
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy_test.driver.driver_util

"""Scripts for drivers of Galaxy functional tests."""

import fcntl
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import signal
import socket
import string
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time

import nose.config
import nose.core
import nose.loader
import nose.plugins.manager
import yaml
from paste import httpserver
from six.moves import (
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from sqlalchemy_utils import (

from galaxy.app import UniverseApplication as GalaxyUniverseApplication
from galaxy.config import LOGGING_CONFIG_DEFAULT
from galaxy.model import mapping
from galaxy.model.tool_shed_install import mapping as toolshed_mapping
from galaxy.tool_util.verify.interactor import GalaxyInteractorApi, verify_tool
from galaxy.util import asbool, download_to_file, galaxy_directory
from galaxy.util.properties import load_app_properties
from galaxy.web import buildapp
from galaxy_test.base.api_util import get_master_api_key, get_user_api_key
from galaxy_test.base.instrument import StructuredTestDataPlugin
from galaxy_test.base.nose_util import run
from tool_shed.webapp.app import UniverseApplication as ToolshedUniverseApplication
from .test_logging import logging_config_file

galaxy_root = galaxy_directory()
DEFAULT_WEB_HOST = socket.gethostbyname('localhost')
GALAXY_TEST_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(galaxy_root, "test")
GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR = "test-data,https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-test-data.git"
TOOL_SHED_TEST_DATA = os.path.join(galaxy_root, "lib", "tool_shed", "test", "test_data")
TEST_WEBHOOKS_DIR = os.path.join(galaxy_root, "test", "functional", "webhooks")
FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.join(GALAXY_TEST_DIRECTORY, "functional", "tools")
FRAMEWORK_UPLOAD_TOOL_CONF = os.path.join(FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_DIR, "upload_tool_conf.xml")
FRAMEWORK_SAMPLE_TOOLS_CONF = os.path.join(FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_DIR, "samples_tool_conf.xml")
FRAMEWORK_DATATYPES_CONF = os.path.join(FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_DIR, "sample_datatypes_conf.xml")
MIGRATED_TOOL_PANEL_CONFIG = 'config/migrated_tools_conf.xml'
    os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_SHED_TOOL_CONF', 'config/shed_tool_conf.xml')
REALTIME_PROXY_TEMPLATE = string.Template(r"""
  http-raw-body: true
  interactivetools_map: $tempdir/interactivetools_map.sqlite
  python-raw: scripts/interactivetools/key_type_token_mapping.py
  # if interactive tool path, jump to interactive tool, else skip to
  # endendend (default uwsgi params).
  route-host: ^([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)-([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.(interactivetool\.$test_host:$test_port)$ goto:interactivetool
  route-run: goto:endendend

  route-label: interactivetool
  route-host: ^([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)-([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.(interactivetool\.$test_host:$test_port)$ rpcvar:TARGET_HOST rtt_key_type_token_mapper_cached $1 $3 $2 $4 $0 5
  route-if-not: empty:${TARGET_HOST} httpdumb:${TARGET_HOST}
  route: .* break:404 Not Found

  route-label: endendend


log = logging.getLogger("test_driver")

# Global variables to pass database contexts around - only needed for older
# Tool Shed twill tests that didn't utilize the API for such interactions.
galaxy_context = None
tool_shed_context = None
install_context = None

def setup_tool_shed_tmp_dir():
    tool_shed_test_tmp_dir = os.environ.get('TOOL_SHED_TEST_TMP_DIR', None)
    if tool_shed_test_tmp_dir is None:
        tool_shed_test_tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
    # Here's the directory where everything happens.  Temporary directories are created within this directory to contain
    # the hgweb.config file, the database, new repositories, etc.  Since the tool shed browses repository contents via HTTP,
    # the full path to the temporary directroy wher eht repositories are located cannot contain invalid url characters.
    os.environ['TOOL_SHED_TEST_TMP_DIR'] = tool_shed_test_tmp_dir
    return tool_shed_test_tmp_dir

def get_galaxy_test_tmp_dir():
    """Create test directory for use by Galaxy server being setup for testing."""
    galaxy_test_tmp_dir = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_TMP_DIR', None)
    if galaxy_test_tmp_dir is None:
        galaxy_test_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    return galaxy_test_tmp_dir

def configure_environment():
    """Hack up environment for test cases."""
