
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.common

"""This module contains utility functions shared across the api package."""
from typing import (

from fastapi import (

from galaxy.schema import (
from galaxy.schema.schema import UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload
from galaxy.util import listify

SerializationViewQueryParam: Optional[str] = Query(
    description="View to be passed to the serializer",

SerializationKeysQueryParam: Optional[str] = Query(
    description="Comma-separated list of keys to be passed to the serializer",

FilterQueryQueryParam: Optional[List[str]] = Query(
    title="Filter Query",
    description="Generally a property name to filter by followed by an (often optional) hyphen and operator string.",

FilterValueQueryParam: Optional[List[str]] = Query(
    title="Filter Value",
    description="The value to filter by.",

OffsetQueryParam: Optional[int] = Query(
    description="Starts at the beginning skip the first ( offset - 1 ) items and begin returning at the Nth item",

LimitQueryParam: Optional[int] = Query(
    description="The maximum number of items to return.",

[docs]def parse_serialization_params( view: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[str] = None, default_view: Optional[str] = None, **_, # Additional params are ignored ) -> SerializationParams: key_list = None if keys: key_list = keys.split(",") return SerializationParams(view=view, keys=key_list, default_view=default_view)
[docs]def query_serialization_params( view: Optional[str] = SerializationViewQueryParam, keys: Optional[str] = SerializationKeysQueryParam, ) -> SerializationParams: return parse_serialization_params(view=view, keys=keys)
[docs]def get_value_filter_query_params( q: Optional[List[str]] = FilterQueryQueryParam, qv: Optional[List[str]] = FilterValueQueryParam, ) -> ValueFilterQueryParams: """ This function is meant to be used as a Dependency. See https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/#first-steps """ return ValueFilterQueryParams( q=q, qv=qv, )
[docs]def get_filter_query_params( q: Optional[List[str]] = FilterQueryQueryParam, qv: Optional[List[str]] = FilterValueQueryParam, offset: Optional[int] = OffsetQueryParam, limit: Optional[int] = LimitQueryParam, order: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="Order", description=( "String containing one of the valid ordering attributes followed (optionally) " "by '-asc' or '-dsc' for ascending and descending order respectively. " "Orders can be stacked as a comma-separated list of values." ), example="name-dsc,create_time", ), ) -> FilterQueryParams: """ This function is meant to be used as a Dependency. See https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/#first-steps """ return FilterQueryParams( q=q, qv=qv, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, )
[docs]def get_update_permission_payload(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload: """Converts the generic payload dictionary into a UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload model with custom parsing. This is an attempt on supporting multiple aliases for the permissions params.""" # There are several allowed names for the same role list parameter, i.e.: `access`, `access_ids`, `access_ids[]` # The `access_ids[]` name is not pydantic friendly, so this will be modelled as an alias but we can only set one alias # TODO: Maybe we should choose only one way/naming and deprecate the others? payload["access_ids"] = payload.get("access_ids[]") or payload.get("access") payload["manage_ids"] = payload.get("manage_ids[]") or payload.get("manage") payload["modify_ids"] = payload.get("modify_ids[]") or payload.get("modify") update_payload = UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload(**payload) return update_payload
[docs]def get_query_parameters_from_request_excluding(request: Request, exclude: Set[str]) -> dict: """Gets all the request query parameters excluding the given parameters names in `exclude` set. This is useful when an endpoint uses arbitrary or dynamic query parameters that cannot be anticipated or documented beforehand. The `exclude` set can be used to avoid including those parameters that are already handled by the endpoint. """ extra_params = request.query_params._dict for param_name in exclude: extra_params.pop(param_name, None) return extra_params
[docs]def query_parameter_as_list(query): """Used as FastAPI dependable for query parameters that need to behave as a list of values separated by comma or as multiple instances of the same parameter. .. important:: the ``query`` annotation provided must define the ``alias`` exactly as the name of the actual parameter name. Usage example:: ValueQueryParam = Query( default=None, alias="value", # Important! this is the parameter name that will be displayed in the API docs title="My Value", description="A single value, a comma-separated list of values or a list of values.", ) @router.get("/api/my_route") def index( self, values: Optional[List[str]] = Depends(query_parameter_as_list(ValueQueryParam)), ): ... This will render in the API docs as a single string query parameter but will make the following requests equivalent: - ``api/my_route?value=val1,val2,val3`` - ``api/my_route?value=val1&value=val2&value=val3`` """ def parse_elements( elements: Optional[List[str]] = query, ) -> Optional[List[Any]]: if query.default != Ellipsis and not elements: return query.default if elements and len(elements) == 1: return listify(elements[0]) return elements return parse_elements