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Source code for tool_shed.webapp.controllers.upload

import logging
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile

import requests

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.util import checkers
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseUIController
from tool_shed.dependencies import attribute_handlers
from tool_shed.galaxy_install import dependency_display
from tool_shed.metadata import repository_metadata_manager
from tool_shed.repository_types import util as rt_util
from tool_shed.tools.data_table_manager import ShedToolDataTableManager
from tool_shed.util import (
    shed_util_common as suc,
from tool_shed.util.web_util import escape

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UploadController(BaseUIController):
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login('upload', use_panels=True) def upload(self, trans, **kwd): message = escape(kwd.get('message', '')) status = kwd.get('status', 'done') commit_message = escape(kwd.get('commit_message', 'Uploaded')) repository_id = kwd.get('repository_id', '') repository = repository_util.get_repository_in_tool_shed(trans.app, repository_id) repo_dir = repository.repo_path(trans.app) uncompress_file = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('uncompress_file', 'true')) remove_repo_files_not_in_tar = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('remove_repo_files_not_in_tar', 'true')) uploaded_file = None upload_point = commit_util.get_upload_point(repository, **kwd) tip = repository.tip() file_data = kwd.get('file_data', '') url = kwd.get('url', '') # Part of the upload process is sending email notification to those that have registered to # receive them. One scenario occurs when the first change set is produced for the repository. # See the suc.handle_email_alerts() method for the definition of the scenarios. new_repo_alert = repository.is_new() uploaded_directory = None if kwd.get('upload_button', False): if file_data == '' and url == '': message = 'No files were entered on the upload form.' status = 'error' uploaded_file = None elif url and url.startswith('hg'): # Use mercurial clone to fetch repository, contents will then be copied over. uploaded_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() repo_url = 'http%s' % url[len('hg'):] cloned_ok, error_message = hg_util.clone_repository(repo_url, uploaded_directory) if not cloned_ok: message = 'Error uploading via mercurial clone: %s' % error_message status = 'error' basic_util.remove_dir(uploaded_directory) uploaded_directory = None elif url: valid_url = True try: stream = requests.get(url, stream=True) except Exception as e: valid_url = False message = 'Error uploading file via http: %s' % util.unicodify(e) status = 'error' uploaded_file = None if valid_url: fd, uploaded_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp() uploaded_file = open(uploaded_file_name, 'wb') for chunk in stream.iter_content(chunk_size=util.CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: uploaded_file.write(chunk) uploaded_file.flush() uploaded_file_filename = url.split('/')[-1] isempty = os.path.getsize(os.path.abspath(uploaded_file_name)) == 0 elif file_data not in ('', None): uploaded_file = file_data.file uploaded_file_name = uploaded_file.name uploaded_file_filename = os.path.split(file_data.filename)[-1] isempty = os.path.getsize(os.path.abspath(uploaded_file_name)) == 0 if uploaded_file or uploaded_directory: rdah = attribute_handlers.RepositoryDependencyAttributeHandler(trans.app, unpopulate=False) tdah = attribute_handlers.ToolDependencyAttributeHandler(trans.app, unpopulate=False) stdtm = ShedToolDataTableManager(trans.app) ok = True isgzip = False isbz2 = False if uploaded_file: if uncompress_file: isgzip = checkers.is_gzip(uploaded_file_name) if not isgzip: isbz2 = checkers.is_bz2(uploaded_file_name) if isempty: tar = None istar = False else: # Determine what we have - a single file or an archive try: if (isgzip or isbz2) and uncompress_file: # Open for reading with transparent compression. tar = tarfile.open(uploaded_file_name, 'r:*') else: tar = tarfile.open(uploaded_file_name) istar = True except tarfile.ReadError: tar = None istar = False else: # Uploaded directory istar = False if istar: ok, message, files_to_remove, content_alert_str, undesirable_dirs_removed, undesirable_files_removed = \ repository_content_util.upload_tar( trans, rdah, tdah, repository, tar, uploaded_file, upload_point, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar, commit_message, new_repo_alert ) elif uploaded_directory: ok, message, files_to_remove, content_alert_str, undesirable_dirs_removed, undesirable_files_removed = \ self.upload_directory(trans, rdah, tdah, repository, uploaded_directory, upload_point, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar, commit_message, new_repo_alert) else: if (isgzip or isbz2) and uncompress_file: uploaded_file_filename = commit_util.uncompress(repository, uploaded_file_name, uploaded_file_filename, isgzip=isgzip, isbz2=isbz2) if repository.type == rt_util.REPOSITORY_SUITE_DEFINITION and \ uploaded_file_filename != rt_util.REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME: ok = False message = 'Repositories of type <b>Repository suite definition</b> can only contain