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Source code for galaxy.containers.docker_decorators

Decorators for docker
import json
from functools import wraps

[docs]def docker_columns(f): @wraps(f) def parse_docker_column_output(*args, **kwargs): """Many docker commands do not provide an option to format the output or output in a machine-readily-parseable format (e.g. json). In order to deal with such output and hopefully stay compatible with future column order changes, key returned rows based on column headers. An assumption is made that a single space in the header row does not separate columns - column names can have spaces in them, and columns are separated by at least 2 spaces. This seems to be true as of Docker 1.13.1. """ output = f(*args, **kwargs) parsed = [] output = output.splitlines() header = output[0] colstarts = [0] colidx = 0 spacect = 0 if not output: return parsed for i, c in enumerate(header): if c != ' ' and spacect > 1: colidx += 1 colstarts.append(i) spacect = 0 elif c == ' ': spacect += 1 colstarts.append(None) colheadings = [] for i in range(0, len(colstarts) - 1): colheadings.append(header[colstarts[i]:colstarts[i + 1]].strip()) for line in output[1:]: row = {} for i, key in enumerate(colheadings): row[key] = line[colstarts[i]:colstarts[i + 1]].strip() parsed.append(row) return parsed return parse_docker_column_output
[docs]def docker_json(f): @wraps(f) def json_loads(*args, **kwargs): return json.loads(f(*args, **kwargs)) return json_loads