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Source code for tool_shed.test.functional.test_0530_repository_admin_feature

import logging

from ..base.twilltestcase import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

repository_name = "filtering_0530"
repository_description = "Filtering repository for test 0530"
repository_long_description = "This is the filtering repository for test 0530."
category_name = "Test 0530 Repository Admin Role"
category_description = "Verify the functionality of the code that handles the repository admin role."

1. Create new repository as user user1.

2. Check to make sure a new role was created named <repo_name>_user1_admin.

3. Check to make sure a new repository_role_association record was created with appropriate repository id and role id.

4. Change the name of the repository created in step 1 - this can be done as long as the repository has not been installed or cloned.

5. Make sure the name of the role initially inspected in Step 2 has been changed to reflect the new repository name from Step 4.

6. Log into the Tool Shed as a user that is not the repository owner (e.g., user2) and make sure the repository name
   and description cannot be changed.

7. As user user1, add user user2 as a repository admin user.

8. Log into the Tool Shed as user user2 and make sure the repository name and description can now be changed.

[docs]class TestRepositoryAdminRole(ShedTwillTestCase): """Verify that the code correctly handles the repository admin role."""
[docs] def test_0000_initiate_users(self): """Create necessary user accounts.""" self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) self.login(email=common.test_user_2_email, username=common.test_user_2_name) self.login(email=common.admin_email, username=common.admin_username)
[docs] def test_0005_create_filtering_repository(self): """Create and populate the filtering_0530 repository. This is step 1 - Create new repository as user user1. """ category = self.create_category(name=category_name, description=category_description) self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) repository = self.get_or_create_repository( name=repository_name, description=repository_description, long_description=repository_long_description, owner=common.test_user_1_name, category=category, strings_displayed=[], ) self.upload_file( repository, filename="filtering/filtering_1.1.0.tar", filepath=None, valid_tools_only=True, uncompress_file=True, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar=False, commit_message="Uploaded filtering 1.1.0 tarball.", strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], )
[docs] def test_0010_verify_repository_admin_role_exists(self): """Verify that the role filtering_0530_user1_admin exists. This is step 2 - Check to make sure a new role was created named filtering_0530_user1_admin. """ test_user_1 = self.test_db_util.get_user(common.test_user_1_email) repository_admin_role = self.test_db_util.get_role(test_user_1, "filtering_0530_user1_admin") assert repository_admin_role is not None, "Admin role for filtering_0530 was not created."
[docs] def test_0015_verify_repository_role_association(self): """Verify that the filtering_0530_user1_admin role is associated with the filtering_0530 repository. This is step 3 - Check to make sure a new repository_role_association record was created with appropriate repository id and role id. """ repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner(repository_name, common.test_user_1_name) test_user_1 = self.test_db_util.get_user(common.test_user_1_email) repository_admin_role = self.test_db_util.get_role(test_user_1, "filtering_0530_user1_admin") repository_role_association = self.test_db_util.get_repository_role_association( self._db_repository(repository).id, repository_admin_role.id ) assert ( repository_role_association is not None ), "Repository filtering_0530 is not associated with the filtering_0530_user1_admin role."
[docs] def test_0020_rename_repository(self): """Rename the repository to renamed_filtering_0530. This is step 4 - Change the name of the repository created in step 1 - this can be done as long as the repository has not been installed or cloned. """ repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner(repository_name, common.test_user_1_name) self.edit_repository_information(repository, revert=False, repo_name="renamed_filtering_0530") repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner("renamed_filtering_0530", common.test_user_1_name) assert repository.name == "renamed_filtering_0530", "Repository was not renamed to renamed_filtering_0530."
[docs] def test_0030_verify_access_denied(self): """Make sure a non-admin user can't modify the repository. This is step 6 - Log into the Tool Shed as a user that is not the repository owner (e.g., user2) and make sure the repository name and description cannot be changed. """ self.login(email=common.test_user_2_email, username=common.test_user_2_name) repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner("renamed_filtering_0530", common.test_user_1_name) strings_not_displayed = ["Manage repository"] strings_displayed = ["View repository"] self.display_manage_repository_page(repository, strings_not_displayed=strings_not_displayed) self.submit_form(form_no=0, button="edit_repository_button", description="This description has been modified.") strings_displayed = ["You are not the owner of this repository, so you cannot administer it."] strings_not_displayed = ["The repository information has been updated."] self.check_for_strings(strings_displayed=strings_displayed, strings_not_displayed=strings_not_displayed)
[docs] def test_0035_grant_admin_role(self): """Grant the repository admin role to user2. This is step 7 - As user user1, add user user2 as a repository admin user. """ self.login(email=common.test_user_1_email, username=common.test_user_1_name) test_user_2 = self.test_db_util.get_user(common.test_user_2_email) repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner("renamed_filtering_0530", common.test_user_1_name) self.assign_admin_role(repository, test_user_2)
[docs] def test_0040_rename_repository_as_repository_admin(self): """Rename the repository as user2. This is step 8 - Log into the Tool Shed as user user2 and make sure the repository name and description can now be changed. """ self.login(email=common.test_user_2_email, username=common.test_user_2_name) repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner("renamed_filtering_0530", common.test_user_1_name) self.edit_repository_information(repository, revert=False, repo_name="filtering_0530") repository = self._get_repository_by_name_and_owner("filtering_0530", common.test_user_1_name) assert repository.name == "filtering_0530", "User with admin role failed to rename repository." test_user_1 = self.test_db_util.get_user(common.test_user_1_email) old_repository_admin_role = self.test_db_util.get_role(test_user_1, "renamed_filtering_0530_user1_admin") assert old_repository_admin_role is None, "Admin role renamed_filtering_0530_user1_admin incorrectly exists." new_repository_admin_role = self.test_db_util.get_role(test_user_1, "filtering_0530_user1_admin") assert new_repository_admin_role is not None, "Admin role filtering_0530_user1_admin does not exist."