    # no op remove if unused
    if 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' not in os.environ:

    # Used by get_filename in tool shed's twilltestcase.
    if "TOOL_SHED_TEST_FILE_DIR" not in os.environ:


[docs]def build_logger(): """Build a logger for test driver script.""" return log
def ensure_test_file_dir_set(): """Ensure GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR setup in environment for test data resolver. Return first directory for backward compat. """ galaxy_test_file_dir = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR', GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR) os.environ['GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR'] = galaxy_test_file_dir first_test_file_dir = galaxy_test_file_dir.split(",")[0] return first_test_file_dir
[docs]def setup_galaxy_config( tmpdir, use_test_file_dir=False, default_install_db_merged=True, default_tool_data_table_config_path=None, default_shed_tool_data_table_config=None, default_job_config_file=None, enable_tool_shed_check=False, default_tool_conf=None, shed_tool_conf=None, datatypes_conf=None, update_integrated_tool_panel=False, prefer_template_database=False, log_format=None, conda_auto_init=False, conda_auto_install=False, use_shared_connection_for_amqp=False, ): """Setup environment and build config for test Galaxy instance.""" # For certain docker operations this needs to be evaluated out - e.g. for cwltool. tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tmpdir) if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) template_cache_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='compiled_templates_', dir=tmpdir) new_file_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='new_files_path_', dir=tmpdir) job_working_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='job_working_directory_', dir=tmpdir) if use_test_file_dir: first_test_file_dir = ensure_test_file_dir_set() if not os.path.isabs(first_test_file_dir): first_test_file_dir = os.path.join(galaxy_root, first_test_file_dir) library_import_dir = first_test_file_dir import_dir = os.path.join(first_test_file_dir, 'users') if os.path.exists(import_dir): user_library_import_dir = import_dir else: user_library_import_dir = None else: user_library_import_dir = None library_import_dir = None job_config_file = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_JOB_CONFIG_FILE', default_job_config_file) tool_path = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_PATH', 'tools') tool_data_table_config_path = _tool_data_table_config_path(default_tool_data_table_config_path) default_data_manager_config = None for data_manager_config in ['config/data_manager_conf.xml', 'data_manager_conf.xml']: if os.path.exists(data_manager_config): default_data_manager_config = data_manager_config data_manager_config_file = "test/functional/tools/sample_data_manager_conf.xml" if default_data_manager_config is not None: data_manager_config_file = "%s,%s" % (default_data_manager_config, data_manager_config_file) master_api_key = get_master_api_key() cleanup_job = 'never' if ("GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP" in os.environ or "TOOL_SHED_TEST_NO_CLEANUP" in os.environ) else 'onsuccess' # Data Manager testing temp path # For storing Data Manager outputs and .loc files so that real ones don't get clobbered galaxy_data_manager_data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='data_manager_tool-data', dir=tmpdir) tool_conf = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_CONF', default_tool_conf) conda_auto_install = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_CONDA_AUTO_INSTALL', conda_auto_install) conda_auto_init = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_CONDA_AUTO_INIT', conda_auto_init) conda_prefix = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_CONDA_PREFIX') if tool_conf is None: # As a fallback always at least allow upload. tool_conf = FRAMEWORK_UPLOAD_TOOL_CONF if shed_tool_conf is not None: tool_conf = "%s,%s" % (tool_conf, shed_tool_conf) shed_tool_data_table_config = default_shed_tool_data_table_config config = dict( admin_users='test@bx.psu.edu', allow_library_path_paste=True, allow_user_creation=True, allow_user_deletion=True, api_allow_run_as='test@bx.psu.edu', auto_configure_logging=logging_config_file is None, check_migrate_tools=False, chunk_upload_size=100, conda_prefix=conda_prefix, conda_auto_init=conda_auto_init, conda_auto_install=conda_auto_install, cleanup_job=cleanup_job, retry_metadata_internally=False, data_dir=tmpdir, data_manager_config_file=data_manager_config_file, enable_beta_tool_formats=True, expose_dataset_path=True, ftp_upload_purge=False, galaxy_data_manager_data_path=galaxy_data_manager_data_path, id_secret='changethisinproductiontoo', job_config_file=job_config_file, job_working_directory=job_working_directory, library_import_dir=library_import_dir, log_destination="stdout", new_file_path=new_file_path, override_tempdir=False, master_api_key=master_api_key, running_functional_tests=True, shed_tool_data_table_config=shed_tool_data_table_config, template_cache_path=template_cache_path, template_path='templates', tool_config_file=tool_conf, tool_data_table_config_path=tool_data_table_config_path, tool_parse_help=False, tool_path=tool_path, update_integrated_tool_panel=update_integrated_tool_panel, use_tasked_jobs=True, use_heartbeat=False, user_library_import_dir=user_library_import_dir, webhooks_dir=TEST_WEBHOOKS_DIR, logging=LOGGING_CONFIG_DEFAULT, monitor_thread_join_timeout=5, object_store_store_by="uuid", ) if