a single file named ' message += '<b>repository_dependencies.xml</b>.' elif repository.type == rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION and \ uploaded_file_filename != rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME: ok = False message = 'Repositories of type <b>Tool dependency definition</b> can only contain a single file named ' message += '<b>tool_dependencies.xml</b>.' if ok: if upload_point is not None: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(repo_dir, upload_point, uploaded_file_filename)) else: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(repo_dir, uploaded_file_filename)) # Move some version of the uploaded file to the load_point within the repository hierarchy. if uploaded_file_filename in [rt_util.REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME]: # Inspect the contents of the file to see if toolshed or changeset_revision attributes # are missing and if so, set them appropriately. altered, root_elem, error_message = rdah.handle_tag_attributes(uploaded_file_name) if error_message: ok = False message = error_message status = 'error' elif altered: tmp_filename = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file(root_elem) shutil.move(tmp_filename, full_path) else: shutil.move(uploaded_file_name, full_path) elif uploaded_file_filename in [rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME]: # Inspect the contents of the file to see if changeset_revision values are # missing and if so, set them appropriately. altered, root_elem, error_message = tdah.handle_tag_attributes(uploaded_file_name) if error_message: ok = False message = error_message status = 'error' if ok: if altered: tmp_filename = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file(root_elem) shutil.move(tmp_filename, full_path) else: shutil.move(uploaded_file_name, full_path) else: shutil.move(uploaded_file_name, full_path) if ok: # See if any admin users have chosen to receive email alerts when a repository is updated. # If so, check every uploaded file to ensure content is appropriate. check_contents = commit_util.check_file_contents_for_email_alerts(trans.app) if check_contents and os.path.isfile(full_path): content_alert_str = commit_util.check_file_content_for_html_and_images(full_path) else: content_alert_str = '' hg_util.add_changeset(repo_dir, full_path) hg_util.commit_changeset(repo_dir, full_path_to_changeset=full_path, username=trans.user.username, message=commit_message) if full_path.endswith('tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample'): # Handle the special case where a tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample file is being uploaded # by parsing the file and adding new entries to the in-memory trans.app.tool_data_tables # dictionary. error, error_message = stdtm.handle_sample_tool_data_table_conf_file(full_path, persist=False) if error: message = '%s<br/>%s' % (message, error_message) # See if the content of the change set was valid. admin_only = len(repository.downloadable_revisions) != 1 suc.handle_email_alerts(trans.app, trans.request.host, repository, content_alert_str=content_alert_str, new_repo_alert=new_repo_alert, admin_only=admin_only) if ok: # Update the repository files for browsing. hg_util.update_repository(repo_dir) # Get the new repository tip. if tip == repository.tip(): message = 'No changes to repository. ' status = 'warning' else: if (isgzip or isbz2) and uncompress_file: uncompress_str = ' uncompressed and ' else: uncompress_str = ' ' if uploaded_directory: source_type = "repository" source = url else: source_type = "file" source = uploaded_file_filename message = "The %s <b>%s</b> has been successfully%suploaded to the repository. " % \ (source_type, escape(source), uncompress_str) if istar and (undesirable_dirs_removed or undesirable_files_removed): items_removed = undesirable_dirs_removed + undesirable_files_removed message += " %d undesirable items (.hg .svn .git directories, .DS_Store, hgrc files, etc) " % items_removed message += "were removed from the archive. " if istar and remove_repo_files_not_in_tar and files_to_remove: if upload_point is not None: message += " %d files were removed from the repository relative to the selected upload point '%s'. " % \ (len(files_to_remove), upload_point) else: message += " %d files were removed from the repository root. " % len(files_to_remove) rmm = repository_metadata_manager.RepositoryMetadataManager(app=trans.app, user=trans.user, repository=repository) status, error_message = \ rmm.set_repository_metadata_due_to_new_tip(trans.request.host, content_alert_str=content_alert_str, **kwd) if error_message: message = error_message kwd['message'] = message if repository.metadata_revisions: # A repository's metadata revisions are order descending by update_time, so the zeroth revision # will be the tip just after an upload. metadata_dict = repository.metadata_revisions[0].metadata else: metadata_dict = {} dd = dependency_display.DependencyDisplayer(trans.app) if str(repository.type) not in [rt_util.REPOSITORY_SUITE_DEFINITION, rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION]: change_repository_type_message = rt_util.generate_message_for_repository_type_change(trans.app, repository) if change_repository_type_message: message += change_repository_type_message status = 