
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.schema.remote_files

from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from pydantic import (

from galaxy.schema.schema import Model

[docs]class RemoteFilesTarget(str, Enum): ftpdir = "ftpdir" userdir = "userdir" importdir = "importdir"
[docs]class RemoteFilesFormat(str, Enum): flat = "flat" jstree = "jstree" uri = "uri"
[docs]class RemoteFilesDisableMode(str, Enum): folders = "folders" files = "files"
[docs]class FilesSourcePlugin(Model): id: str = Field( ..., # This field is required title="ID", description="The `FilesSource` plugin identifier", example="_import", ) type: str = Field( ..., # This field is required title="Type", description="The type of the plugin.", example="gximport", ) uri_root: str = Field( ..., # This field is required title="URI root", description="The URI root used by this type of plugin.", example="gximport://", ) label: str = Field( ..., # This field is required title="Label", description="The display label for this plugin.", example="Library Import Directory", ) doc: str = Field( ..., # This field is required title="Documentation", description="Documentation or extended description for this plugin.", example="Galaxy's library import directory", ) writable: bool = Field( ..., # This field is required title="Writeable", description="Whether this files source plugin allows write access.", example=False, ) requires_roles: Optional[str] = Field( None, title="Requires roles", description="Only users with the roles specified here can access this files source.", ) requires_groups: Optional[str] = Field( None, title="Requires groups", description="Only users belonging to the groups specified here can access this files source.", )
[docs] class Config: # This allows additional fields (that are not validated) # to be serialized/deserealized. This allows to have # different fields depending on the plugin type extra = Extra.allow
[docs]class FilesSourcePluginList(Model): __root__: List[FilesSourcePlugin] = Field( default=[], title="List of files source plugins", example=[ { "id": "_import", "type": "gximport", "uri_root": "gximport://", "label": "Library Import Directory", "doc": "Galaxy's library import directory", "writable": False, } ], )