not use_shared_connection_for_amqp: config["amqp_internal_connection"] = "sqlalchemy+sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % os.path.join(tmpdir, "control.sqlite") config.update(database_conf(tmpdir, prefer_template_database=prefer_template_database)) config.update(install_database_conf(tmpdir, default_merged=default_install_db_merged)) if asbool(os.environ.get("GALAXY_TEST_USE_HIERARCHICAL_OBJECT_STORE")): object_store_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, "object_store_conf.yml") with open(object_store_config, "w") as f: contents = """ type: hierarchical backends: - id: files1 type: disk weight: 1 files_dir: "${temp_directory}/files1" extra_dirs: - type: temp path: "${temp_directory}/tmp1" - type: job_work path: "${temp_directory}/job_working_directory1" - id: files2 type: disk weight: 1 files_dir: "${temp_directory}/files2" extra_dirs: - type: temp path: "${temp_directory}/tmp2" - type: job_work path: "${temp_directory}/job_working_directory2" """ contents_template = string.Template(contents) expanded_contents = contents_template.safe_substitute(temp_directory=tmpdir) f.write(expanded_contents) config["object_store_config_file"] = object_store_config if datatypes_conf is not None: config['datatypes_config_file'] = datatypes_conf if enable_tool_shed_check: config["enable_tool_shed_check"] = enable_tool_shed_check config["hours_between_check"] = 0.001 tool_dependency_dir = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DIR') if tool_dependency_dir: config["tool_dependency_dir"] = tool_dependency_dir # Used by shed's twill dependency stuff # TODO: read from Galaxy's config API. os.environ["GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DIR"] = tool_dependency_dir or os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dependencies') return config
def _tool_data_table_config_path(default_tool_data_table_config_path=None): tool_data_table_config_path = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_DATA_TABLE_CONF', default_tool_data_table_config_path) if tool_data_table_config_path is None: # ... otherise find whatever Galaxy would use as the default and # the sample data for fucntional tests to that. default_tool_data_config = 'lib/galaxy/config/sample/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample' for tool_data_config in ['config/tool_data_table_conf.xml', 'tool_data_table_conf.xml']: if os.path.exists(tool_data_config): default_tool_data_config = tool_data_config tool_data_table_config_path = '%s,test/functional/tool-data/sample_tool_data_tables.xml' % default_tool_data_config return tool_data_table_config_path
[docs]def nose_config_and_run(argv=None, env=None, ignore_files=None, plugins=None): """Setup a nose context and run tests. Tests are specified by argv (defaulting to sys.argv). """ if env is None: env = os.environ if ignore_files is None: ignore_files = [] if plugins is None: plugins = nose.plugins.manager.DefaultPluginManager() if argv is None: argv = sys.argv test_config = nose.config.Config( env=os.environ, ignoreFiles=ignore_files, plugins=plugins, ) # Add custom plugin to produce JSON data used by planemo. test_config.plugins.addPlugin(StructuredTestDataPlugin()) test_config.configure(argv) result = run(test_config) success = result.wasSuccessful() return success
[docs]def copy_database_template(source, db_path): """Copy a 'clean' sqlite template database. From file or URL to specified path for sqlite database. """ db_path_dir = os.path.dirname(db_path) if not os.path.exists(db_path_dir): os.makedirs(db_path_dir) if os.path.exists(source): shutil.copy(source, db_path) assert os.path.exists(db_path) elif source.lower().startswith(("http://", "https://", "ftp://")): try: download_to_file(source, db_path) except Exception as e: # We log the exception but don't fail startup, since we can # do all migration steps instead of downloading a template. log.exception(e) else: raise Exception("Failed to copy database template from source %s" % source)