'warning' else: # Provide a warning message if a tool_dependencies.xml file is provided, but tool dependencies # weren't loaded due to a requirement tag mismatch or some other problem. Tool dependency # definitions can define orphan tool dependencies (no relationship to any tools contained in the # repository), so warning messages are important because orphans are always valid. The repository # owner must be warned in case they did not intend to define an orphan dependency, but simply # provided incorrect information (tool shed, name owner, changeset_revision) for the definition. orphan_message = dd.generate_message_for_orphan_tool_dependencies(repository, metadata_dict) if orphan_message: message += orphan_message status = 'warning' # Handle messaging for invalid tool dependencies. invalid_tool_dependencies_message = dd.generate_message_for_invalid_tool_dependencies(metadata_dict) if invalid_tool_dependencies_message: message += invalid_tool_dependencies_message status = 'error' # Handle messaging for invalid repository dependencies. invalid_repository_dependencies_message = \ dd.generate_message_for_invalid_repository_dependencies(metadata_dict, error_from_tuple=True) if invalid_repository_dependencies_message: message += invalid_repository_dependencies_message status = 'error' # Reset the tool_data_tables by loading the empty tool_data_table_conf.xml file. stdtm.reset_tool_data_tables() if uploaded_directory: basic_util.remove_dir(uploaded_directory) trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller='repository', action='browse_repository', id=repository_id, commit_message='Deleted selected files', message=message, status=status)) else: if uploaded_directory: basic_util.remove_dir(uploaded_directory) status = 'error' # Reset the tool_data_tables by loading the empty tool_data_table_conf.xml file. stdtm.reset_tool_data_tables() return trans.fill_template('/webapps/tool_shed/repository/upload.mako', repository=repository, changeset_revision=tip, url=url, commit_message=commit_message, uncompress_file=uncompress_file, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar=remove_repo_files_not_in_tar, message=message, status=status)
[docs] def upload_directory(self, trans, rdah, tdah, repository, uploaded_directory, upload_point, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar, commit_message, new_repo_alert): repo_dir = repository.repo_path(trans.app) undesirable_dirs_removed = 0 undesirable_files_removed = 0 if upload_point is not None: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(repo_dir, upload_point)) else: full_path = os.path.abspath(repo_dir) filenames_in_archive = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(uploaded_directory): for uploaded_file in files: relative_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.relpath(root, uploaded_directory), uploaded_file)) if repository.type == rt_util.REPOSITORY_SUITE_DEFINITION: ok = os.path.basename(uploaded_file) == rt_util.REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME elif repository.type == rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION: ok = os.path.basename(uploaded_file) == rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME else: ok = os.path.basename(uploaded_file) not in commit_util.UNDESIRABLE_FILES if ok: for file_path_item in relative_path.split('/'): if file_path_item in commit_util.UNDESIRABLE_DIRS: undesirable_dirs_removed += 1 ok = False break else: undesirable_files_removed += 1 if ok: uploaded_file_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, uploaded_file)) if os.path.split(uploaded_file_name)[-1] == rt_util.REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME: # Inspect the contents of the file to see if toolshed or changeset_revision # attributes are missing and if so, set them appropriately. altered, root_elem, error_message = rdah.handle_tag_attributes(uploaded_file_name) if error_message: return False, error_message, [], '', [], [] elif altered: tmp_filename = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file(root_elem) shutil.move(tmp_filename, uploaded_file_name) elif os.path.split(uploaded_file_name)[-1] == rt_util.TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION_FILENAME: # Inspect the contents of the file to see if toolshed or changeset_revision # attributes are missing and if so, set them appropriately. altered, root_elem, error_message = tdah.handle_tag_attributes(uploaded_file_name) if error_message: return False, error_message, [], '', [], [] if altered: tmp_filename = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file(root_elem) shutil.move(tmp_filename, uploaded_file_name) repo_path = os.path.join(full_path, relative_path) repo_basedir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(repo_path, os.path.pardir)) if not os.path.exists(repo_basedir): os.makedirs(repo_basedir) if os.path.exists(repo_path): if os.path.isdir(repo_path): shutil.rmtree(repo_path) else: os.remove(repo_path) shutil.move(os.path.join(uploaded_directory, relative_path), repo_path) filenames_in_archive.append(relative_path) return commit_util.handle_directory_changes(trans.app, trans.request.host, trans.user.username, repository, full_path, filenames_in_archive, remove_repo_files_not_in_tar, new_repo_alert, commit_message, undesirable_dirs_removed, undesirable_files_removed)