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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.sharable

import logging
from typing import (

from sqlalchemy import false

from galaxy.managers import base
from galaxy.managers.sharable import (
from galaxy.model import User
from galaxy.schema.fields import DecodedDatabaseIdField
from galaxy.schema.schema import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ShareableService: """ Provides the common logic used by the API to share *any* kind of resource with other users. The Manager class of the particular resource must implement the SharableModelManager and have a compatible SharableModelSerializer implementation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, manager: SharableModelManager, serializer: SharableModelSerializer) -> None: self.manager = manager self.serializer = serializer
[docs] def set_slug(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField, payload: SetSlugPayload): item = self._get_item_by_id(trans, id) self.manager.set_slug(item, payload.new_slug, trans.user)
[docs] def sharing(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField) -> SharingStatus: """Gets the current sharing status of the item with the given id.""" item = self._get_item_by_id(trans, id) return self._get_sharing_status(trans, item)
[docs] def publish(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField) -> SharingStatus: """Makes this item publicly accessible. If this item contains other elements they will be publicly accessible too. """ item = self._get_item_by_id(trans, id) self.manager.make_members_public(trans, item) self.manager.publish(item) return self._get_sharing_status(trans, item)
[docs] def unpublish(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField) -> SharingStatus: item = self._get_item_by_id(trans, id) self.manager.unpublish(item) return self._get_sharing_status(trans, item)
[docs] def share_with_users(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField, payload: ShareWithPayload) -> ShareWithStatus: item = self._get_item_by_id(trans, id) users, errors = self._get_users(trans, payload.user_ids) extra = self._share_with_options(trans, item, users, errors, payload.share_option) base_status = self._get_sharing_status(trans, item) status = ShareWithStatus.construct(**base_status.dict()) status.extra = extra status.errors.extend(errors) return status
def _share_with_options( self, trans, item, users: Set[User], errors: Set[str], share_option: Optional[SharingOptions] = None, ): extra = self.manager.get_sharing_extra_information(trans, item, users, errors, share_option) if not extra or extra.can_share: self.manager.update_current_sharing_with_users(item, users) extra = None return extra def _get_item_by_id(self, trans, id: DecodedDatabaseIdField): class_name = self.manager.model_class.__name__ item = base.get_object(trans, id, class_name, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=True, deleted=False) return item def _get_sharing_status(self, trans, item): status = self.serializer.serialize_to_view(item, user=trans.user, trans=trans, default_view="sharing") status["users_shared_with"] = [ {"id": self.manager.app.security.encode_id(a.user.id), "email": a.user.email} for a in item.users_shared_with ] return SharingStatus.construct(**status) def _get_users(self, trans, emails_or_ids: List[UserIdentifier]) -> Tuple[Set[User], Set[str]]: send_to_users: Set[User] = set() send_to_err: Set[str] = set() for email_or_id in set(emails_or_ids): send_to_user = None if isinstance(email_or_id, int): send_to_user = self.manager.user_manager.by_id(email_or_id) if send_to_user.deleted: send_to_user = None else: email_address = email_or_id.strip() if not email_address: continue send_to_user = self.manager.user_manager.by_email( email_address, filters=[User.table.c.deleted == false()] ) if not send_to_user: send_to_err.add(f"{email_or_id} is not a valid Galaxy user.") elif send_to_user == trans.user: send_to_err.add("You cannot share resources with yourself.") else: send_to_users.add(send_to_user) return send_to_users, send_to_err