[docs]def database_conf(db_path, prefix="GALAXY", prefer_template_database=False): """Find (and populate if needed) Galaxy database connection.""" database_auto_migrate = False check_migrate_databases = True dburi_var = "%s_TEST_DBURI" % prefix template_name = None if dburi_var in os.environ: database_connection = os.environ[dburi_var] # only template if postgres - not mysql or sqlite do_template = prefer_template_database and database_connection.startswith("p") if do_template: database_template_parsed = urlparse(database_connection) template_name = database_template_parsed.path[1:] # drop / from /galaxy actual_db = "gxtest" + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(10)) actual_database_parsed = database_template_parsed._replace(path="/%s" % actual_db) database_connection = actual_database_parsed.geturl() if not database_exists(database_connection): # We pass by migrations and instantiate the current table create_database(database_connection) mapping.init('/tmp', database_connection, create_tables=True, map_install_models=True) toolshed_mapping.init(database_connection, create_tables=True) check_migrate_databases = False else: default_db_filename = "%s.sqlite" % prefix.lower() template_var = "%s_TEST_DB_TEMPLATE" % prefix db_path = os.path.join(db_path, default_db_filename) if template_var in os.environ: # Middle ground between recreating a completely new # database and pointing at existing database with # GALAXY_TEST_DBURI. The former requires a lot of setup # time, the latter results in test failures in certain # cases (namely tool shed tests expecting clean database). copy_database_template(os.environ[template_var], db_path) database_auto_migrate = True database_connection = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_path config = { "check_migrate_databases": check_migrate_databases, "database_connection": database_connection, "database_auto_migrate": database_auto_migrate } if not database_connection.startswith("sqlite://"): config["database_engine_option_max_overflow"] = "20" config["database_engine_option_pool_size"] = "10" if template_name: config["database_template"] = template_name return config
def install_database_conf(db_path, default_merged=False): if 'GALAXY_TEST_INSTALL_DBURI' in os.environ: install_galaxy_database_connection = os.environ['GALAXY_TEST_INSTALL_DBURI'] elif asbool(os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_INSTALL_DB_MERGED', default_merged)): install_galaxy_database_connection = None else: install_galaxy_db_path = os.path.join(db_path, 'install.sqlite') install_galaxy_database_connection = 'sqlite:///%s' % install_galaxy_db_path conf = {} if install_galaxy_database_connection is not None: conf["install_database_connection"] = install_galaxy_database_connection return conf def database_files_path(test_tmpdir, prefix="GALAXY"): """Create a mock database/ directory like in GALAXY_ROOT. Use prefix to default this if TOOL_SHED_TEST_DBPATH or GALAXY_TEST_DBPATH is set in the environment. """ environ_var = "%s_TEST_DBPATH" % prefix if environ_var in os.environ: db_path = os.environ[environ_var] else: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=test_tmpdir) db_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'database') return db_path def _get_static_settings(): """Configuration required for Galaxy static middleware. Returns dictionary of the settings necessary for a galaxy App to be wrapped in the static middleware. This mainly consists of the filesystem locations of url-mapped static resources. """ static_dir = os.path.join(galaxy_root, "static") # TODO: these should be copied from config/galaxy.ini return dict( static_enabled=True, static_cache_time=360, static_dir=static_dir, static_images_dir=os.path.join(static_dir, 'images', ''), static_favicon_dir=os.path.join(static_dir, 'favicon.ico'), static_scripts_dir=os.path.join(static_dir, 'scripts', ''), static_style_dir=os.path.join(static_dir, 'style'), static_robots_txt=os.path.join(static_dir, 'robots.txt'), )
[docs]def get_webapp_global_conf(): """Get the global_conf dictionary sent to ``app_factory``.""" # (was originally sent 'dict()') - nothing here for now except static settings global_conf = dict() global_conf.update(_get_static_settings()) return global_conf
[docs]def wait_for_http_server(host, port, sleep_amount=0.1, sleep_tries=150): """Wait for an HTTP server to boot up.""" # Test if the server is up for _ in range(sleep_tries): # directly test the app, not the proxy conn = http_client.HTTPConnection(host, port) try: conn.request("GET", "/") response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: break except socket.error as e: if e.errno not in [61, 111]: raise time.sleep(sleep_amount) else: template = "Test HTTP server on host %s and port %s did not return '200 OK' after 10 tries" message = template % (host, port) raise Exception(message)
