
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.jobs.command_factory

from logging import getLogger
from os import getcwd
from os.path import (

from galaxy import util
from galaxy.jobs.runners.util.job_script import (

log = getLogger(__name__)

CAPTURE_RETURN_CODE = "return_code=$?"
YIELD_CAPTURED_CODE = 'sh -c "exit $return_code"'
[ "$GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV" = "None" ] && GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV="$_GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV"; _galaxy_setup_environment True
PREPARE_DIRS = """mkdir -p working outputs configs
if [ -d _working ]; then
    rm -rf working/ outputs/ configs/; cp -R _working working; cp -R _outputs outputs; cp -R _configs configs
    cp -R working _working; cp -R outputs _outputs; cp -R configs _configs
cd working"""

[docs]def build_command( runner, job_wrapper, container=None, modify_command_for_container=True, include_metadata=False, include_work_dir_outputs=True, create_tool_working_directory=True, remote_command_params=None, remote_job_directory=None, stdout_file=None, stderr_file=None, ): """ Compose the sequence of commands necessary to execute a job. This will currently include: - environment settings corresponding to any requirement tags - preparing input files - command line taken from job wrapper - commands to set metadata (if include_metadata is True) """ remote_command_params = remote_command_params or {} shell = job_wrapper.shell base_command_line = job_wrapper.get_command_line() # job_id = job_wrapper.job_id # log.debug( 'Tool evaluation for job (%s) produced command-line: %s' % ( job_id, base_command_line ) ) if not base_command_line: raise Exception("Attempting to run a tool with empty command definition.") commands_builder = CommandsBuilder(base_command_line) # All job runners currently handle this case which should never occur if not commands_builder.commands: return None # Version, dependency resolution, and task splitting are prepended to the # command - so they need to appear in the following order to ensure that # the underlying application used by version command is available in the # environment after dependency resolution, but the task splitting command # is still executed in Galaxy's Python environment. __handle_version_command(commands_builder, job_wrapper) # One could imagine also allowing dependencies inside of the container but # that is too sophisticated for a first crack at this - build your # containers ready to go! if not container or container.resolve_dependencies: __handle_dependency_resolution(commands_builder, job_wrapper, remote_command_params) __handle_task_splitting(commands_builder, job_wrapper) if (container and modify_command_for_container) or job_wrapper.commands_in_new_shell: if container and modify_command_for_container: # Many Docker containers do not have /bin/bash. external_command_shell = container.shell else: external_command_shell = shell externalized_commands = __externalize_commands(job_wrapper, external_command_shell, commands_builder, remote_command_params, container=container) if container and modify_command_for_container: # Stop now and build command before handling metadata and copying # working directory files back. These should always happen outside # of docker container - no security implications when generating # metadata and means no need for Galaxy to be available to container # and not copying workdir outputs back means on can be more restrictive # of where container can write to in some circumstances. run_in_container_command = container.containerize_command( externalized_commands ) commands_builder = CommandsBuilder(run_in_container_command) else: commands_builder = CommandsBuilder(externalized_commands) # Don't need to create a separate tool working directory for Pulsar # jobs - that is handled by Pulsar. if create_tool_working_directory: # usually working will already exist, but it will not for task # split jobs. # Copy working and outputs before job submission so that these can be restored on resubmission # xref https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/3289 commands_builder.prepend_command(PREPARE_DIRS) container_monitor_command = job_wrapper.container_monitor_command(container) if container_monitor_command: commands_builder.prepend_command(container_monitor_command) if include_work_dir_outputs: __handle_work_dir_outputs(commands_builder, job_wrapper, runner, remote_command_params) if stdout_file and stderr_file: commands_builder.capture_stdout_stderr(stdout_file, stderr_file) commands_builder.capture_return_code() if include_metadata and job_wrapper.requires_setting_metadata: working_directory = remote_job_directory or job_wrapper.working_directory commands_builder.append_command(f"cd '{working_directory}'") __handle_metadata(commands_builder, job_wrapper, runner, remote_command_params) return commands_builder.build()
def __externalize_commands(job_wrapper, shell, commands_builder, remote_command_params, script_name="tool_script.sh", container=None): local_container_script = join(job_wrapper.working_directory, script_name) tool_commands = commands_builder.build() config = job_wrapper.app.config integrity_injection = "" # Setting shell to none in job_conf.xml disables creating a tool command script, # set -e doesn't work for composite commands but this is necessary for Windows jobs # for instance. if shell and shell.lower() == 'none': return tool_commands if check_script_integrity(config): integrity_injection = INTEGRITY_INJECTION set_e = "" if job_wrapper.strict_shell: set_e = "set -e\n" source_command = "" if container: source_command = container.source_environment script_contents = "#!