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Source code for galaxy.web.framework.helpers

Galaxy web framework helpers

The functions in this module should be considered part of the API used by
visualizations in their mako files through the `$h` object, see
GalaxyWebTransaction in galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from babel import default_locale
from babel.dates import format_timedelta
from routes import url_for

from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.json import safe_dumps as dumps  # noqa: F401
from .tags import (
from ..base import server_starttime

[docs]def time_ago(x): """ Convert a datetime to a string. """ # If the date is more than one week ago, then display the actual date instead of in words if datetime.utcnow() - x > timedelta(weeks=1): # Greater than a week difference return x.strftime("%b %d, %Y") else: # Workaround https://github.com/python-babel/babel/issues/137 kwargs = dict() if not default_locale('LC_TIME'): kwargs['locale'] = 'en_US_POSIX' return format_timedelta(x - datetime.utcnow(), threshold=1, add_direction=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def iff(a, b, c): """ Ternary shortcut """ if a: return b else: return c
[docs]def truncate(content, length=100, suffix='...'): """ Smart string truncation """ if len(content) <= length: return content else: return content[:length].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] + suffix
# Quick helpers for static content
[docs]def css(*args): """ Take a list of stylesheet names (no extension) and return appropriate string of link tags. Cache-bust with time that server started running on """ urls = (url_for("/static/style/%s.css?v=%s" % (name, server_starttime)) for name in args) return stylesheet_link(*urls)
[docs]def js_helper(prefix, *args): """ Take a prefix and list of javascript names and return appropriate string of script tags. Cache-bust with time that server started running on """ urls = (url_for("/%s%s.js?v=%s" % (prefix, name, server_starttime)) for name in args) return javascript_link(*urls)
[docs]def js(*args): """ Take a prefix and list of javascript names and return appropriate string of script tags. """ return js_helper('static/scripts/', *args)
[docs]def templates(*args): """ Take a list of template names (no extension) and return appropriate string of script tags. """ return js_helper('static/scripts/templates/compiled/', *args)
# Hashes
[docs]def md5(s): """ Return hex encoded md5 hash of string s """ m = hash_util.md5() m.update(smart_str(s)) return m.hexdigest()
# Unicode help
[docs]def to_unicode(a_string): """ Convert a string to unicode in utf-8 format; if string is already unicode, does nothing because string's encoding cannot be determined by introspection. """ return unicodify(a_string, 'utf-8')
[docs]def is_true(val): """ Returns true if input is a boolean and true or is a string and looks like a true value. """ return val is True or val in ['True', 'true', 'T', 't']