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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.cloud

API operations on Cloud-based storages, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

import logging

from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy.exceptions import ActionInputError
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api as expose_api
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseAPIController

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CloudController(BaseAPIController): """ RESTfull controller for interaction with Amazon S3. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app): super(CloudController, self).__init__(app) self.cloud_manager = cloud.CloudManager(app) self.datasets_serializer = datasets.DatasetSerializer(app)
[docs] @expose_api def index(self, trans, **kwargs): """ * GET /api/cloud/storage Lists cloud-based buckets (e.g., S3 bucket, Azure blob) user has defined. :param trans: :param kwargs: :return: A list of cloud-based buckets user has defined. """ # TODO: This can be implemented leveraging PluggedMedia objects (part of the user-based object store project) trans.response.status = 501 return 'Not Implemented'
[docs] @expose_api def upload(self, trans, payload, **kwargs): """ * POST /api/cloud/storage/upload Uploads given objects from a given cloud-based bucket to a Galaxy history. :type trans: galaxy.web.framework.webapp.GalaxyWebTransaction :param trans: Galaxy web transaction :type payload: dict :param payload: A dictionary structure containing the following keys: * history_id: the (encoded) id of history to which the object should be uploaded to. * provider: the name of a cloud-based resource provided (e.g., `aws`, `azure`, or `openstack`). * bucket: the name of a bucket from which data should be uploaded from (e.g., a bucket name on AWS S3). * objects: a list of the names of objects to be uploaded. * credentials: a dictionary containing all the credentials required to authenticated to the specified provider (e.g., {"secret_key": YOUR_AWS_SECRET_TOKEN, "access_key": YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_TOKEN}). * input_args [Optional; default value is an empty dict] a dictionary containing the following keys: ** `dbkey`: [Optional; default value: is `?`] Sets the genome (e.g., `hg19`) of the objects being uploaded to Galaxy. ** `file_type`: [Optional; default value is `auto`] Sets the Galaxy datatype (e.g., `bam`) for the objects being uploaded to Galaxy. See the following link for a complete list of Galaxy data types: https://galaxyproject.org/learn/datatypes/ ** `space_to_tab`: [Optional; default value is `False`] A boolean value ("true" or "false") that sets if spaces should be converted to tab in the objects being uploaded to Galaxy. Applicable only if `to_posix_lines` is True ** `to_posix_lines`: [Optional; default value is `Yes`] A boolean value ("true" or "false"); if "Yes", converts universal line endings to POSIX line endings. Set to "False" if you upload a gzip, bz2 or zip archive containing a binary file. :param kwargs: :rtype: dictionary :return: a dictionary containing a `summary` view of the datasets copied from the given cloud-based storage. """ if not isinstance(payload, dict): raise ActionInputError('Invalid payload data type. The payload is expected to be a dictionary, ' 'but received data of type `{}`.'.format(str(type(payload)))) missing_arguments = [] encoded_history_id = payload.get("history_id", None) if encoded_history_id is None: missing_arguments.append("history_id") provider = payload.get("provider", None) if provider is None: missing_arguments.append("provider") bucket = payload.get("bucket", None) if bucket is None: missing_arguments.append("bucket") objects = payload.get("objects", None) if objects is None: missing_arguments.append("objects") credentials = payload.get("credentials", None) if credentials is None: missing_arguments.append("credentials") if len(missing_arguments) > 0: raise ActionInputError("The following required arguments are missing in the payload: {}".format(missing_arguments)) try: history_id = self.decode_id(encoded_history_id) except exceptions.MalformedId as e: raise ActionInputError('Invalid history ID. {}'.format(e)) if not isinstance(objects, list): raise ActionInputError('The `objects` should be a list, but received an object of type {} instead.'.format( type(objects))) datasets = self.cloud_manager.upload(trans=trans, history_id=history_id, provider=provider, bucket_name=bucket, objects=objects, credentials=credentials, input_args=payload.get("input_args", None)) rtv = [] for dataset in datasets: rtv.append(self.datasets_serializer.serialize_to_view(dataset, view='summary')) return rtv
[docs] @expose_api def download(self, trans, payload, **kwargs): """ * POST /api/cloud/storage/download Downloads a given dataset in a given history to a given cloud-based bucket. Each dataset is named using the label assigned to the dataset in the given history (see `HistoryDatasetAssociation.name`). If no dataset ID is given, this API copies all the datasets belonging to a given history to a given cloud-based bucket. :type trans: galaxy.web.framework.webapp.GalaxyWebTransaction :param trans: Galaxy web transaction :type payload: dictionary :param payload: A dictionary structure containing the following keys: * history_id the (encoded) id of history from which the object should be downloaed. * provider: the name of a cloud-based resource provider (e.g., `aws`, `azure`, or `openstack`). * bucket: the name of a bucket to which data should be downloaded (e.g., a bucket name on AWS S3). * credentials: a dictionary containing all the credentials required to authenticated to the specified provider (e.g., {"secret_key": YOUR_AWS_SECRET_TOKEN, "access_key": YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_TOKEN}). * dataset_ids: [Optional; default: None] A list of encoded dataset IDs belonging to the specified history that should be downloaded to the given bucket. If not provided, Galaxy downloads all the datasets belonging the specified history. * overwrite_existing: [Optional; default: False] A boolean value. If set to "True", and an object with same name of the dataset to be downloaded already exist in the bucket, Galaxy replaces the existing object with the dataset to be downloaded. If set to "False", Galaxy appends datetime to the dataset name to prevent overwriting an existing object. :param kwargs: :rtype: dictionary :return: Information about the downloaded datasets, including downloaded_dataset_labels and destination bucket name. """ missing_arguments = [] encoded_history_id = payload.get("history_id", None) if encoded_history_id is None: missing_arguments.append("history_id") provider = payload.get("provider", None) if provider is None: missing_arguments.append("provider") bucket = payload.get("bucket", None) if bucket is None: missing_arguments.append("bucket") credentials = payload.get("credentials", None) if credentials is None: missing_arguments.append("credentials") if len(missing_arguments) > 0: raise ActionInputError("The following required arguments are missing in the payload: {}".format(missing_arguments)) try: history_id = self.decode_id(encoded_history_id) except exceptions.MalformedId as e: raise ActionInputError('Invalid history ID. {}'.format(e)) encoded_dataset_ids = payload.get("dataset_ids", None) if encoded_dataset_ids is None: dataset_ids = None else: dataset_ids = set() invalid_dataset_ids = [] for encoded_id in encoded_dataset_ids: try: dataset_ids.add(self.decode_id(encoded_id)) except exceptions.MalformedId: invalid_dataset_ids.append(encoded_id) if len(invalid_dataset_ids) > 0: raise ActionInputError("The following provided dataset IDs are invalid, please correct them and retry. " "{}".format(invalid_dataset_ids)) uploaded = self.cloud_manager.download(trans=trans, history_id=history_id, provider=provider, bucket_name=bucket, credentials=credentials, dataset_ids=dataset_ids, overwrite_existing=payload.get("overwrite_existing", False)) return {'downloaded_dataset_labels': uploaded, 'bucket_name': bucket}