def attempt_ports(port): if port is not None: yield port raise Exception("An existing process seems bound to specified test server port [%s]" % port) else: random.seed() for _ in range(0, 9): port = str(random.randint(8000, 10000)) yield port raise Exception("Unable to open a port between %s and %s to start Galaxy server" % (8000, 10000)) def serve_webapp(webapp, port=None, host=None): """Serve the webapp on a recommend port or a free one. Return the port the webapp is running on. """ server = None for port in attempt_ports(port): try: server = httpserver.serve(webapp, host=host, port=port, start_loop=False) break except socket.error as e: if e.errno == 98: continue raise t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) t.start() return server, port def cleanup_directory(tempdir): """Clean up temporary files used by test unless GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP is set. Also respect TOOL_SHED_TEST_NO_CLEANUP for legacy reasons. """ skip_cleanup = "GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP" in os.environ or "TOOL_SHED_TEST_NO_CLEANUP" in os.environ if skip_cleanup: log.info("GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP is on. Temporary files in %s" % tempdir) return try: if os.path.exists(tempdir) and not skip_cleanup: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) except Exception: pass def setup_shed_tools_for_test(app, tmpdir, testing_migrated_tools, testing_installed_tools): """Modify Galaxy app's toolbox for migrated or installed tool tests.""" if testing_installed_tools: # TODO: Do this without modifying app - that is a pretty violation # of Galaxy's abstraction - we shouldn't require app at all let alone # be modifying it. tool_configs = app.config.tool_configs # Eliminate the migrated_tool_panel_config from the app's tool_configs, append the list of installed_tool_panel_configs, # and reload the app's toolbox. relative_migrated_tool_panel_config = os.path.join(app.config.root, MIGRATED_TOOL_PANEL_CONFIG) if relative_migrated_tool_panel_config in tool_configs: tool_configs.remove(relative_migrated_tool_panel_config) for installed_tool_panel_config in INSTALLED_TOOL_PANEL_CONFIGS: tool_configs.append(installed_tool_panel_config) from galaxy import tools # delay import because this brings in so many modules for small tests # noqa: E402 app.toolbox = tools.ToolBox(tool_configs, app.config.tool_path, app) def build_galaxy_app(simple_kwargs): """Build a Galaxy app object from a simple keyword arguments. Construct paste style complex dictionary and use load_app_properties so Galaxy override variables are respected. Also setup "global" references to sqlalchemy database context for Galaxy and install databases. """ log.info("Galaxy database connection: %s", simple_kwargs["database_connection"]) simple_kwargs['global_conf'] = get_webapp_global_conf() simple_kwargs['global_conf']['__file__'] = "lib/galaxy/config/sample/galaxy.yml.sample" simple_kwargs = load_app_properties( kwds=simple_kwargs ) # Build the Universe Application app = GalaxyUniverseApplication(**simple_kwargs) log.info("Embedded Galaxy application started") global galaxy_context global install_context galaxy_context = app.model.context install_context = app.install_model.context return app def build_shed_app(simple_kwargs): """Build a Galaxy app object from a simple keyword arguments. Construct paste style complex dictionary. Also setup "global" reference to sqlalchemy database context for tool shed database. """ log.info("Tool shed database connection: %s", simple_kwargs["database_connection"]) # TODO: Simplify global_conf to match Galaxy above... simple_kwargs['__file__'] = 'tool_shed_wsgi.yml.sample' simple_kwargs['global_conf'] = get_webapp_global_conf() app = ToolshedUniverseApplication(**simple_kwargs) log.info("Embedded Toolshed application started") global tool_shed_context tool_shed_context = app.model.context return app class classproperty(object): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def __get__(self, obj, owner): return self.f(owner) def get_ip_address(ifname): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl( s.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15].encode('utf-8')) )[20:24]) def explicitly_configured_host_and_port(prefix, config_object): host_env_key = "%s_TEST_HOST" % prefix port_env_key = "%s_TEST_PORT" % prefix port_random_env_key = "%s_TEST_PORT_RANDOM" % prefix default_web_host = getattr(config_object, "default_web_host", DEFAULT_WEB_HOST) host = os.environ.get(host_env_key, default_web_host) if os.environ.get(port_random_env_key, None) is not None: # Ignore the port environment variable, it wasn't explictly configured. port = None else: port = os.environ.get(port_env_key, None) # If an explicit port wasn't assigned for this test or test case, set this # environment variable so we know it is random. We can then randomly re-assign # for new tests. if port is None: os.environ["GALAXY_TEST_PORT_RANDOM"] = "1" return host, port def set_and_wait_for_http_target(prefix, host, port, sleep_amount=0.1, sleep_tries=150): host_env_key = "%s_TEST_HOST" % prefix port_env_key = "%s_TEST_PORT" % prefix os.environ[host_env_key] = host os.environ[port_env_key] = port wait_for_http_server(host, port, sleep_amount=sleep_amount, sleep_tries=sleep_tries) class ServerWrapper(object): def __init__(self, name, host, port): self.name = name self.host = host self.port = port @property def app(self): raise NotImplementedError("Test can be run against target - requires a Galaxy app object.") def stop(self): raise NotImplementedError() class PasteServerWrapper(ServerWrapper): def __init__(self, app, server, name, host, port): super(PasteServerWrapper, self).