - 1
index.add(chrom, start, start + 1, offset)
offset += len(line)
index.write(open(output_fname, "w"))
if __name__ == "__main__":