{}\n{}{}{}{}".format( shell, integrity_injection, set_e, source_command, tool_commands, ) write_script(local_container_script, script_contents, config) commands = f"{shell} {local_container_script}" # TODO: Cleanup for_pulsar hack. # - Integrate Pulsar sending tool_stdout/tool_stderr back # https://github.com/galaxyproject/pulsar/pull/202 # *and* # - Get Galaxy to write these files to an output directory so the container itself # doesn't need to mount the job directory (rw) and then eliminate this hack # (or restrict to older Pulsar versions). # https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/pull/8449 for_pulsar = False if 'script_directory' in remote_command_params: commands = f"{shell} {join(remote_command_params['script_directory'], script_name)}" for_pulsar = True if not for_pulsar: commands += " > ../outputs/tool_stdout 2> ../outputs/tool_stderr" log.info(f"Built script [{local_container_script}] for tool command [{tool_commands}]") return commands def __handle_version_command(commands_builder, job_wrapper): # Prepend version string write_version_cmd = job_wrapper.write_version_cmd if write_version_cmd: commands_builder.prepend_command(write_version_cmd) def __handle_task_splitting(commands_builder, job_wrapper): # prepend getting input files (if defined) if getattr(job_wrapper, 'prepare_input_files_cmds', None): commands_builder.prepend_commands(job_wrapper.prepare_input_files_cmds) def __handle_dependency_resolution(commands_builder, job_wrapper, remote_command_params): local_dependency_resolution = remote_command_params.get("dependency_resolution", "local") == "local" # Prepend dependency injection if local_dependency_resolution and job_wrapper.dependency_shell_commands: commands_builder.prepend_commands(job_wrapper.dependency_shell_commands) def __handle_work_dir_outputs(commands_builder, job_wrapper, runner, remote_command_params): # Append commands to copy job outputs based on from_work_dir attribute. work_dir_outputs_kwds = {} if 'working_directory' in remote_command_params: work_dir_outputs_kwds['job_working_directory'] = remote_command_params['working_directory'] work_dir_outputs = runner.get_work_dir_outputs(job_wrapper, **work_dir_outputs_kwds) if work_dir_outputs: commands_builder.capture_return_code() copy_commands = map(__copy_if_exists_command, work_dir_outputs) commands_builder.append_commands(copy_commands) def __handle_metadata(commands_builder, job_wrapper, runner, remote_command_params): # Append metadata setting commands, we don't want to overwrite metadata # that was copied over in init_meta(), as per established behavior metadata_kwds = remote_command_params.get('metadata_kwds', {}) exec_dir = metadata_kwds.get('exec_dir', abspath(getcwd())) tmp_dir = metadata_kwds.get('tmp_dir', job_wrapper.working_directory) dataset_files_path = metadata_kwds.get('dataset_files_path', runner.app.model.Dataset.file_path) output_fnames = metadata_kwds.get('output_fnames', job_wrapper.get_output_fnames()) config_root = metadata_kwds.get('config_root', None) config_file = metadata_kwds.get('config_file', None) datatypes_config = metadata_kwds.get('datatypes_config', None) compute_tmp_dir = metadata_kwds.get('compute_tmp_dir', None) resolve_metadata_dependencies = job_wrapper.commands_in_new_shell metadata_command = job_wrapper.setup_external_metadata( exec_dir=exec_dir, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, dataset_files_path=dataset_files_path, output_fnames=output_fnames, set_extension=False, config_root=config_root, config_file=config_file, datatypes_config=datatypes_config, compute_tmp_dir=compute_tmp_dir, resolve_metadata_dependencies=resolve_metadata_dependencies, use_bin=job_wrapper.use_metadata_binary, kwds={'overwrite': False} ) or '' metadata_command = metadata_command.strip() if metadata_command: # Place Galaxy and its dependencies in environment for metadata regardless of tool. metadata_command = f"{SETUP_GALAXY_FOR_METADATA}{metadata_command}" commands_builder.capture_return_code() commands_builder.append_command(metadata_command) def __copy_if_exists_command(work_dir_output): source_file, destination = work_dir_output if '?' in source_file or '*' in source_file: source_file = source_file.replace('*', '"*"').replace('?', '"?"') return f'\nif [ -f "{source_file}" ] ; then cp "{source_file}" "{destination}" ; fi' class CommandsBuilder: def __init__(self, initial_command=''): # Remove trailing semi-colon so we can start hacking up this command. # TODO: Refactor to compose a list and join with ';', would be more clean. initial_command = util.unicodify(initial_command) commands = initial_command.rstrip("; ") self.commands = commands # Coping work dir outputs or setting metadata will mask return code of # tool command. If these are used capture the return code and ensure # the last thing that happens is an exit with return code. self.return_code_captured = False def prepend_command(self, command, sep=";"): if command: self.commands = f"{command}{sep} {self.commands}" return self def prepend_commands(self, commands): return self.prepend_command("; ".join(c for c in commands if c)) def append_command(self, command, sep=';'): if command: self.commands = f"{self.commands}{sep} {command}" return self def append_commands(self, commands): self.append_command("; ".join(c for c in commands if c)) def capture_stdout_stderr(self, stdout_file, stderr_file): self.prepend_command("""out="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/out.$$" err="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/err.$$" mkfifo "$out" "$err" trap 'rm "$out" "$err"' EXIT tee -a stdout.log < "$out" & tee -a stderr.log < "$err" >&2 &""", sep="") self.append_command(f"> '{stdout_file}' 2> '{stderr_file}'", sep="") def capture_return_code(self): if not self.return_code_captured: self.return_code_captured = True self.append_command(CAPTURE_RETURN_CODE) def build(self): if self.return_code_captured: self.append_command(YIELD_CAPTURED_CODE) return self.commands __all__ = ("build_command", )