__init__(name, host, port) self._app = app self._server = server @property def app(self): return self._app def stop(self): if self._server is not None: log.info("Shutting down embedded %s web server" % self.name) self._server.server_close() log.info("Embedded web server %s stopped" % self.name) if self._app is not None: log.info("Stopping application %s" % self.name) self._app.shutdown() log.info("Application %s stopped." % self.name) class UwsgiServerWrapper(ServerWrapper): def __init__(self, p, name, host, port): super(UwsgiServerWrapper, self).__init__(name, host, port) self._p = p self._r = None self._t = threading.Thread(target=self.wait) self._t.start() def __del__(self): self._t.join() def wait(self): self._r = self._p.wait() def stop(self): try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self._p.pid), signal.SIGTERM) except Exception: pass time.sleep(.1) try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self._p.pid), signal.SIGKILL) except Exception: pass self._t.join() def launch_uwsgi(kwargs, tempdir, prefix=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PREFIX, config_object=None): name = prefix.lower() host, port = explicitly_configured_host_and_port(prefix, config_object) config = {} config["galaxy"] = kwargs.copy() enable_realtime_mapping = getattr(config_object, "enable_realtime_mapping", False) if enable_realtime_mapping: interactive_tool_defaults = { "interactivetools_prefix": "interactivetool", "interactivetools_map": os.path.join(tempdir, "interactivetools_map.sqlite"), "interactivetools_enable": True } for key, value in interactive_tool_defaults.items(): if key not in config["galaxy"]: config["galaxy"][key] = value yaml_config_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "galaxy.yml") with open(yaml_config_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(config, f) if enable_realtime_mapping: # Avoid YAML.dump configuration since uwsgi doesn't like real YAML :( - # though maybe it would work? with open(yaml_config_path, "r") as f: old_contents = f.read() with open(yaml_config_path, "w") as f: test_port = str(port) if port else r"[0-9]+" test_host = re.escape(host) if host else "localhost" uwsgi_section = REALTIME_PROXY_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(test_host=test_host, test_port=test_port, tempdir=tempdir) f.write(uwsgi_section) f.write(old_contents) def attempt_port_bind(port): uwsgi_command = [ "uwsgi", "--http", "%s:%s" % (host, port), "--yaml", yaml_config_path, "--module", "galaxy.webapps.galaxy.buildapp:uwsgi_app_factory()", "--enable-threads", "--die-on-term", ] for p in sys.path: uwsgi_command.append('--pythonpath') uwsgi_command.append(p) handle_uwsgi_cli_command = getattr( config_object, "handle_uwsgi_cli_command", None ) if handle_uwsgi_cli_command is not None: handle_uwsgi_cli_command(uwsgi_command) # we don't want to quote every argument but we don't want to print unquoted ones either, so do this log.info("Starting uwsgi with command line: %s", ' '.join(shlex_quote(x) for x in uwsgi_command)) p = subprocess.Popen( uwsgi_command, cwd=galaxy_root, preexec_fn=os.setsid, ) return UwsgiServerWrapper( p, name, host, port ) for port in attempt_ports(port): server_wrapper = attempt_port_bind(port) try: set_and_wait_for_http_target(prefix, host, port, sleep_tries=50) log.info("Test-managed uwsgi web server for %s started at %s:%s" % (name, host, port)) return server_wrapper except Exception: server_wrapper.stop() def launch_server(app, webapp_factory, kwargs, prefix=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PREFIX, config_object=None): """Launch a web server for a given app using supplied factory. Consistently read either GALAXY_TEST_HOST and GALAXY_TEST_PORT or TOOL_SHED_TEST_HOST and TOOL_SHED_TEST_PORT and ensure these are all set after this method has been called. """ name = prefix.lower() host, port = explicitly_configured_host_and_port(prefix, config_object) webapp = webapp_factory( kwargs['global_conf'], app=app, use_translogger=False, static_enabled=True, register_shutdown_at_exit=False ) server, port = serve_webapp( webapp, host=host, port=port ) set_and_wait_for_http_target(prefix, host, port) log.info("Embedded paste web server for %s started at %s:%s" % (name, host, port)) return PasteServerWrapper( app, server, name, host, port )
[docs]class TestDriver(object): """Responsible for the life-cycle of a Galaxy-style functional test. Sets up servers, configures tests, runs nose, and tears things down. This is somewhat like a Python TestCase - but different because it is meant to provide a main() endpoint. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Setup tracked resources.""" self.server_wrappers = [] self.temp_directories = []
[docs] def setup(self): """Called before tests are built."""
