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Source code for galaxy.datatypes.dataproviders.external

Data providers that iterate over a source that is not in memory
or not in a file.
import gzip
import logging
import subprocess
import tempfile
from urllib.parse import (
from urllib.request import urlopen

from galaxy.util import DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
from . import (

_TODO = """
YAGNI: ftp, image, cryptos, sockets
job queue
admin: admin server log rgx/stats, ps aux

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- server subprocess / external prog
[docs]class SubprocessDataProvider(base.DataProvider): """ Data provider that uses the output from an intermediate program and subprocess as its data source. """ # TODO: need better ways of checking returncode, stderr for errors and raising
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param args: the list of strings used to build commands. :type args: variadic function args """ self.exit_code = None command_list = args self.popen = self.subprocess(*command_list, **kwargs) # TODO:?? not communicate()? super().__init__(self.popen.stdout) self.exit_code = self.popen.poll()
# NOTE: there's little protection here v. sending a ';' and a dangerous command here # but...we're all adults here, right? ...RIGHT?!
[docs] def subprocess(self, *command_list, **kwargs): """ :param args: the list of strings used as commands. :type args: variadic function args """ try: # how expensive is this? popen = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) log.info(f"opened subrocess ({str(command_list)}), PID: {str(popen.pid)}") except OSError as os_err: command_str = " ".join(self.command) raise OSError(" ".join((str(os_err), ":", command_str))) return popen
def __exit__(self, *args): # poll the subrocess for an exit code self.exit_code = self.popen.poll() log.info(f"{str(self)}.__exit__, exit_code: {str(self.exit_code)}") return super().__exit__(*args) def __str__(self): # provide the pid and current return code source_str = "" if hasattr(self, "popen"): source_str = f"{str(self.popen.pid)}:{str(self.popen.poll())}" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(source_str)})"
[docs]class RegexSubprocessDataProvider(line.RegexLineDataProvider): """ RegexLineDataProvider that uses a SubprocessDataProvider as its data source. """ # this is a conv. class and not really all that necc...
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # using subprocess as proxy data source in filtered line prov. subproc_provider = SubprocessDataProvider(*args) super().__init__(subproc_provider, **kwargs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- other apis
[docs]class URLDataProvider(base.DataProvider): """ Data provider that uses the contents of a URL for its data source. This can be piped through other providers (column, map, genome region, etc.). """ VALID_METHODS = ("GET", "POST")
[docs] def __init__(self, url, method="GET", data=None, **kwargs): """ :param url: the base URL to open. :param method: the HTTP method to use. Optional: defaults to 'GET' :param data: any data to pass (either in query for 'GET' or as post data with 'POST') :type data: dict """ self.url = url self.method = method self.data = data or {} encoded_data = urlencode(self.data) scheme = urlparse(url).scheme assert scheme in ("http", "https", "ftp"), f"Invalid URL scheme: {scheme}" if method == "GET": self.url += f"?{encoded_data}" opened = urlopen(url, timeout=DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) elif method == "POST": opened = urlopen(url, encoded_data, timeout=DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: raise ValueError(f"Not a valid method: {method}") super().__init__(opened, **kwargs)
# NOTE: the request object is now accessible as self.source def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, *args): self.source.close()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic compression
[docs]class GzipDataProvider(base.DataProvider): """ Data provider that uses g(un)zip on a file as its source. This can be piped through other providers (column, map, genome region, etc.). """
[docs] def __init__(self, source, **kwargs): unzipped = gzip.GzipFile(source, "rb") super().__init__(unzipped, **kwargs)
# NOTE: the GzipFile is now accessible in self.source # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- intermediate tempfile
[docs]class TempfileDataProvider(base.DataProvider): """ Writes the data from the given source to a temp file, allowing it to be used as a source where a file_name is needed (e.g. as a parameter to a command line tool: samtools view -t <this_provider.source.file_name>) """
[docs] def __init__(self, source, **kwargs): # TODO: raise NotImplementedError()
# write the file here # self.create_file # super(TempfileDataProvider, self).__init__(self.tmp_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_file(self): self.tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() return self.tmp_file
[docs] def write_to_file(self): parent_gen = super().__iter__() with open(self.tmp_file, "w") as open_file: for datum in parent_gen: open_file.write(f"{datum}\n")