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Source code for galaxy.queue_worker

Galaxy control queue and worker.  This is used to handle 'app' control like
reloading the toolbox, etc., across multiple processes.

import logging
import sys
import threading
from inspect import ismodule

from kombu import Connection
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
from kombu.pools import producers
from six.moves import reload_module

import galaxy.queues
from galaxy import util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def send_local_control_task(app, task, kwargs={}): """ This sends a message to the process-local control worker, which is useful for one-time asynchronous tasks like recalculating user disk usage. """ log.info("Queuing async task %s for %s." % (task, app.config.server_name)) payload = {'task': task, 'kwargs': kwargs} try: c = Connection(app.config.amqp_internal_connection) with producers[c].acquire(block=True) as producer: producer.publish(payload, exchange=galaxy.queues.galaxy_exchange, declare=[galaxy.queues.galaxy_exchange] + [galaxy.queues.control_queue_from_config(app.config)], routing_key='control.%s' % app.config.server_name) except Exception: log.exception("Error queueing async task: %s.", payload)
[docs]def send_control_task(app, task, noop_self=False, kwargs={}): """ This sends a control task out to all processes, useful for things like reloading a data table, which needs to happen individually in all processes. """ log.info("Sending %s control task." % task) payload = {'task': task, 'kwargs': kwargs} if noop_self: payload['noop'] = app.config.server_name try: c = Connection(app.config.amqp_internal_connection) with producers[c].acquire(block=True) as producer: control_queues = galaxy.queues.all_control_queues_for_declare(app.config, app.application_stack) producer.publish(payload, exchange=galaxy.queues.galaxy_exchange, declare=[galaxy.queues.galaxy_exchange] + control_queues, routing_key='control') except Exception: # This is likely connection refused. # TODO Use the specific Exception above. log.exception("Error sending control task: %s.", payload)
# Tasks -- to be reorganized into a separate module as appropriate. This is # just an example method. Ideally this gets pushed into atomic tasks, whether # where they're currently invoked, or elsewhere. (potentially using a dispatch # decorator).
[docs]def create_panel_section(app, **kwargs): """ Updates in memory toolbox dictionary. """ log.debug("Updating in-memory tool panel") app.toolbox.create_section(kwargs)
[docs]def reload_tool(app, **kwargs): params = util.Params(kwargs) tool_id = params.get('tool_id', None) log.debug("Executing reload tool task for %s" % tool_id) if tool_id: app.toolbox.reload_tool_by_id(tool_id) else: log.error("Reload tool invoked without tool id.")
[docs]def reload_toolbox(app, **kwargs): reload_timer = util.ExecutionTimer() log.debug("Executing toolbox reload on '%s'", app.config.server_name) reload_count = app.toolbox._reload_count if hasattr(app, 'tool_cache'): app.tool_cache.cleanup() _get_new_toolbox(app) app.toolbox._reload_count = reload_count + 1 send_local_control_task(app, 'rebuild_toolbox_search_index') log.debug("Toolbox reload %s", reload_timer)
def _get_new_toolbox(app): """ Generate a new toolbox, by constructing a toolbox from the config files, and then adding pre-existing data managers from the old toolbox to the new toolbox. """ from galaxy import tools from galaxy.tools.special_tools import load_lib_tools if hasattr(app, 'tool_shed_repository_cache'): app.tool_shed_repository_cache.rebuild() tool_configs = app.config.tool_configs if app.config.migrated_tools_config not in tool_configs: tool_configs.append(app.config.migrated_tools_config) new_toolbox = tools.ToolBox(tool_configs, app.config.tool_path, app) new_toolbox.data_manager_tools = app.toolbox.data_manager_tools app.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters(new_toolbox, use_cached=True) app.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool(new_toolbox) load_lib_tools(new_toolbox) [new_toolbox.register_tool(tool) for tool in new_toolbox.data_manager_tools.values()] app.toolbox = new_toolbox
[docs]def reload_data_managers(app, **kwargs): reload_timer = util.ExecutionTimer() from galaxy.tools.data_manager.manager import DataManagers log.debug("Executing data managers reload on '%s'", app.config.server_name) if hasattr(app, 'tool_shed_repository_cache'): app.tool_shed_repository_cache.rebuild() app._configure_tool_data_tables(from_shed_config=False) reload_tool_data_tables(app) reload_count = app.data_managers._reload_count app.data_managers = DataManagers(app) app.data_managers._reload_count = reload_count + 1 if hasattr(app, 'tool_cache'): app.tool_cache.reset_status() if hasattr(app, 'watchers'): app.watchers.update_watch_data_table_paths() log.debug("Data managers reloaded %s", reload_timer)
[docs]def reload_display_application(app, **kwargs): display_application_ids = kwargs.get('display_application_ids', None) log.debug("Executing display application reload task for %s" % display_application_ids) app.datatypes_registry.reload_display_applications(display_application_ids)