[docs] def build_tests(self): """After environment is setup, setup nose tests."""
[docs] def tear_down(self): """Cleanup resources tracked by this object.""" self.stop_servers() for temp_directory in self.temp_directories: cleanup_directory(temp_directory)
[docs] def stop_servers(self): for server_wrapper in self.server_wrappers: server_wrapper.stop() self.server_wrappers = []
[docs] def mkdtemp(self): """Return a temp directory that is properly cleaned up or not based on the config.""" temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_directories.append(temp_directory) return temp_directory
[docs] def run(self): """Driver whole test. Setup environment, build tests (if needed), run test, and finally cleanup resources. """ configure_environment() self.setup() self.build_tests() try: success = nose_config_and_run() return 0 if success else 1 except Exception as e: log.info("Failure running tests") raise e finally: log.info("Shutting down") self.tear_down()
class GalaxyTestDriver(TestDriver): """Instantial a Galaxy-style nose TestDriver for testing Galaxy.""" testing_shed_tools = False def _configure(self, config_object=None): """Setup various variables used to launch a Galaxy server.""" config_object = self._ensure_config_object(config_object) self.external_galaxy = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_EXTERNAL', None) # Allow a particular test to force uwsgi or any test to use uwsgi with # the GALAXY_TEST_UWSGI environment variable. use_uwsgi = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_UWSGI', None) if not use_uwsgi: if getattr(config_object, "require_uwsgi", None): use_uwsgi = True self.use_uwsgi = use_uwsgi # Allow controlling the log format log_format = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_LOG_FORMAT', None) if not log_format and use_uwsgi: log_format = "%(name)s %(levelname)-5.5s %(asctime)s " \ "[p:%(process)s,w:%(worker_id)s,m:%(mule_id)s] " \ "[%(threadName)s] %(message)s" self.log_format = log_format self.galaxy_test_tmp_dir = get_galaxy_test_tmp_dir() self.temp_directories.append(self.galaxy_test_tmp_dir) self.testing_shed_tools = getattr(config_object, "testing_shed_tools", False) if getattr(config_object, "framework_tool_and_types", False): default_tool_conf = FRAMEWORK_SAMPLE_TOOLS_CONF datatypes_conf_override = FRAMEWORK_DATATYPES_CONF else: default_tool_conf = getattr(config_object, "default_tool_conf", None) datatypes_conf_override = getattr(config_object, "datatypes_conf_override", None) self.default_tool_conf = default_tool_conf self.datatypes_conf_override = datatypes_conf_override def setup(self, config_object=None): """Setup a Galaxy server for functional test (if needed). Configuration options can be specified as attributes on the supplied ```config_object``` (defaults to self). """ self._saved_galaxy_config = None self._configure(config_object) self._register_and_run_servers(config_object) def restart(self, config_object=None, handle_config=None): self.stop_servers() self._register_and_run_servers(config_object, handle_config=handle_config) def _register_and_run_servers(self, config_object=None, handle_config=None): config_object = self._ensure_config_object(config_object) self.app = None if self.external_galaxy is None: if self._saved_galaxy_config is not None: galaxy_config = self._saved_galaxy_config else: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.galaxy_test_tmp_dir) # Configure the database path. galaxy_db_path = database_files_path(tempdir) # Allow config object to specify a config dict or a method to produce # one - other just read the properties above and use the default # implementation from this file. galaxy_config = getattr(config_object, "galaxy_config", None) if callable(galaxy_config): galaxy_config = galaxy_config() if galaxy_config is None: setup_galaxy_config_kwds = dict( use_test_file_dir=not self.testing_shed_tools, default_install_db_merged=True, default_tool_conf=self.default_tool_conf, datatypes_conf=self.datatypes_conf_override, prefer_template_database=getattr(config_object, "prefer_template_database", False), log_format=self.log_format, conda_auto_init=getattr(config_object, "conda_auto_init", False), conda_auto_install=getattr(config_object, "conda_auto_install", False), use_shared_connection_for_amqp=getattr(config_object, "use_shared_connection_for_amqp", False) ) galaxy_config = setup_galaxy_config( galaxy_db_path, **setup_galaxy_config_kwds ) isolate_galaxy_config = getattr(config_object, "isolate_galaxy_config", False) if isolate_galaxy_config: galaxy_config["config_dir"] = tempdir self._saved_galaxy_config = galaxy_config if galaxy_config is not None: handle_galaxy_config_kwds = handle_config or getattr( config_object, "handle_galaxy_config_kwds", None ) if handle_galaxy_config_kwds is not None: handle_galaxy_config_kwds(galaxy_config) if self.use_uwsgi: server_wrapper = launch_uwsgi( galaxy_config, tempdir=tempdir, config_object=config_object, ) else: # ---- Build Application -------------------------------------------------- self.app = build_galaxy_app(galaxy_config) server_wrapper = launch_server( self.app, buildapp.app_factory, galaxy_config, config_object=config_object, ) log.info("Functional tests will be run against external Galaxy server %s:%s" % (server_wrapper.host, server_wrapper.port)) self.server_wrappers.append(server_wrapper) else: log.info("Functional tests will be run against test managed Galaxy server %s" % self.external_galaxy) # Ensure test file directory setup even though galaxy config isn't built. ensure_test_file_dir_set() def _ensure_config_object(self, config_object): if config_object is None: config_object = self return config_object def setup_shed_tools(self, testing_migrated_tools=False, testing_installed_tools=True): setup_shed_tools_for_test( self.app, self.galaxy_test_tmp_dir, testing_migrated_tools, testing_installed_tools ) def build_tool_tests(self, testing_shed_tools=None, return_test_classes=False): if self.app is None: return if testing_shed_tools is None: testing_shed_tools = getattr(self, "testing_shed_tools", False) # We must make sure that functional.test_toolbox is always imported after # database_contexts.galaxy_content is set (which occurs in this method above). # If functional.test_toolbox is imported before database_contexts.galaxy_content # is set, sa_session will be None in all methods that use it. import functional.test_toolbox functional.test_toolbox.toolbox = self.app.toolbox # When testing data managers, do not test toolbox. test_classes = functional.test_toolbox.build_tests( app=self.app, testing_shed_tools=testing_shed_tools, master_api_key=get_master_api_key(), user_api_key=get_user_api_key(), ) if return_test_classes: return test_classes return functional.test_toolbox def run_tool_test(self, tool_id, index=0, resource_parameters=None): if resource_parameters is None: resource_parameters = {} host, port, url = target_url_parts() galaxy_interactor_kwds = { "galaxy_url": url, "master_api_key": get_master_api_key(), "api_key": get_user_api_key(), "keep_outputs_dir": None, } galaxy_interactor = GalaxyInteractorApi(**galaxy_interactor_kwds) verify_tool( tool_id=tool_id, test_index=index, galaxy_interactor=galaxy_interactor, resource_parameters=resource_parameters )
[docs]def drive_test(test_driver_class): """Instantiate driver class, run, and exit appropriately.""" test_driver = test_driver_class() sys.exit(test_driver.run())
[docs]def setup_keep_outdir(): keep_outdir = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_SAVE', '') if keep_outdir > '': try: os.makedirs(keep_outdir) except Exception: pass return keep_outdir
[docs]def target_url_parts(): host = socket.gethostbyname(os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_HOST', DEFAULT_WEB_HOST)) port = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_PORT') default_url = "http://%s:%s" % (host, port) url = os.environ.get('GALAXY_TEST_EXTERNAL', default_url) return host, port, url
__all__ = ( "copy_database_template", "build_logger", "drive_test", "FRAMEWORK_UPLOAD_TOOL_CONF", "FRAMEWORK_SAMPLE_TOOLS_CONF", "FRAMEWORK_DATATYPES_CONF", "database_conf", "get_webapp_global_conf", "nose_config_and_run", "setup_keep_outdir", "setup_galaxy_config", "target_url_parts", "TestDriver", "wait_for_http_server", )