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Source code for galaxy.web_stack.message

"""Web Application Stack worker messaging
from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import logging

import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ApplicationStackMessageDispatcher(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.__funcs = {}
def __func_name(self, func, name): if not name: name = func.__name__ return name
[docs] def register_func(self, func, name=None): name = self.__func_name(func, name) self.__funcs[name] = func
[docs] def deregister_func(self, func=None, name=None): name = self.__func_name(func, name) try: del self.__funcs[name] except KeyError: pass
@property def handler_count(self): return len(self.__funcs)
[docs] def dispatch(self, msg_str): msg = decode(msg_str) try: msg.validate() except AssertionError as exc: log.error('Invalid message received: %s, error: %s', msg_str, exc) return if msg.target not in self.__funcs: log.error("Received message with target '%s' but no functions were registered with that name. Params were: %s", msg.target, msg.params) else: self.__funcs[msg.target](msg)
[docs]class ApplicationStackMessage(dict): target = None default_handler = None _validate_kwargs = ('target',)
[docs] def __init__(self, target=None, **kwargs): self['target'] = target or self.__class__.target self._merge_class_tuples()
def _merge_class_tuples(self): """Locates any class-level tuples beginning with a single (but not double) underscore in the MRO and creates a property on the instance with the same name (without the leading underscore) that will return the union of those tuples. """ names = set() for cls in reversed(self.__class__.mro()): names.update([x for x in dir(cls) if x.startswith('_') and not x.startswith('__') and type(getattr(cls, x)) == tuple]) for name in names: setattr(self.__class__, name.lstrip('_'), property(lambda self, name=name: self._get_list_from_mro(name))) def _get_list_from_mro(self, name): """Locate all class-level tuples with the given `name` in the MRO and return their union. """ r = set() for cls in reversed(self.__class__.mro()): r.update(getattr(cls, name, [])) return r def _validate_items(self, obj, items, name): for item in items: assert item in obj, "Missing '%s' message %s" % (item, name)
[docs] def validate(self): self._validate_items(self, self.validate_kwargs, 'argument')
[docs] def encode(self): self['__classname__'] = self.__class__.__name__ return json.dumps(self)
[docs] def bind_default_handler(self, obj, name): """Bind the default handler method to `obj` as attribute `name`. This could also be implemented as a mixin class. """ assert self.default_handler is not None, '%s has no default handler method, cannot bind' % self.__class__.__name__ setattr(obj, name, six.create_bound_method(self.default_handler, obj)) log.debug("Bound default message handler '%s.%s' to %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.default_handler.__name__, getattr(obj, name))
@property def target(self): return self['target'] @target.setter def set_target(self, target): self['target'] = target
[docs]class ParamMessage(ApplicationStackMessage): _validate_kwargs = ('params',) _validate_params = () _exclude_params = ()
[docs] def __init__(self, target=None, params=None, **kwargs): super(ParamMessage, self).__init__(target=target) self['params'] = params or {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): self['params'][k] = v
[docs] def validate(self): super(ParamMessage, self).validate() self._validate_items(self['params'], self.validate_params, 'parameters')
@property def params(self): d = self['params'].copy() for key in self.exclude_params: d.pop(key, None) return d @params.setter def set_params(self, params): self['params'] = params
[docs]class TaskMessage(ParamMessage): _validate_params = ('task',) _exclude_params = ('task',)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_handler(self, msg): """Can be bound to an instance of any class that has message handling methods named like `_handle_{task}_method` """ name = '_handle_{task}_msg'.format(task=msg.task) assert name in dir(self), "{cls} has no method _handle_{task}_msg, cannot handle message: {msg}".format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, task=msg.task, msg=msg) getattr(self, '_handle_%s_msg' % msg.task)(**msg.params)
@property def task(self): return self['params']['task']
[docs]class JobHandlerMessage(TaskMessage): target = 'job_handler' _validate_params = ('job_id',)
[docs]class WorkflowSchedulingMessage(TaskMessage): target = 'workflow_scheduling' _validate_params = ('workflow_invocation_id',)
[docs]def decode(msg_str): d = json.loads(msg_str) cls = d.pop('__classname__') return globals()[cls](**d)