[docs]def reload_sanitize_whitelist(app): log.debug("Executing reload sanitize whitelist control task.") app.config.reload_sanitize_whitelist()
[docs]def recalculate_user_disk_usage(app, **kwargs): user_id = kwargs.get('user_id', None) sa_session = app.model.context if user_id: user = sa_session.query(app.model.User).get(app.security.decode_id(user_id)) if user: user.calculate_and_set_disk_usage() else: log.error("Recalculate user disk usage task failed, user %s not found" % user_id) else: log.error("Recalculate user disk usage task received without user_id.")
[docs]def reload_tool_data_tables(app, **kwargs): params = util.Params(kwargs) log.debug("Executing tool data table reload for %s" % params.get('table_names', 'all tables')) table_names = app.tool_data_tables.reload_tables(table_names=params.get('table_name', None)) log.debug("Finished data table reload for %s" % table_names)
[docs]def rebuild_toolbox_search_index(app, **kwargs): if app.toolbox_search.index_count < app.toolbox._reload_count: app.reindex_tool_search()
[docs]def reload_job_rules(app, **kwargs): reload_timer = util.ExecutionTimer() default = 'galaxy.jobs.rules' rules_module_name = default if app.job_config.dynamic_params is not None: rules_module_name = app.job_config.dynamic_params.get('rules_module', default) for name, module in sys.modules.items(): if (name == rules_module_name or name.startswith(rules_module_name + '.')) and ismodule(module): log.debug("Reloading job rules module: %s", name) reload_module(module) log.debug("Job rules reloaded %s", reload_timer)
[docs]def admin_job_lock(app, **kwargs): job_lock = kwargs.get('job_lock', False) # job_queue is exposed in the root app, but this will be 'fixed' at some # point, so we're using the reference from the handler. app.job_manager.job_lock = job_lock log.info("Administrative Job Lock is now set to %s. Jobs will %s dispatch." % (job_lock, "not" if job_lock else "now"))
control_message_to_task = {'create_panel_section': create_panel_section, 'reload_tool': reload_tool, 'reload_toolbox': reload_toolbox, 'reload_data_managers': reload_data_managers, 'reload_display_application': reload_display_application, 'reload_tool_data_tables': reload_tool_data_tables, 'reload_job_rules': reload_job_rules, 'admin_job_lock': admin_job_lock, 'reload_sanitize_whitelist': reload_sanitize_whitelist, 'recalculate_user_disk_usage': recalculate_user_disk_usage, 'rebuild_toolbox_search_index': rebuild_toolbox_search_index}
[docs]class GalaxyQueueWorker(ConsumerMixin, threading.Thread): """ This is a flexible worker for galaxy's queues. Each process, web or handler, will have one of these used for dispatching so called 'control' tasks. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app, queue=None, task_mapping=control_message_to_task, connection=None): super(GalaxyQueueWorker, self).__init__() log.info("Initializing %s Galaxy Queue Worker on %s", app.config.server_name, util.mask_password_from_url(app.config.amqp_internal_connection)) self.daemon = True if connection: self.connection = connection else: self.connection = app.amqp_internal_connection_obj # explicitly force connection instead of lazy-connecting the first # time it is required. self.connection.connect() self.app = app # Eventually we may want different workers w/ their own queues and task # mappings. Right now, there's only the one. if queue: # Allows assignment of a particular queue for this worker. self.control_queue = queue else: # Default to figuring out which control queue to use based on the app config. queue = galaxy.queues.control_queue_from_config(app.config) self.task_mapping = task_mapping self.declare_queues = galaxy.queues.all_control_queues_for_declare(app.config, app.application_stack)
# TODO we may want to purge the queue at the start to avoid executing # stale 'reload_tool', etc messages. This can happen if, say, a web # process goes down and messages get sent before it comes back up. # Those messages will no longer be useful (in any current case)
[docs] def bind_and_start(self): log.info("Binding and starting galaxy control worker for %s", self.app.config.server_name) self.control_queue = galaxy.queues.control_queue_from_config(self.app.config) self.start()
[docs] def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): return [Consumer(queues=self.control_queue, callbacks=[self.process_task])]
[docs] def process_task(self, body, message): if body['task'] in self.task_mapping: if body.get('noop', None) != self.app.config.server_name: try: f = self.task_mapping[body['task']] log.info("Instance '%s' received '%s' task, executing now.", self.app.config.server_name, body['task']) f(self.app, **body['kwargs']) except Exception: # this shouldn't ever throw an exception, but... log.exception("Error running control task type: %s", body['task']) else: log.warning("Received a malformed task message:\n%s" % body) message.ack()
[docs] def shutdown(self): self.should_stop = True